Packaging Meat Products- Advantages and Marketing Strategies

Learn more about why packaged meats are an essential part for your business. Also learn about their advantages and market strategies that are used.

Meat is usually a traditional diet in most parts of the world. With the increase of population, there was an increase in the quantity of meat products as well. Processed meat products are technologically advanced because they are seasoned with special herbs and spices.

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Packaged meat usually retains the shape and texture of the original cut as it is preserved for a long period of time. Smoked meat is preserved through the use of heat, smoke and salt. Pickled meat is prepared by adding vinegar to the solution. Dry meat is one of the oldest method of preserving meat. It involves cutting meat into small strips and leaving in an open environment so that the heat can reduce the water content. Fermented meat is usually ground, spiced and prepared in the shape of sausages.

If you want to learn more about the meat products in Armenian, then you can take advantage of the Armenian Meat Products Translation. There are several advantages of packaged meats products and how these products can be best used for advertising.

Advantages of Packaging

A lot of people have become health conscious so, they like to buy packaged foods. Proper packaging of your meat products can protect from damage and contamination by micro-organisms, air, moisture and toxins. The packaged meat product also acts as a barrier from bacteria, oxygen, dust etc.  Packaging can easily help your customers to compare between similar products. The color, material and size of the package also gives information about the quality of the meat product.

One of the best way to package your meat products is by using the vacuum packaging method. This is very essential because it prevents your meat products from bacterial growth without stopping the natural aging process. Vacuum packaged meat is a little pale once it is opened due to lack of oxygen but within a while it blossoms into a cherry red color. Once the vacuum has been broken you can only use the meat products within four to five days.

According to the medical studies, it is very important to package your meat products. For additional reference, you can use the Medical Translation Services for those customers who cannot understand your language.

Marketing Your Packaged Products

When you go to a store, the shelves are full of various products stored in bottles, jars, boxes and other containers. Similarly, the same goes for packaged meat products. You will find several types of packaged meat products such as undercut meat, sausages, nuggets, ham, hot dogs, beef patties and many more.

According to the studies, packaging your meat products can increase customer satisfaction and also can be easily noticed. In addition, packaging plays a significant role in the labelling the product. It can also attract the customers by giving them a variety of packaged meat products to choose from. Packaging can also help in increasing the sales by sharing information about the product such as nutritional information, usage or directions. If you want to properly advertise your meat products, try not to hire the Cheap Translation Services just because they are cost effective. Get the best translation services especially for people who have no knowledge of English.

If you have customers all over the world, you can hire the Global Translation Services that will be very helpful and will translate the information about your meat products in all the different languages. Moreover, if you are starting a business in ArmeniaArticle Search, make use of the Armenian Meat Products Translation.

Source: Free Articles from

Web Development Guide

Website development is the process of creating or developing website. We can define the web development as presentation of information in organized and lucrative manner. This process involves graphic design, animation, website coding, photography, search engine optimization. However among web professionals, web development usually refers to non-design aspects of building websites, like writing markup and coding. Commonly websites have two types of pages dynamic or static. The dynamic page automatically adapt to content or visual appearance of web page.

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Now let’s talk about the main four major stages in the process of developing a website. These four stages are website definition and planning, information architecture, site design, and site construction.

The first step is to define your goals and objectives for website. Then collect and analyze the information you have to justify the budget and resources. Write website contents, which fill out the reader’s expectations. Define interactive functionality and technology support required to reach the mind of a visitor. Involve the design aspect as soon as possible in this stage.

In second stage you need to finalize the contents as well as organization of the website. Here add new content in the existing contents if required and define the organization structure. With this content architecture you should build small prototypes parts of the sites to test what it feel like and how design looks with this contents. This prototyping will help you in site navigation and user interface. It also helps the graphic designers to develop relation between site look and navigation interface.

In third phase overall graphic design standards are created and approved like page grid, page design, photography, illustrations, and other graphic or audiovisual content. Research, writing, organizing, assembling, and editing the site’s text content is also performed at this stage. The programming, database design, data entry and search engine design should be well over and finalize by now.

In the final stage of the project the bulk of the site’s web pages constructed and filled out with content. You will always learn new things about your overall design as the prototype matures into the full-blown web site. Be prepared to refine your designs as you and your users navigate through the growing web site and discover both weak spots and opportunities to improve navigation or content.

By waiting until you have detail site architecture, mature content components, fully tested wireframes and prototypes, and a polished page design specification you will minimize the content churning, redundant development efforts, and wasted energy that inevitably result from rushing to create pages too soon. Once the site has been constructed, with all pages completed and all database and programming components linked, it is ready for user testing. Testing should be done primarily by people outside your site development team who are willing to supply informed criticism and report programming bugs, note typographic errors, and critique the overall design and effectiveness of the site. Fresh users will inevitably notice things that you and your development team have overlooked. Only after the site has been thoroughly tested and refined should you begin to publicize the url of the site to a larger audience.

The evolution of Ford Pick-up Trucks

Ford Pick-up trucks are very popular around the world especially in United States and Canada because of their reliability, power, face value and durability. It is believed that Ford built their pick-up trucks to be very tough that many rednecks as well as adventure lovers prefer to use it for heavy duty purpose. When we speak about Ford pick-up trucks, it is not possible for us to skip discussions about the F-Series.

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The Ford’s F-Series refers to the series of full-sized pickup trucks that have been in the market for more than 50 years now. Out of all the models included in the F-series and automotive repair manuals , the most popular is the F-150. It was considered as the top-selling vehicle in the United States for around 23 years and was characterized as the best-selling truck for more than 30 years excluding the joint sales of General Motors pickup trucks. It has also been claimed by the automobile analysts that Ford’s F-series alone comprise half of the company’s income for the past few years. Other popular models within the F-series include the F-250 HD and F-350 whose bodies were modified to fit the Super Duty series in their tenth generation.

Ford pickup trucks or the F-series and haynes repair manuals have undergone 12 generations of improvements and modifications since 1948 until 2010. The first generation was in between 1948-1952, second generation from 1953-1956, the third generation from 1957-1960, fourth generation from 1961- 1966, fifth from 1967-1972, the sixth from 1973-1979, the seventh from 1980-1986, the eight from 1987-1991, ninth from 1992-1996, tenth from 1997-2004, eleventh from 2004-2008, and the twelfth was from 2009 up to the present.

At least the first five generations of the Ford pickup trucks include models which have very vintage looks. Early models looked very masculine to the point that interior comfort is not so satisfactory as compared to more recent models. Moreover, the early designs of Ford pickup trucks possessed very poor aerodynamics because of their very bulky faces that produce a lot of air drag while travelling. Poor aerodynamics means that they are not advisable to be driven in high speeds or they are not capable to run that fast at the first place. The present generation of Ford pickup trucks look more elegant. A lot of improvements and innovations have been made to the present generation of Ford pickup trucks such as the F-100, F-150, F-250, F-300, and F-350. Recent models also come in several variations such as the type of fuel that the engine needs in order to run. It could either be gasoline or diesel. In addition, buyers can also choose whether they want it in four wheel drive or two wheel drives. Four wheel drive variations are usually the more expensive and powerful ones as they are being used to climb mountains and the roughest of the terrains. The two wheel drive on the other hand is very convenient for transporting heavy loads within the city where the streets are not so difficult to manage. The twelfth generation of Ford pickup trucks boasts a lot of exciting enhancements. You can ask the nearest Ford dealer in your area for the details.

Packaging as a professional, with smart packaging methods

Kitchen packaging will look like a toy. Protect and pack the fragile items of your kitchen with the following methods and with little care to transport them, they will reach your new home safely.

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How do I pack dishes?

Preparing the carton: Select a medium-sized carton and align the bottom with crumpled wrapping paper.

Cover the plate: Place the plate in the center of the wrapping paper. Grab an angle of multiple sheets of paper at a time and pull it over the plate. It should be fully covered.

Stack and Cover: Place a second plate over the first and, clockwise, grasp the next corner of the paper and pull it over the second plate. Place a third plate. Grab the other two corners and fold up the plate as you did with the first two corners. For smaller dishes, you can stack larger quantities together. As a rule, stacks should not exceed the diameter of the plate.

Wrap: Turn the wrapped stack of plates upside down on your paper. Wrap all dishes together. Start with a corner of the wrapping paper and pull two sheets over the plates. Cover the beam again by pulling the next corner, then the third corner and then the fourth. For non-fragile dishes, you can pack five or six in a stack. ????????? ?????.

Packaging: Seal the stack with a wrapping tape and place it in a carton so that the plates stand apart.

Glass bowl packaging

Position: Load a cup (-pol) to one corner of the wrapping paper. Pull the nearest corner of the paper over the cup.

Add another glass: So create a “nest” for a second cup, next to the first cup, with the paper between the two.

Pull and Wrap: Pull the two side corners up, one by one, and press into the second cup.

Roll and Pack: Hold the two cups together and roll them to the other corner. Place the cups (-poles) vertically, with the top of the glass down, near the top of the carton. Do not stack heavy objects above them.

Packaging of glass beads

Fill the Glasses: Before wrapping the glass, fill them with wrapping paper.

Wrap: Place the glass in the corner of the wrapping paper and roll with one or two full turns (depending on size). Bring the sides of the wrapping paper to the glass and continue to roll it over the opposite corner of the paper you just brought. You can use bubble wrap if you want extra protection.

Packaging and label: Place the glasses towards the top of the box (Place heavier objects – plates, jugs, etc. – down). They should be positioned vertically, with the top of the glass facing down, – never horizontally. As you pack each layer of a carton, wrap crumpled wrapping paper in the gaps for greater security. Add a brittle label to the cartonPsychology Articles, as well as what it contains.

Source: Free Articles from

How to locate no credit check auto loans in Las Vegas

You can still buy a vehicle even if you have had a bankruptcy or repossession on your record. There are $500 down dealers that will work with bad credit and still provide no credit check auto loans in Las Vegas. The hard part is finding these.

There are many conventional dealers that claim to be able to handle bad credit situations. Most of the conventional dealerships all use similar financial institutions to handle their loans. It is also their job to to get you to visit the dealership with the hope that they might be able to get you approved for a loan. In fact most dealers require their salesmen have any customer they speak with on the phone visit the dealership regardless of their credit. No matter what conventional dealership you visit, tell you over the phone that they can get you into a car, if your credit is bad enough you will not be approved.

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This is the big reason why people get turned down at multiple dealerships. In a perfect world everyone would be able to buy a car regardless of their credit, however that is not the world that we live in. If you need a car and the conventional dealership will not be able to get you approved there are dealers that have in house financing that can.

AnyCreditCarConnection ( is a free service that will connect you quickly to bad credit car dealers throughout Las Vegas Nevada and bad credit auto dealerships to receive no credit check auto loans in Las Vegas, NV.

This fast and no cost service lets you connect instantly to no credit check car loans in Las Vegas that will easily find you an excellent deal with a $500 down car dealer on a quality vehicle, with 1-2 year warranty programs standard on the car as well as discounts on service and oil changes.

Natural death confirmed for man who died on Disney World roller coaster

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The man who died while riding the Expedition Everest roller coaster at Walt Disney World‘s Animal Kingdom indeed had prior medical conditions, Orlando, Florida officials say.

The Orange County medical examiner determined in a Tuesday autopsy that 44-year-old Navarre, Florida man Jeffery Reed had an existing heart condition.

The Walt Disney World website for the ride says:

WARNING! For safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by this adventure. Expectant mothers should not ride.

Similar signs exist at the entrance to the ride.

The man was given CPR after being pulled off the ride unconscious, and was taken in an ambulance to Celebration Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Reed was believed to have been conscious at least 50 seconds before the ride ended, when a camera took a picture of him. Cameras are sometimes placed on roller coasters so that riders can buy a photo of themselves as they go down a hill.

Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Thomas commented, that “when millions of people walk through your parks every year, it is a statistical certainty that some of them will die. When that happens on a ride, we often tell you about it under a banner headline. It becomes a worldwide story. But if you did the math, you would find that per capita no more people die in Disney than in any other large gathering place.”

There was no defibrillator available to Disney employees when the man collapsed, and paramedics took five minutes to arrive with such equipment. Disney has 500 defibrillators at its resort, however only two are at the Animal Kingdom park. Neither are stored at rides.

Disney has said it will order 200 more defibrillators, which for the most part will be placed at public restrooms, ensuring they are easily identifiable. Restrooms are also statistically one of the most likely places for seniors to die; these deaths are referred to by paramedics as a “commode code”.

Police originally identified the man as “Jeffery Reed”, where his name was actually “Jeffery Chalmers Reeb”; the name on police reports was correct, however.

Since 1989, 15 people have died while riding on rides at the park; many who have died on park rides have had prior aliments.

A four-year-old who died on the Body Wars ride in 1995 had a cardiac conduction defect, which is a congenital heart condition; the mother insisted the girl had no history of health problems, but relatives told officials that the girl was being treated at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston for undisclosed reasons.

Autopsy of a boy who died on Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster in 2006 found he too had a congenital heart problem. In 2006, a 49-year-old German tourist died in a hospital after she fell ill on the Mission: Space ride, from bleeding brain caused by high blood pressure, not provoked by the ride.

Wikinews interviews Frank McEnulty, independent candidate for US President

Saturday, February 16, 2008

While nearly all cover of the 2008 Presidential election has focused on the Democratic and Republican candidates, there are small political parties offering candidates, and those who choose to run without a party behind them, independents.

Wikinews is interviewing some of these citizens who are looking to become the 43rd person elected to serve their nation from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

First off is Long Beach, California’s Frank McEnulty (b. 1956), a married father of two with an MBA (Venture Management) and BS (Accounting/Finance).

Public disclosure made of final report on deaths of nine in Finnish school shooting

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation yesterday released 600 pages of the 2,000 page final report into the Jokela school shooting. 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen opened fire at Jokela High School, killing eight before turning his gun on himself, receiving fatal wounds.

The remaining 1,400 pages of the report are to remain confidential. The public section reveals a number of problems that may have impacted on Auvinen’s decision to conduct the attack, but says that police failed to find any conclusive motive. Also released was an animation depicting events at the school.

The report says Auvinen had been bullied since the age of ten and concludes the extent of this problem was greater than previously thought. Auvinen suffered from anxiety and blushing, especially in lessons, and had been diagnosed with a panic disorder, for which he had been prescribed medication. Auvinen also suffered from sleep disorders and loneliness, and had few friends, although one former bully did go on to become a good friend of Auvinen’s. His mother said inability to settle on a suitable ideology contributed to Auvinen’s depression.

His parents had noticed and reacted to the bullying problem, but their intervention only served to worsen the situation. According to entries in Auvinen’s diary, he first began planning the shooting – which he gave the English name “Operation Main Strike” – about eight months prior to actually conducting the shooting.

Auvinen had told his mother that under certain circumstances he could approve of violence. He had often viewed web sites promoting violence and had a number of online contacts whom he discussed his ideas with. One of these was a United States teen arrested for planning a similar attack, and two others discussed the Columbine High School Massacre with him and traded videos they found online. However, there is no evidence he informed anyone of his plans until immediately prior to the attack.

The report called Auvinen a moderately good student, but noted his mental problems had impacted his performance at school. He had been interested in politics from an early age, being involved with the Centre Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Left Alliance, and the Finnish Communist Party.

“In the best case, this (attack) would create massive destruction and chaos, or even a revolution,” read one diary entry. “In any case, I want this to be remembered forever. Maybe I’ll even have a follower; after all, I am a super-person, almost God.” Another revealed he intended to “kill as many of you bastards as possible”. His diary also reveals he was aware he would be dead by the end of the attack.

He obtained a .22 calliber handgun which he named Catherine, having been denied a license for a 9mm gun, and submitted his plans online – including to YouTube – just 14 minutes prior to firing his first shots, having cycled to school. It was determined that, given the time-frame, there was little that could have been done by anyone who saw the material to prevent the attack. He fired 75 shots, 50 of which struck his eight fatally wounded victims, who were apparently chosen at random. Thirteen others were injured in the event.

The deceased were six students, the school headmistress and the school nurse. Auvinen shot at each several times in the region of the head and upper torso. He ultimately shot himself in the school toilet, and died in hospital from head wounds ten hours later, having never regained consciousness.

Police could not determine why he chose the date he did, although it was noted his online relationship with a foreign girl had ended just days before. It was also determined little could be done to predict and prevent future incidents, although one measure being sought is to require medical checks for gun licences and parental consent for prospective owners under 18.

The confidential section of the report discusses causes of death and police operations.

Ethics debate surrounds surgery to stunt disabled girl’s growth

Friday, January 5, 2007

An ethical controversy has surged in the United States and elsewhere around nine-year-old Ashley X (her family name has not been released). The disabled girl was operated upon at the request of her parents, to prevent her from growing, menstruating and developing breasts. The parents, who wish to remain anonymous, explain their situation on a blog entitled The “Ashley Treatment”. There have been over 1000 reactions on the blog so far.

Ashley suffers a condition termed static encephalopathy with marked global developmental deficits of unknown etiology, which means brain damage of unknown cause leading to a kind of static condition. She can make sounds, move her arms and kick her legs, but she cannot change her position, eat, walk, talk etc. Many of these children are in poor health and die young, but Ashley is in good health. For all of these functions she depends on her caregivers. Most of the day she passes watching her surrounding, lying on a pillow. Her parents call her their “Pillow Angel”, “since she is so sweet and stays right where we place her—usually on a pillow.”


Ashley can continue to delight in being held in our arms and will be moved and taken on trips more frequently and will have more exposure to activities and social gatherings.

-Ashley’s Mom and Dad

Ashley’s parents want to keep her at home and care for her themselves, and they want to guarantee their daughter’s quality of life. To this end, they say, Ashley underwent several surgical procedures and medical treatments during a period of three years. To attenuate her growth, Ashley was given high doses of the hormone estrogen. Ashley now measures 4ft 5 (1m 35cm) and weighs around 75 lbs (34 kg), which is below her expected length and weight. Her low body weight and size would improve her comfort, and at the same time facilitate the work of her caregivers.

Surgery to remove her uterus (a procedure called a hysterectomy) and breast buds were performed, so Ashley does not menstruate and will not develop breasts, both of which parents think only would cause her discomfort. Since high estrogen levels can cause menstrual bleeding and breast development, the surgery was also meant to limit these effects. She also underwent surgery to remove her appendix, because it would be difficult to diagnose appendicitis given Ashley’s low communication possibilities.

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