Gay Talese on the state of journalism, Iraq and his life

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Gay Talese wants to go to Iraq. “It so happens there is someone that’s working on such a thing right now for me,” the 75-year-old legendary journalist and author told David Shankbone. “Even if I was on Al-Jazeera with a gun to my head, I wouldn’t be pleading with those bastards! I’d say, ‘Go ahead. Make my day.'”

Few reporters will ever reach the stature of Talese. His 1966 profile of Frank Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Has a Cold, was not only cited by The Economist as the greatest profile of Sinatra ever written, but is considered the greatest of any celebrity profile ever written. In the 70th anniversary issue of Esquire in October 2003, the editors declared the piece the “Best Story Esquire Ever Published.”

Talese helped create and define a new style of literary reporting called New Journalism. Talese himself told National Public Radio he rejects this label (“The term new journalism became very fashionable on college campuses in the 1970s and some of its practitioners tended to be a little loose with the facts. And that’s where I wanted to part company.”)

He is not bothered by the Bancrofts selling The Wall Street Journal—”It’s not like we should lament the passing of some noble dynasty!”—to Rupert Murdoch, but he is bothered by how the press supported and sold the Iraq War to the American people. “The press in Washington got us into this war as much as the people that are controlling it,” said Talese. “They took information that was second-hand information, and they went along with it.” He wants to see the Washington press corp disbanded and sent around the country to get back in touch with the people it covers; that the press should not be so focused on–and in bed with–the federal government.

Augusten Burroughs once said that writers are experience junkies, and Talese fits the bill. Talese–who has been married to Nan Talese (she edited James Frey‘s Million Little Piece) for fifty years–can be found at baseball games in Cuba or the gay bars of Beijing, wanting to see humanity in all its experience.

Below is Wikinews reporter David Shankbone’s interview with Gay Talese.

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Aromatherapy: More Than Just Good Smells


Many products are marketed for their aroma—bath and body products, air fresheners, candles, and even teas are all toted by some for relaxation, invigoration, focus, or other benefits. Perhaps you have subscribed to some of these advertisements, and maybe you’ve noticed effects for yourself. However, there is much more to aromatherapy than good smells and smart marketing.

Aromatherapy in Practice


When practiced correctly and for maximum benefit, aromatherapy is a specific type of holistic medicine which utilizes essential oils from plants to improve physical, emotional, or spiritual wellness. The use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes extends back for 6,000 years. The chemical properties of essential oils were even used to treat wounded soldiers during World War I. While the proper practice of aromatherapy requires expansive knowledge, it is becoming easier for those interested in aromatherapy to learn more by taking aromatherapy courses online.

Commonly Used Plants

The University of Maryland Medical Center lists a number of commonly used aromatherapy oils, all of which are derived from herbs, trees, or flowers. Some of these essential oils include fennel, neroli, peppermint, chamomile, lavender, aniseed, sage, eucalyptus, rosemary, and many more.

Benefits Of Aromatherapy

According to National Institutes of Health, aromatherapy may work by modulating the same chemicals in the brain that influence mood and emotion. Some of the most commonly used essential oils can provide a number of benefits, a few of which are listed below.

* Reduced stress and anxiety* Relaxation* Strengthening of the immune system* Relief from a number of symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, indigestion, and respiratory problems* Treatment for depression

From Passion to Career

If you are interested in pursuing more expertise or if you would like to extend your passion for aromatherapy to a new and exciting career, aromatherapy courses are offered online at reputable institutions like the New Eden School of Natural Health.

English court jails policeman over insurance fraud

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A court in England, UK has jailed a policeman for ten months after he was convicted of defrauding his car insurance company.

Police Constable Simon Hood, 43, arranged for a friend who dealt in scrap metal to dispose of his Audi TT, then claimed it had been stolen.

Hood had been disappointed with the car’s value when he tried to sell it two years after its purchase in 2008. He arranged for friend Peter Marsh, 41, to drive the vehicle to his scrapyard in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Marsh then dismantled the vehicle with the intent of disposing of it, but parts were later found wrapped in bubblewrap at Ace Tyre and Exhaust Centre.

Marsh picked up the TT from outside nearby Gorleston police station. Records show mobile phone conversations between the conspirators that day in March, both before and after the vehicle was reported stolen. The pair denied wrongdoing but were convicted of conspiring to commit insurance fraud after trial.

The fraud was uncovered after Hood told former girlfriend Suzanne Coates of the scheme. It was alleged before Norwich Crown Court that he had confessed to her in an effort to resume their relationship. Coates said that after the pseudotheft, Hood told her “he didn’t want to look for it. He said it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, which I thought was a bit strange.”

You knew throughout your career that policemen that get involved in serious dishonesty get sent to prison

Shortly afterwards Hood suggested they should become a couple once more, she said; she challenged his version of events regarding the car: “He said he did it but I couldn’t tell anyone. He said he did it with Peter. Peter had a key and took the car away and it was going to be taken to bits and got rid of so it was never found.”

Hood was defended by Michael Clare and Marsh by Richard Potts. Both lawyers told the court that their clients had already suffered as a result of the action in mitigation before sentencing. Clare said Hood had resigned from the police after fifteen years of otherwise good service and risked losing his pension. “It is not a case where his position as a police officer was used in order to facilitate the fraud,” he pointed out. “His career is in ruins.” Hood is now pursuing a career in plumbing.

Potts defended Marsh by saying that he, too, had already suffered from his actions. His own insurers are refusing to renew their contract with him when it expires and his bank withdrew its overdraft facility. His business employs 21 people and Potts cited Marsh’s sponsorship of Great Yarmouth In Bloom as amongst evidence he supported his local community.

Judge Alasdair Darroch told Marsh that he did accept the man was attempting to help his friend. He sentenced Marsh to six months imprisonment, suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 250 hours of community service. He was more critical of Hood:

“As a police officer you know the highest possible standards are demanded by the public. You have let down the force. You knew throughout your career that policemen that get involved in serious dishonesty get sent to prison.”

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Options Are Too Risky Only Crazy People Invest In Stock Options

By Banjo Smyth

Who decided that options are too risky for the everyday investor? More importantly can somebody please explain why options are too risky? After years of research I have finally come to understand that there are 3 types of people that can be held responsible for the Myth that options are too risky. Who?

1. Financial Planners

2. Stock Brokers

3. Taxi Drivers

Is it possible for the uneducated investor to lose lots of money if they trade options? Yes of course they can, first of all the uneducated investor can lose tons of money using any trading instrument and secondly options are highly leveraged so if used incorrectly then they will increase your losses. So if this is the case then why an I saying that trading stock options isn’t risky?


The first thing that you must realize about stock options is that they were actually invested to reduce or manage risk. The whole idea of buying a put option to hedge you stocks is basically another form of insurance. When looking at your portfolio risk management options buying puts to ‘insure’ your stocks is one of the most conservative investment strategies that you can implement.

On the other hand selling call options on stocks that you already own (covered calls) is another incredibly conservative stock market strategy. This strategy actually increases your downside protection, so when used correctly the myth that options are too risky is simply not true. Of course if you start writing naked calls or naked puts then your risk levels are going to seriously increase but when used correctly options are an amazing risk reduction tool.

Let’s have a look at why financial planners, Stock Brokers, and Taxi drivers are giving Options such a bad name.

Financial Planners: If you go to your financial planner and say that you would like to include options in your trading strategies then they will almost definitely tell you that it is a very bad and risky idea. Why? Simply because 99% of financial planners wouldn’t have a clue how to use them. I recently spoke to a financial advisor who admitted that her entire financial planning degree only had one chapter on options and it was completely theoretical information. In their entire course there was not one bit of practical information about how to use options. So considering that most financial planners don’t actually know what stock options are let alone how to use them is it any wonder that their typical response is negative. Remember human’s beings fear change and looking stupid.

Stock Brokers: Surely Stock brokers don’t think that options are too risky? Aren’t they meant to be professional stock market investors? Unfortunately most stock brokers are exactly that ‘STOCK’ brokers not ‘OPTION’ brokers. To become a legal options broker there are additional courses that you need to complete so most stock brokers aren’t actually allowed to give you ‘option’ advice. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute – if a client came to you and said ‘What do you think of buying Options’ then you are faced with two choices

1.Tell them that is a great idea but unfortunately you will need to take all of your money out of our accounts and go to another broker who is legally allowed to trade options, Good Luck with your investing. 2.Or you could tell them that options are too risky and you really should just stick to managed funds and stocks.

So what answer would you choose?

Taxi Drivers: Obviously this is a little bit of a joke but the point I am trying to make is that everybody seems to think that trading stock options is too risky. It is extremely important to remember to make up your own mind about investment strategies, whatever you do don’t take advice from a taxi driver about wealth creation.

‘the most expensive advice you will ever get is free from poor people’ Kurek Ashley

So are Options too risky? If used incorrectly yes but perhaps the question you should ask yourself first is ‘what are stock options’? Before you dismiss something as being too risky or scary make sure you try to understand what it actually is and how it works. There are plenty of free resources on the internet so do some research and make up your own mind about stock options. The last thing you want to do is ignore something just because that is what everybody else thinks. After all are these people achieving the results you are after or are they still driving taxis?

About the Author: If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. is giving away a Free Investment DVD to the first 1000 visitors. CLICK HERE for your copy Learn an amazing Stock Market Investment Strategy that everyday people are using earn $5,000 tax free per month.


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British soldier killed in Afghanistan

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

The Ministry of Defence has named a British soldier from the 3 Para Battle Group who died while on patrol in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province.

The soldier, 19 year-old Private Damien Raymond Jackson, of South Shields, Tyne and Wear, came under fire from Taliban forces in the town of Sangin. He died while being given treatment.

His father, Daniel Jackson said: “I wish everyone to know just how extremely proud I am of my son Damien – of all that he has achieved in his lifetime and of the fact that he died, when duty called, protecting others, in the service of his country.

“A fine, upstanding South Shields lad, Damien was immensely proud to have achieved his ultimate ambition in becoming a member of the finest regiment in the British Army.”

He also condemned the government’s policy in Afghanistan, saying that UK forces are in “dreadful danger”. “We fully support the British Army in Afghanistan whilst in no way supporting or condoning a government policy, which has placed our young men and women in such dreadful danger.”

Private Jackson’s death means six British soldiers have died in the unstable Helmand region in the last four weeks. Since 2001 when operations began in Afghanistan, thirteen British soldiers have lost their lives.

On Saturday, two British soldiers were killed after a rocket-propelled grenade struck the headquarters they were in.

Prime Minister Tony Blair said he would give more resources to British troops to assist them in their fight against the Taliban, but he said the British Army has not yet made such a request.

“If they need more, we will make sure that they get more,” he told the House of Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday.

Along with the Conservative Party leader David Cameron, Mr Blair also commended the efforts of British soldiers by praising their “extraordinary and heroic job”.

“They are fighting a battle that I think is important not just for the security of Afghanistan. It is important for the security of the wider world,” the Prime Minister said.

Approximately 4,000 British soldiers are stationed in Afghanistan, and almost 3,000 of them work in Helmand Province.

In general, they are in Afghanistan to help train the country’s troops, provide security, and assist with reconstruction. As 20% of the world’s opium is produced in Helmand Province, the main task for troops there is to control drugs lords.

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Indian Human Resources minister to reform technology sector

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kapil Sibal, India’s Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) held a meeting Monday to present his reform plans for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) sector by increasing the entrance percentage to 80% and above in the class XII (final year) board exams. A three-member committee was set up to review the proposal.

Sibal said, “The present criteria is that students need to secure 60% in class XII for appearing in IIT-JEE. This is not acceptable”, pointing out that the current criteria where students getting more than 60% in the board exam of the twelfth class are eligible for IIT-JEE is not good enough and that it has to be raised to 80-85%.

He also stated that students undervalue final year board exams, preparing instead for the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE); they enrol in coaching institutes and concentrate on their study material in order to enter IIT. He wants to abolish these “teaching shops.”

The meeting decided that they would set up two committees, one headed by Anil Kakodkar, Atomic Energy Commission (Chairman) and other by T. Ramasamy, Department of Science and Technology (Secretary). The first committee is scheduled to decide final year board percentage and the second one is scheduled to set the curriculum.

The Kakodkar committee also plans to decide how to abolish coaching institutes and how to move IIT field forward with a greater emphasis on research. The committee is expected to submit its report in the next six months. The minister also clarified that some of these will be implemented from the 2010 academic year and some from 2011.

The meeting was also expected to reduce the fee for African and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries as their fees are higher than those of Indians. The review committee says that people of other countries are tempted to study in India but they refrain due to high fees. The Ramasamy committee is expected to submit its report in the next three months.

Lastly, the meeting said that it will appoint board members and directors on the basis of nominations and independent rank and power to ensure IIT’s activity.

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The Pros And Cons Of Breast Augmentation

The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation



Women opt for breast augmentation surgery because of the good results it brings. Breast augmentation is done with implants or via fat transfer. Fat transfer breast augmentation involves transferring the extra fat from other parts of the body to the breasts.


A reliable plastic surgeon is a must for carrying out any kind of plastic surgery. If you have an experienced plastic surgeon providing the surgery, you can surely expect to achieve the desired results.

Medical technology has become very powerful with the introduction of new equipment and techniques. Top plastic surgeons are now capable of making the entire journey of surgery comfortable and smooth for their patients. However, any surgery has its pros and cons. Let us look at some of the pros and cons of breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery — Pros

  • Women who undergo the surgery achieve more attractive breasts and enjoy enhanced confidence and self-esteem. If you are too conscious about your small breast size, then breast enlargement surgery would be the best option for you. The advantage of undergoing the surgery is largely emotional and psychological.
  • Breast enhancement surgery is provided for women as part of reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. It enables women to have more natural looking, attractive breasts.
  • This is a boon for women who have asymmetrical breasts. Breast surgery can provide more volume and symmetry to the breasts, enhancing the bust line.
  • Fat transfer breast augmentation ensures women more natural looking breasts, and there is no risk of rejection since the patient s own body fat is used for enlarging the breasts.
  • Let s Look at the Cons of the Surgery

  • Scarring: There is the possibility of scarring after a breast enhancement surgery.
  • Breast augmentation surgery can cause some side-effects. It may affect the sensation in the breast or nipple area.
  • Saline implants may rupture in some instances.
  • Anesthesia: Sometimes there may be risks associated with anesthesia, though these are quite rare.
  • Infection: Some women may develop infection after breast augmentation using implants.
  • With the Right Plastic Surgeon There Is No Cause for Concern

    The decision to undergo the breast augmentation procedure is ultimately your own. Schedule a consultation with a board-certified, experienced and skilled plastic surgeon to understand about the procedure as well as the risks involved. A reliable surgeon will explain all the pros and cons of the procedure and advise you on how to prepare for the surgery as well as provide directions that are to be followed post surgery. You are safe with a competent surgeon who is caring and strives to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

    Breast augmentation

    is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures, performed to enhance the size, shape and attractiveness of a woman\’s breasts. For more information, please visit

    Article Source:

    China offers Africa financial aid including $10 billion in loans

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    China has offered Africa concessional loans worth US$10 (€6.5) billion as part of a host of new measures aimed at improving the economy of African nations. The announcement was made at the opening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Leaders of nearly 50 African countries are attending the two-day conference.

    China had already stated today at the 3rd Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs, held immediately before the FOCAC, that Chinese firms would be encouraged to invest in Africa, while both sides would work together to improve the tourism, telecommunications and finance industries. China also said that governments should work with businesses to ensure co-operation between China and Africa.

    As well as the loans, made over three years, China will write off the debt of Africa’s poorest countries, build 100 African green energy facilities and systematically lower import duties on 95% of all African products exported to China. Another promise is a loan of one billion dollars aimed at small and medium sized businesses in Africa. There will also be efforts to promote each other’s culture and increased medical assistance to Africa. Medical assistance comes in the form of 500 million yuan (US$73.2 million) of goods for the 60 hospitals and malaria centers China has already built, as well as 3,000 doctors and nurses. Roads will also be improved.

    China also plans to assist with satellite weather monitoring, to help combat desertification and work within the urban environment, all aimed at reducing global warming. The new energy facilities will focus on solar, biogas and small-scale hydroelectrical installations. Another new measure is a promise to aid African farmers to ensure the continent is fed, increasing the number of demonstrations of agricultural technology in Africa to 20 and sending 50 teams of agricultural technology experts to the continent. Training in agricultural technology will be provided to 2,000 people.

    “The Chinese people cherish sincere friendship toward the African people, and China’s support to Africa’s development is concrete and real,” said co-chair Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao as the FOCAC opened up, adding “Whatever change that may take place in the world, our friendship with African people will not change.” He described this friendship as ‘unbreakable’. Two years ago China pledged US$5 (€3.37) billion at the last FOCAC in Beijing and now, according to Jiabao, “China is ready to deepen practical cooperation in Africa.”

    We want more investment from China

    China has fulfilled its 2006 pledge, investing a total of US$7.8 (€5.26) billion in Africa last year alone. 49 African countries are represented at the FOCAC, which was created in 2000, although Jiabao noted that relations between China and Africa go back fifty years. China had already forgiven or reduced the debt for thirty nations at that FOCAC summit.

    According to Chinese state-owned paper China Daily, trade between China and Africa increased by 45% last year, to give a total value of US$107 (€72.1) billion, a tenfold increase since 2001 and up from US$491 (€331) million in 2003. The Chinese have a 9.8% market share, the largest of any nation, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. China has paid for schools, hospitals, malaria clinics and Chinese scholarships for African students. 50 more schools are to be built and 1,500 people trained to staff them.

    Since 2006 Chinese energy firms have committed to spend at least US$16 (€10.8) billion securing African oil and gas. China’s Sinopec Group, an oil giant, bought up Addax Petroleum Corporation from its Swiss owners that year, gaining control of oilfields in Nigeria, Cameroon and Gabon. China promised earlier this year to spend US$9 (€6) billion on infrastructure in the Congo in exchange for mineral deposits for mining operations.

    Jean Ping, leader of the African Union, said the told those at the conference that the money is coming at an opportune time, because African growth was “totally compromised” by the global financial crisis. Ping said one of the lessons learned is that the world is paying for “the irresponsible and lax behavior” of large financial companies whose philosophy was to make short-term profits.

    We thank China particularly for backing efforts by our countries to achieve peace and stability in Africa’s zones of conflict

    Not all Africans are happy with China’s increasing involvement in their continent. Trade practices are a concern for some, with a view that China exploits Africa for raw materials before selling back finished goods. Among these are Egyptian Trade and Industry Minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid. Egypt is the richest nation in the Middle East and is discussing this perceived issue with China. Rachid told Bloomberg “What is a worry for me is if competition is unfair. That is where we are unhappy.” Jiabao described the trade as being based on “win-win programmes… and transparency.”

    Others in Africa are delighted with the situation. “We want more investment from China,” Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete told the forum. Egypt’s own President Hosni Mubarak talked of “peace, security and growth,” and of “boosting cooperation between China and Africa.”

    China investing in Africa: Good or bad?
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    Jiabao also used his speech to respond to criticisms that China worked with nations regardless of their human rights record, such as Sudan, whose President Omar al-Beahir is wanted on a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. “Africa is fully capable of solving its own problems, in an African way,” he said, adding that “China has never attached any political strings […] to assistance to Africa.”

    Beshir thanked China in a speech for diplomatic work in Sudan, including working to defuse the Darfur conflict, which the United Nations says has left 300,000 dead. “We express our deep appreciation for China’s efforts in backing the comprehensive peace agreement in Sudan and its peace efforts in Darfur,” he said, referring to a peace deal between the northern and southern parts of his country. “We thank China particularly for backing efforts by our countries to achieve peace and stability in Africa’s zones of conflict.” Jiabao said China was willing to work towards “the settlement of issues of peace and security,” in Africa.

    A further criticism has been that China has brought in Chinese workers and used their own knowledge, instead of training locals. Jiabao’s speech indicated an intention to co-operate better in the fields of science and technology, as well as improve training for African students on technical courses.

    “Why do some only criticise China?” asked Jiabao. “Is this a view representing African countries, or rather the view of Western countries?”

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    Hackers try to use German Wikipedia to spread links to malicious code

    Monday, November 6, 2006

    This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

    The German version of the encyclopedia Wikipedia, has been used in an attempt to spread a “malicious code” which would unleash a virus on to personal computers worldwide.

    The page titled: “W32.Blaster” (link in German) was edited in a way where a link was placed in the article directing users to a site where an alleged fix for the Lovesan/MS Blaster worm, but the fix turned out to be false and the file was considered “malicious.” Computers that were target would receive e-mails from what appeared to be the website telling them to download the fix and including a link to it.

    “The good news is that the authorities at Wikipedia quickly identified and edited the article on their site,” said senior technology consultant at Sophos anti-virus, Graham Cluley.

    Although the edit has since been reverted or removed, until recently the edit remained in an archived version of the page; eventually, the archived version was also removed.

    “A version of the page remained in the archive, allowing the hackers to send out spam and continue to direct visitors to the malicious code,” added Cluley.

    It is not known how many computers have been affected by the worm, if any at all. It is also not known when the edit was made and how long it was active on the site before it was deleted. However it appears that it was deleted on October 31, as the page was partially deleted on that day twice, according to log files (english translation courtesy of google translate).

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