US Representative Anthony Weiner resigns over sexual conduct

Friday, June 17, 2011

Anthony Weiner announced his resignation yesterday afternoon as a Democratic representative from New York to the U.S. House of Representatives, a position he has filled for twelve years. He has been under pressure from politicians within his own party after a sex scandal engulfed his life and that of the Democratic party.

Weiner told reporters it was “impossible” to continue in his role after the events of the last few weeks, including revelations that he was involved in sexual relationships with a number of young women over the internet, including sending lewd photos of himself, and then lying about his actions to reporters.

He announced his resignation at a press conference in a Brooklyn senior center where 20 years ago he began his political career and apologized for his “personal mistakes”. His wife, Huma Abedin, did not accompany him, but Weiner apologized to her in his speech, saying that he hopes “most importantly, that my wife and I can continue to heal from the damage that I’ve caused.” He took no questions from reporters.

On June 6, Weiner had admitted to corresponding with women he met on the internet, including exchanging lewd photos. But on June 11 he declared in an emotional interview he would not resign. Under pressure from Democrats, Weiner requested a two-week leave of absence from his position in order to obtain treatment to become “a better husband and healthier person.”

However, Democratic politicians became increasingly anxious to put the growing scandal behind them, as it distracted members from more important issues such as problems with Medicare and the need for more jobs. As the scandal gained momentum, a variety of politicians, including Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, called on him to resign. President Barack Obama said he would resign if he were in Weiner’s place in an interview with ABC News.

“Weiner exercised poor judgment in his actions and poor judgment in his reaction to the revelations,” Pelosi said in a statement after Weiner announced his resignation. “Today, he made the right judgment in resigning.”

The scandal came to light May 27 after Weiner accidentally sent a photograph of his crotch on his public stream on the social networking website Twitter, and then tried to cover it up by blaming hackers for posting the picture, denying all responsibility.

Weiner later admitted sending online messages to other women, including to a 17-year-old high school student in Delaware, though a police investigation uncovered nothing illegal. On Wednesday, a former porn actress revealed that she had engaged in an online relationship with Weiner and that Weiner had asked her to lie about the nature of their contact.

More photos have continued to emerge, including one showing his nude genitals, and others showing him half naked. On Wednesday, the National Enquirer published images of Weiner cross-dressing while he was a college student at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. In one photo, he is seen wearing a bra and pantyhose, while in another he is oiled and wearing swimming trunks.

Congressman Weiner exercised poor judgment in his actions and poor judgment in his reaction to the revelations. Today, he made the right judgment in resigning.

Colleagues said Weiner wanted to wait for the return home of his wife, Abedin, before making a final career decision. He has been married for almost a year to Abedin, who is pregnant with the couple’s first child. She is a top aide to Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, and the couple’s wedding was presided over by former President Bill Clinton. She returned home to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday morning after having traveled with Clinton in the Middle East and Africa since June 8.

Weiner’s district covers parts of Brooklyn and Queens, boroughs of New York City. He ran an unsuccessful campaign for mayor of New York City in 2005, and he was considered a potential candidate for future races. Known to be an outspoken supporter of liberal causes, he has irked conservatives and Democratic leaders. In 2009, he pushed for government-run health care, even though Obama had opposed the idea.

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Funkcija Vazdunog Kompresora I Filtera U Klima Ure’aju}

Funkcija vazdunog kompresora i filtera u klima ure’aju


Norma Llanas

Klima ure’aj je sastavljen od 3 najvanije komponente:

1. Kompresor za zrak2. Kondenzator3. Ispariva

U daljem tekstu se govori o vazdunim kompresorima i poloaju filtera za klimatizaciju. Kompresor se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru klima ure’aja. U kompresoru, tenost stie kao hladan benzin i ostavlja kao gorivo pod pritiskom. Potrebno je “u vazduhu pri atmosferskom naponu i isporuuje ga na bolji stres”.


Teni molekuli su toliko intenzivno upakovani da e poveati snagu i temperaturu. Da bi ova vitalnost pobjegla, spoljni dijelovi klima ure’aja imaju eline ploe, ekstra kao to se vidi u automobilima. Filteri oiste vazduh i pomau da se odri efikasnost ure’aja. uvajui vazduh istim samo mainom isti ist vazduh koji se nalazi u sobi.

Da bi se poboljala trajnost, filtri klima ure’aja treba oistiti svake 2 nedelje i zameniti ih unutar svakih 6 meseci. Ignoriui ovo podrazumijeva sniavanje mogunosti hla’enja klima ure’aja i poveanih rauna za elektrinu energiju jer e onda prouzrokovati vie elektrine energije. Kada se AC ne koristi, pokrijte ga tako to ete ponuditi ispravnu izolaciju. Ovo e osigurati da maina ostane zatiena ak i tokom vjebanja koja odgovara kinim i zimskim godinjim dobima.

Na tritu su dostupne razliite vrste filtera za klimatizaciju koji podseaju na filcove staklenih vlakana, filtri za otklanjanje stakla, elektronski filteri i filteri za uklanjanje mirisa. Ako vazduni kompresor nudi probleme, onda ga trebate proveriti i promijeniti dijelove. Pronalaenje alternativnih komponenti je problem koji je problem, jer sve firme nemaju istu zbirku komponenti.

U zavisnosti od pregleda vazdunih kompresora, svako kvalifikovano miljenje i pregled korisnika, biraju korporacije koje promoviu alternativne elemente kompresora. Pogledajte trenutne modele kompresora vazduha i napravite svoj izbor. Ako su finansije problem, onda procijenite trokove nekoliko firmi i izaberite najbolje u skladu s vrstinom i kvalitetom.

Autor Box sadri 4400 lanaka on-linePinky Savika pie lanke ve vie od 5 godina. Ne samo da se ovaj autor specijalizovao za teme blagostanja, plana hrane, fitnesa i gubitka teine, moete pogledati i najnovije lanke o recenzijama Air Compressor-a koji vam pruaju informacije o miljenjima vazdunog kompresora i filterima za klimatizaciju koji prui vam detalje o filterima za klimatizaciju.

tampaj lanak Izvjee Dodajte novo Napomena Izvrite kompresor i filtere u klima ure’ajuPrijavite se ili kreirajte nalog kako biste postavili komentar. * * Sigurnosni kod: Promena slike Povezane pretrage: Upravljajte vazdunim kompresorom i filterima u klima ure’ajuklima ure’aji klima kompresori prenosni klima ure’aji prenosni klima ure’aji cene goriva delovi kompresora vazdune karte gastritis klima ure’aji filteri gasa kilometraa povezani lanci Izvo’enje vazdunog kompresora i filtera u klima ure’ajuKlima ure’aj za seenjeIzdava: varalakshmi Jedinica za seenje klima ure’aja je ona koja ima dva glavna elementa odvojena jedna od druge, pri emu se jedna nalazi unutar konstrukcije, a druga je spoljanja. Centralni klima ure’aj je skoro sve vreme klimatizovano. Postoje i klima ure’aji zvani mini split klima ure’aji. Zksg Filter Air Compressor – Filteri – Filtriranje i razdvajanje TrgovinaIzdava: gaga Cementbruenje strategija proizvodnje vie od ambijentalnog vazduha koji sadri visoke koncentracije praine. Vazduni kompresor koristi filter za prainu preko jedinstvenog dizajna za sekundarni praini ekrana. Poto je prostor za sakupljanje mulja mali, Netease ica za utika moe samo filtrirati vei filter od mulja moe biti vrlo lo. Fantastina praina u vazduni kompresor usisnim cevima, deo blata koji je ostao u tijelu koji podie habanje cilindra, komad usisnog ventila, sedite Industrijski Koristi koritenje kompresora vazduhaIzdava: Michael Richards Neke maine u upotrebi odmah imaju prilino malo prednosti i olakavaju toliko posla ljudi. Kompresori vazduha su jedna od maina koja pomae u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Zbog naslova sugeriu da je upotreba maine… Dobro je poznavati alternativna pravila za kompresor klima ure’ajaIzdava: Gen Wright To nije tajna veini onih kojima je standard klima ure’aja odre’en efikasnou svog kompresora. Na isti nain, veliina vremena kojom e klima ure’aj konano zavisi od kvaliteta AC kompresora i naina na koji se odravaju. Prenosni vazduni kompresorAutor: Varalakshmi Autor je vezan za IPFonline. je Indijski broj 1 industrijskog pronalazaa proizvoda. Portal je pravi skladite znanja o industrijskim proizvodima / uslugama. Odravanje klima ure’ajaPisac: Agnes Odravanje klima ure’aja ne moe jednostavno zadrati klimatske ure’aje u prelepom nedostatku. U skladu sa istraivanjem, pogodno servisiranje klima ure’aja moe produiti ivot sa klima ure’ajem, ouvati elektrinu struju i uspeno spreiti bolesti koje proistiu iz vaeg klima ure’aja. Klima uredjaj ComboAutor: Nicole Roberts Kombinacija grejaa klima ure’aja je sjajna mogunost da dobijete najbolje od sviju svijeta i postaju vrlo razgovorni. Dok ljudi provode dodatno vrijeme u svojim kuama, ele da osiguraju da su u svakom trenutku udobni. Iako je klimatizacija odlina u letnjim mesecima tokom zime, grejalica je mnogo produktivnija. Imajui grejanje klima ure’aja, korisnici u kui e doivjeti potpunu satisfakciju. Klima ure’aji Blue StarWriter: readandbuy Blue Star je Indija najvea centralna kompanija za klimatizaciju koja ispunjava potrebe za klimatizacijom ogromnog broja kompanija i industrijskih potencijala. Blue Star se prvenstveno koncentrira na… Visokotlani klima ure’ajPisac: Anna Thomson Sada smo mnogo toga posvetili globalnom zagrevanju postavljanjem klima ure’aja u stanu. Me’utim, nije neuobiajeno videti, poveavajui trokove snage, to obezbe’uje agoniju. Neki od nas ak i ovaj monetarni instrument za dehumidifikaciju kue. U prosjeku vlasnik kue mora potroiti od 1.000 do 1.200 dolara na raune za elektrinu energiju potrebnih za grijanje kue u zimskom periodu i hladiti kuu u ljetnoj sezoni. Najbolji klima ure’ajPisac: Apple Wooden Airkondicioner je najdragoceniji faktor u ljetima Ovaj lanak je praten 14/04/2010 You may also likeTaylor Swift sija u svom kratkom rukavcu Gucci na ljubiastom tepihu na nagradama Grammy 2014

My name is Norma Llanas but everybody calls me Norma. I’m from Netherlands.

I’m studying at the college (1st year) and I play the Viola for 4 years. Usually I choose music from the famous films :). klime i rashlada Pogorica Crna Gora (advice here) have two sister. I love Exhibition Drill, watching movies and American football.

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US stocks slump as crude oil surges, gold hits 25 yr high

Friday, January 20, 2006

US stocks suffered their biggest declines in more than two years on concerns about oil supplies from Iran and Nigeria. Crude oil prices jumped to more than $68 a barrel, levels not seen since September last year. Gold hit a 25 year peak and last traded at $553.50 an ounce.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) slumped 213+ points today amid fears of Iran and terrorism. The index has now given up all its gains since the beginning of the year. Among its 30 components, only McDonalds ended the day in positive territory. Disappointing earnings dragged down shares of General Electric Co. and Citigroup Inc.

Since the start of the Q4 earnings season, many analysts have been reducing their earnings expectations. S&P 500 companies are now expected to report a profit growth of 12.7 percent, compared with earlier expectations of 15.5 percent. This analysis was done by Bloomberg using data from Thomson. Earnings growth is expected to slow down to 9.9 percent in the first quarter of this year.

Shares of GE gave up $1.35 to end at $33.33 after the firm reported its smallest earnings gain since 2004. GE is the world’s second largest firm by market value. Q4 earnings rose to 55 cents a share from 54 cents while revenue rose 2.6 percent to $40.7 billion, below analysts’ estimates.

The DJIA was dragged down by Citigroup, largest bank in US. Its stock fell $1.98 to $45.96. The company reported fourth-quarter earnings of $4.97 billion, or 98 cents a share. The earnings were below consensus estimates of $1.

Retrieved from “,_gold_hits_25_yr_high&oldid=4375803”

Media reports exaggerate cell phone risks again

Monday, September 22, 2008

Several mainstream news outlets have misstated and overstated a possible link between cellular phone use and decreased fertility in men. A single experiment, which has not yet been published in any peer reviewed journal or replicated by other scientists, observed an average decrease in sperm motility and an increase in free radicals among laboratory sperm samples that were exposed to radiation similar to the radiation produced by cellular phone use.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal of the Cleveland Clinic estimates the overall health impact of cellular phones as “very safe” and reassured a Cable News Network reporter that the research was too premature to advise lifestyle changes for the public. “Our study has not provided proof that you should stop putting cell phones in your pocket. There are many things that need to be proven before we get to that stage.” He noted that his own cell phone was in his trouser pocket while he was giving the interview. Dr. Agarwal is the lead researcher for the study and Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

Cell phone industry spokesman Joe Farren agreed with Dr. Agarwal’s assessment about the devices’ overall safety: “The weight of the published scientific evidence, in addition to the opinion of global health organizations, shows that there is no link between wireless usage and adverse health effects.”

The controlled experiment used sperm samples from thirty-two donors: twenty-three healthy men and nine men who had fertility problems. Sperm were then exposed to radiation for one hour at 850 megahertz, the most common frequency for cell phones in the United States. Dr. Agarwal’s study raises a possible concern that cell phones kept on belts or trouser pockets and used in conjunction with wireless bluetooth earpieces “could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads.” He also noted that follow-up research is needed to determine whether the body’s skin and other tissue affords protection from the potential damage.

Several news sources ran misleading reports that overstated the risk.

The Los Angeles Times asserted a fallacious causal relationship that Dr. Agarwhal had not drawn and ignored his opinions that cellular phones are safe and no change in phone use is necessary. Instead, the piece opened by ordering men to stop keeping cell phones in their pockets:

Do you think that cell phones are safe?
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“Attention male cellphone users of reproductive age: Take that phone out of your pocket. Information published today suggests that the radio-frequency energy released by cellphones decreases sperm quality in men.”

Ciol News ran a similar account:

“Beware men! Do you have the habit of keeping your mobile phone in the pockets of your trousers while talking on hand-free? Or do clip the mobile to your belt while talking? If so you are doing that at the cost of your fertility, warns a recent study.”

Mobile Magazine went a step further, also alluding to previous media exaggerations about cellular phone dangers:

“Oh no! It seems that mobile phones are getting even more problematic than ever. After getting linked to everything from migraines to cancer, it seems that the radiation from cell phones is now being connected to stupid sperm. Yes, I’m talking about the little swimmers that lead into a conversation about the birds and the bees.”

Mobile Magazine also ended in a misleading manner with “I wonder if it’s healthier to put your phone in your shirt pocket instead,” failing to mention that Dr. Agarwal had addressed that concern and had called it an unnecessary precaution.

Not all news sources overplayed the findings. CNN and United Press International ran balanced reports that did not suggest dangers or precautions beyond the lead researcher’s conclusions.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
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No hotel previously on site of proposed Buffalo, N.Y. hotel location

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Buffalo, New York —The Common Council requested on Tuesday that a picture be found on what many thought was the site of a previous hotel.

The Proposed Elmwood Village Hotel would be placed on the intersection of Elmwood and Forest. It was suspected by residents and business owners in the area that hotel once stood in the same spot.

The Elmwood Village hotel is a proposed development by Savarino Construction Services Corp. In order for the project to proceed, at least five buildings (1119-1121 Elmwood) would need to be demolished. All five houses are currently occupied by businesses and residents.

After some research, a freelance journalist writing for Wikinews was able to determine that there was never a hotel on the proposed Elmwood Village Hotel site. However; there was a temporary hotel located on the northeast corner of Elmwood and Forest.

Buffalo was the host of the Pan-American Exposition from May 1 until November 2, 1901. It was a fair designed to feature the latest in technology, including electricity. There was a midway, athletic events, and had African, Eskimo, and Mexican villages. However; what is likely the most famous event that took place at the exposition was the assassination of then President William McKinley on September 6, 1901. He was shot by Leon Czolgosz just outside the Temple of Music and died eight days later while in the home of John Milburn on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. Just a short time later, Theodore Roosevelt was inaugurated on September 14, 1901 at the Wilcox House on Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. Nearly eight million people attended the exposition.

During that time several hotels and rooming houses were built around the exposition including The Elmwood at 717 Elmwood, the Hotel Elmhurst at Forest and Lincoln Parkway, Hotel Gibbs 1005-1021 Elmwood, the R. Palmerton Merritt at 441 Forest and The Norman at 422 Forest. None of these hotels or rooming houses exist today.

Probably the most famous hotel that was built during the exposition was the Statler’s Pan-American Hotel built by Ellsworth Milton Statler A freelance journalist writing for Wikinews has obtained the only known reproduction photo of the hotel [pictured at the top]. The hotel stood on the northeast corner of Elmwood and Forest Avenues in Buffalo, had 2,100 sleeping rooms and accommodations for 5,000. At the time, the Statler was the largest hotel [based on the number of rooms] ever constructed. It was also the largest temporary hotel. It was three stories high, plastered on the inside, made mostly of wood and was covered with ornamental staff on the outside, which made it semi-fireproof. Every room was an outside room and was well lighted and ventilated. It was located within one block of the exposition’s main entrance.

The Statler was built for only one thing, the exposition. Work began in 1900 and finished just before the beginning of the exposition. When the exposition ended in November, the hotel was taken down.

Maps from 1894 show that there was no hotel, let alone any buildings or houses on the intersection. However; research did show that the homes 1119-1121 Elmwood, the buildings that would be demolished to build the Elmwood Village Hotel, were built sometime before 1915 but were not on the intersection prior to 1902.

Based on research conducted at the Buffalo Historical Society, it was concluded that between the years of 1890 and 1902, no other major hotel existed in the area. In fact, research had shown that almost every hotel built in the area, existed only during the time of the exposition.

Research also indicated a hotel or a rooming house at 1089 Elmwood around 1901-1903. The only known name of the hotel was the John C. Hill Hotel. The hotel was in the house now called the Atwater House. The house was the first house to be built on the east side of the block.

The Atwater House is currently vacant and owner Pano Georgiadis wants to demolish it to expand his restaurant. The house was built by 1894 and the original owner and builder of the house is currently unknown. Its earliest known occupant was Edward Atwater who in 1862 founded the oil refinery company of Atwater & Hawes in Buffalo. The site of this company was recently uncovered in the Canal District during an archeological dig.

At the moment, current research does not show any connection between the two men.

The exposition was a commercial failure and what profit Statler did make on the hotel, went to build another temporary hotel for the 1904 St. Louis Exhibition. That hotel was successful and the profit made from it was used to build the first permanent Statler Hotel at 107 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. The hotel is no longer in operation, but small offices are currently operating in parts of the building.

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Smoking: Good For Your Business’ Health

Submitted by: Iain Mackintosh

So, whether you love or hate the UK s smoking ban, it seems to have stuck, and the majority of the country seems to be in favour. Sorry smokers, but the smoking ban isn t going away anytime soon. But the cloud of thick smoke hanging above office entrances around the country does have a faint silver lining to it it opens the door for some excellent social opportunities! The exile of smokers has led to a sense of solidarity and joint state of exclusion that is the perfect breeding ground for friendship and business networking!

If you are based in a large office block like ours, the chances are you will not have met the majority of your neighbors. If you can t meet them, then it s impossible to get your foot in the door and make business allies. Fortunately, there seems to be at least one smoker in every office in the country, and as the hourly cigarette ritual occurs, the chances of meeting others is far greater now they are all forced outside. The smoking chats are ideal business networking opportunities.

Assuming you do manage to meet someone who should be interested in using your services huddled in the cold smoking chat outside your office, what should you do to ensure you grab their attention? Here are 5 top tips to business networking which should supplement their nicotine craving with a desire to become your customers:

1) Find a natural opening


This is the beauty of the UK smoking ban. If you are both outside puffing on a cigarette then you have at least one thing in common thus sidestepping the most awkward part of business networking at conferences. Combine this with the fact you both most likely work in the same building and you re away with a natural opening!

2) Have your business introduction primed and waiting

If you get the smoking chat going, it s only a matter of time before your job and company come into discussion. So what do you do? is something of a staple inquiry in the small talk arena and it s a golden opportunity for you. Be succinct and interesting the more long winded you are, the longer delay before your next nicotine fix! If you get a tell me more or some follow up questions, you know you ve succeeded and the business networking can begin in earnest.

3) Be enthusiastic and positive about your business

Sure, nobody is thrilled to be talking about their job all the time, but your (long-term) aim here is to sell. If you don t sound interested, positive and confident about what you do, then there s no reason for them to follow up with questions and ultimately business inquiries. This should all be part of your business networking preparation to make the talk engaging, however when you do deliver your spiel, be sure to speak clearly and sound as keen as it s natural to do so, without being off-putting!

4) Listen carefully

You know those gaps in your smoking chat where the other person is talking? Make sure you listen carefully and aren t thinking about what to say next or anxiously reading the side-of-packet health warning! This is foremost a relationship, and you can t maintain one effectively if you aren t listening to them properly. Also, they may mention something which you can bring up again later, either to prove you were listening or to link your business to theirs. Ignore this one at your peril.

5) Remember to follow up

This is crucial. If you make a contact who wants to hear more about your business, don t let the opportunity slip away. If you promise to send over more details about your products and services, be sure to do it as soon as you return from your smoking chat. If you say you ll drop by their office to discuss things further, make sure you get around to it, otherwise your future smoking chats will be awkward and you will have lost a valuable business associate. They say smoking kills, but not following up your smoking chat will kill your new friend s interest far quicker!

Not every smoker you meet will make an ideal business networking partner of course, but the time spent pandering to your addiction is far more valuable if you manage to get extra custom for your business in the process. Hey, the extra business you drum up may mean it s actually more costly to give up your smoking habit!

About the Author: Iain Mackintosh is the managing director of Simply-Docs. The firm provides over 1100 legal documents and templates covering all aspects of business from maternity leave laws to

contracts of employment



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Walloon region of Belgium officially recognises mosques

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Belgium’s French-speaking Walloon region has officially recognised 43 mosques, thus giving Islam the same rights as accorded to other religions in the region. They will be permitted to build minarets on their mosques, and Imams will be added to the government payroll, as is the case – for example – with Catholic priests.

Moves are afoot to apply for official recognition of a number of mosques in the other two main regions of Belgium: Brussels, and Flemish-speaking Flanders.

Most of the immigrant population in Belgium are Muslims, but until now the mosques were not yet officially recognised. The traditional faith in Belgium is Roman Catholicism. Other minor faiths are Protestant Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, and Judaism.

Buddhists also recently applied for official recognition as a religion in Belgium.

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Gastric bypass surgery performed by remote control

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A robotic system at Stanford Medical Center was used to perform a laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery successfully with a theoretically similar rate of complications to that seen in standard operations. However, as there were only 10 people in the experimental group (and another 10 in the control group), this is not a statistically significant sample.

If this surgical procedure is as successful in large-scale studies, it may lead the way for the use of robotic surgery in even more delicate procedures, such as heart surgery. Note that this is not a fully automated system, as a human doctor controls the operation via remote control. Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a treatment for obesity.

There were concerns that doctors, in the future, might only be trained in the remote control procedure. Ronald G. Latimer, M.D., of Santa Barbara, CA, warned “The fact that surgeons may have to open the patient or might actually need to revert to standard laparoscopic techniques demands that this basic training be a requirement before a robot is purchased. Robots do malfunction, so a backup system is imperative. We should not be seduced to buy this instrument to train surgeons if they are not able to do the primary operations themselves.”

There are precedents for just such a problem occurring. A previous “new technology”, the electrocardiogram (ECG), has lead to a lack of basic education on the older technology, the stethoscope. As a result, many heart conditions now go undiagnosed, especially in children and others who rarely undergo an ECG procedure.

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Working Resources Solutions With Factoring For Healthcare Professionals}

Submitted by: Wesley Hentz

Suitable Candidates for Accounts Receivable Factoring for Medical professionals:

Any type of company that provides a services or product to other creditworthy companies and is constrained by their daily capital scenario.

Does your business need:

1 Money to Cover Payroll?

2 Working Capital to Fuel Development?

3 Help with Capital Issues?

4 Assistance due to Bank Turn Downs or refusal to prolong present lines?

5 New Equipment to Grow?

Exactly what is factoring for Medical professionals?

In a conventional factoring for Physicians plan, a company really sells its receivables to another business (a “factor”) at a price cut. After the sale, the receivables equilibriums are continued the aspect’s annual report because title has passed. Since the aspect then owns the receivables, it generally provides all the needed credit, accountancy as well as collection solutions required to gather the receivables, consisting of presumption of the supreme loss exposure from the client debtor. The crucial difference between factoring for Medical professionals and also asset-based borrowing is ownership. In factoring for Doctors, the receivables are bought as well as had by the factor. In asset-based financing plans, balance dues are promised to the loan provider as safety and security for the financing, but the debtor retains ownership as well as complete command of the receivables and the worth of the receivables stays on the customer’s monetary statement.

Keeping the capital is an obstacle for all companies. Does your company face capital difficulties due to slow-moving paying consumers? Have you been required to decrease brand-new possibilities due to capital concerns?

The solutions may be Accounts Receivable Funding provided through Diversified Financing Solutions, Inc. Accounts Receivable Funding is quickly becoming a prominent choice for its versatility and also rapid treatment of required funding.

Why Accounts Receivable Funding is a Popular Choice in Today’s Commercial Globe

Accounts Receivable Financing or “factoring for Physicians” has been in existence for numerous years. Today, practically any-sized commercial that extends credit history to other businesses for solutions or items could take pleasure in the numerous benefits of Accounts Receivable Financing.

Simply specified, Balance due Financing is the exchange of creditworthy industrial accounts receivable for a prompt injection of functioning resources. When an invoice is produced, it might be purchased with a breakthrough of anywhere between 75 to 90 % of the net billing quantity. When your client pays the invoice, you will certainly obtain the reserve portion minus a nominal servicing cost.

Why Accounts Receivable Funding Makes Financial Feeling


Accounts Receivable Funding supplies several Advantages:

a) Preliminary funding is usually available between 5-7 commercial days upon invoice of completed official arrangements, then all future developments are moneyed within 24 hours.

) Accounts Receivable Financing does not develop a monetary obligation on your company’s balance sheet as well as typically not one other security (outside of the receivables) is necessaried.

c) The quantity of funding readily available to you is only limited by the credit reliability of your clients.

d) Accounts Receivable Financing focus on the creditworthiness of your customers instead of your economic past.

e) Accounts Receivable Financing permits quick accessibility to functioning funding, as opposed to waiting 30, 60 or 90 days to obtain payment from your customers, money is instantly readily available on need.

Accounts Receivable Financing Programs have actually been “normally” created by applying the following requirements in mind.

a) Your business has to be supplying a service or product to other credit worthwhile commercials (no customer sales).

) Your firm must be offering on terms.

c) Your business need to be billing behind (no pre-billing).

d) Your company have to have minimal month-to-month sales of at least $10,000 or annual sales of $120,000.

e) Your business is not needed to be in business for any sort of length of time.

f) Your firm needs to have the ability to create financial records (A/R as well as A/P aging reports, etc.).

g) Your business may have present and/or historical losses or a shortage net worth position.

Ideal Candidates.

1 Startups.

2 Companies suffering monetary problems.

3 Solution Firms.

4 Companies with seasonal orders.

5 Mature business seeking cash flow support.

6 Companies seeking credit assistance.

7 Commercials experiencing swift growth.

8 Non-bankable commercials.

An example of the application procedure:.

1. Complete the application.

2. Give your most current and also comprehensive accounts receivable aging record.

3. Supply your most detailed and also current accounts payable growing old guide.

4. Supply a real sample billing.

5. Offer a duplicate of your Articles of Incorporation/d. b.a. declaring.

6. Provide a duplicate of your client listing.

7. Some factoring for Medical professionals companies use monetary statements, others do not.

Preferred Industries.

1 Solution.

2 Temporary Staffing.

3 Safety companies.

4 Production.

5 Transportation.

6 Textile/Apparel.

7 Computer system Consulting.

8 Circulation Firms.

9 Laser printers.

10 Sub-Contractors.

11 All various other Industries.

Any sort of business that supplies a business-to-business services or product to an additional credit report deserving business!

Thanks for checking out!

In a traditional factoring for Doctors plan, a firm really markets its receivables to an additional firm (a “element”) at a discount rate. Because the aspect after that possesses the receivables, it typically gives all the used collection, accounting and credit history solutions required to gather the receivables, including assumption of the ultimate loss exposure from the client debtor. In asset-based financing plans, accounts receivable are pledged to the lending institution as security for the loan, but the customer retains possession and also complete control of the receivables and also the value of the receivables continues to be on the debtor’s monetary declaration.

The solutions might be Accounts Receivable Financing gave via Diversified Financing Solutions, Inc. Simply mentioned, Account Receivable Funding is the exchange of creditworthy commercial accounts receivable for an immediate shot of working funding.

About the Author: Should You need more info be sure to have a look at our website by visiting this link


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Wikinews Shorts: December 20, 2008

A compilation of brief news reports for Saturday, December 20, 2008.

The United States government has announced that it will give US$17.4 billion in loans to help three of the nation’s automobile makers – Chrysler, General Motors, and Ford – avoid bankruptcy.

The money will be taken from the $700 billion bailout package originally intended to rescue US banks. General Motors will get $9.4 billion and Chrysler $4 billion before next year. Ford stated that it wants to get by without government aid.

President George Bush said that it would not be “a responsible course of action” to allow the companies to collapse.


  • “Bush unveils $17.4bn car bail-out” — BBC News, December 19, 2008
  • “U.S. Throws Lifeline to Detroit” —, December 20, 2008

Telephone and Internet communications between Asia and Europe have been disrupted after some submarine cables were severed.

The cables FLAG FEA, SMW4 and SMW3 near Alexandria, Egypt, were damaged, and the GO cable 130 kilometres off the coast of Sicily has also been reported as broken. France Telecom will repair the damage, and the company announced that it was dispatching a ship to repair the line between Egypt and Italy.

Experts warn that it could be several days before the problems are fixed.


  • “Severed cable disrupts web access” — BBC News, December 19, 2008
  • “New undersea cable cuts lead to Internet outages” — ars technica, December 20, 2008

Yann Elies, a French yachtsman participating in the Vendee Globe round-the-world solo yacht race, was rescued on Saturday by the Australian navy after the former was paralysed by a wave that struck his boat in the Southern Ocean.

Elies broke his left thighbone and perhaps several ribs after the wave slammed into his boat 200 kilometres southwest of Perth.

The Australian frigate dispatched the HMAS Arunta to rescue Elies. The ship left Fremantle early on Friday morning and reached Elies by evening.


  • “Injured yachtsman rescued by navy” — BBC News, December 20, 2008
  • “Navy reaches stricken solo sailor Yann Elies” —, December 20, 2008

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