“Creationism and intelligent design have no place in the UK science curriculum” says UK Government

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Government is clear that creationism and intelligent design are not part of the science National Curriculum programmes of study and should not be taught as science.

The U.K. government defined Intelligent Design along with creationism as religion and ruled that neither has a place within the country’s school science curriculum.

This was in reaction to an electronic petition launched by James Rocks of the “Science, Just Science” campaign, a group formed to oppose “Truth in Science” and other groups in the anti-evolution lobby in the UK. The petition was signed by 1,505 people.

In the petition details, Rocks wrote, “Creationism & Intelligent design are greatly featured in the media and are being used disingenuously to portray science & the theory of evolution as being in crisis when they are not. Moreover groups such as Truth in Science are targeting our nation’s children and their science education with material that is not only non-scientific but have been rejected by the scientific community. These ideas therefore do not constitute science, cannot be considered scientific education and therefore do not belong in the nation’s science classrooms.”

A spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s office wrote: “The (UK) Government is aware that a number of concerns have been raised in the media and elsewhere as to whether creationism and intelligent design have a place in science lessons. The [UK] Government is clear that creationism and intelligent design are not part of the science National Curriculum programmes of study and should not be taught as science.”

The government will also be “publishing guidance for schools, on the way creationism and intelligent design relate to science teaching”.

U.S. force-feeding Guantanamo hunger strikers

Friday, October 7, 2005

Reports from Amnesty International and an attorney representing some detainees indicate that hunger strikes continue among those held at the United States detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. More than 200 prisoners are participating in the hunger strike — of these, 21 are being force fed by military personnel.

According to human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith, the prisoners have been shackled to their beds to prevent them removing the feeding tubes that have been inserted into their noses. “The notion that a qualified medical practitioner would be prepared to supervise such a procedure (as force-feeding through a tube), goes against all medical ethics, certainly in this country,” said Trevor Turner, a director of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital of London.

Military authorities maintain that only 36 detainees are currently strikers — they define a hunger striker as one who has refused at least nine meals. According to U.S. military personnel, a striker is only force-fed when his life is in danger.

Some detainees have been striking since August to protest the alleged inhumane conditions at the camp as well as their indefinite confinement without charge or normal legal rights, according to attorneys representing them.

Landslide causes train derailment in Italy; nine dead

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

At least nine people have died in northern Italy after a landslide caused the derailment of a passenger train. A further 25 people were injured, according to emergency services.

The incident occurred earlier this morning near the border with Austria, in a mountainous region near Merano, a city around 300 kilometres north of Venice.

“There are nine confirmed victims, while 28 people have been injured, seven of them seriously,” reported the governor of the Bolzano-Bozen province, Luis Durnwalder, to the Reuters news service. Initially, eleven people were reported dead, due to what the governor described as a “counting error”. However, he noted that “there could still be someone buried in the mud”, so the death count is not yet final.

According to the ANSA news agency, the train had about forty passengers on board when it derailed. Sky TV, meanwhile, quoted officials as saying that three people are reported to be missing. The authorities say the landslide was due to a broken irrigation pipe, which caused rocks to fall onto the tracks below. Authorities say they are looking into why the pipe burst.

The trains front car hit two trees upon derailment, local media says, which prevented it from dropping off into a river below. The carriage, however, was hanging over the river, and firefighters had to use cables to stop it from falling any more. A crane was also dispatched the scene to help clean up debris, ANSA reported.

“The train is hanging off the rails about five meters from the river. It is now only a few trees that are holding up the train and preventing it falling into the river,” said a witness, Alex Rowbotham, to the BBC.

“[…] The landslide occurred at the very passage of the train. It hit the train,” said Thomas Widmann, a transport official for the city of Bolanzo.

The crash was the deadliest in Europe since February, when eighteen people died after two commuter trains ran into each other near Brussels, Belgium. Italy saw its worse rail crash two decades ago, when 29 people died following the derailment of a freight train carrying petroleum gas, resulting in several explosions.

Kashmir Holiday Packages Present The Stair Case To Heaven

Submitted by: Raj Mehta

People have unusual views about Kashmir, some calls it haven on earth and other considers it their destination, people who visits there once in their life are really enough fortunate. Considering its amazing beauty and blissful ambiance a Mughal Emperor Jahangir said if there is paradise on Earth, it is here only in Kashmir one stunning hill stations located at northern part of India. Whether looking for romantic weekend, family holiday or adventure-trip, this place offers to everything to every one. Its breathtaking attractions and all time pleasurable climatic conditions makes it richest place in the world.

Lush green pastures, snow-covered peaks, blossoming gardens, peaceful lakes, apple laden orchards, refreshing hills and exotic floras and faunas are some of the attractions that makes Kashmir really paradise on earth. This exotic hill station is mostly visited by nature-lover and adventure-thrillers. By visiting and exploring this place you will have an opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes of nature by close.

Due to its amazing topography and various trekking trails it is also considered an ideal place for various adventure programs. Trekking, mountaineering, white-water rafting and skiing are the some popular adventure programs that one can experience during visiting Kashmir. Considering tourist s interest and values we have designed Kashmir Tour Package in such way which brings top sought attractions to the visitors and give them unforgettable holidaying experience to them. Kerala is blessed with so many attraction places having their distinctive features. Here we are presenting the top sought attractions of Kashmir to you.



Breathtaking vistas, colorful bluebells, snowy trails and prime location and proximity to Srinagar naturally make Gulmarg one of the premier hill resorts in the country. Literally means the meadow of flowers, Gulmarg is one of the must see attractions of Kashmir drawing the attention of many from across the world all the year round. The valley of Gulmarg is a large meadow about 3 sq-kms in area, stands at 2730 meters, 56 km south west of Srinagar. It also has one of the world s highest golf courses as well as a club house which is a historical building in its own right.


An essential part of Kashmir Holiday Packages Sonamarg is another place to visit in Kashmir often referred as the Meadow of Gold mere at a distance of 84kms from Srinagar situated at an altitude of 2730 meter. Dotted with dense forests, snow-covered mountains, alpine flowers and many more, it has not any competition in terms of natural attractions.


Srinagar is located in the picturesque valley and one of the must visit cities during visiting Kashmir. Some of the best attractions that one can explore in Srinagar are Dal Lake, Mughal Gardens, Nagin Lake, Hazratbal Shrine and etc.


Bounded by two of the world s mightiest mountain ranges, the Great Himalaya and the Karakoram Ladakh is a place like no other. Ladakh is a fascinating destination famous for Age-old monasteries, quaint lanes, bustling markets and stunning vies of Himalayas. Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, Khardung Pass are some of the major attractions that you can explore through Ladakh Tour Package.

Raj Mehta is an eminent analyst and writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored may books on tour guide Kashmir Tours and Ladakh Tour Package.

About the Author: Raj Mehta is an eminent analyst and writer in Travel & Tourism related topics. He has authored may books on tour guide Kashmir Tours and Ladakh Tour Package.




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Japanese researchers create smell sensor using genetically engineered frog eggs

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A University of Tokyo group of researchers, led by bioengineer Shoji Takeuchi, has made an electronic sensor capable of smelling gases. The sensor uses genetically engineered frog cells. Since previous sensors were not very accurate, the scientist decided to try a biological approach. The invention was revealed in a US scientific journal yesterday, and is supposed to be used to design better machines to detect polluting gases in the atmosphere.

Previous smell sensors were based on quartz rods, which vibrate when a substance binds to them. The gases are distinguished by their molar masses, which can be similar for molecules with different structure, thus relatively often triggering a false positive. Trying to find a more accurate solution, Takeuchi decided to follow an example from insect world. As he explained, “when you think about the mosquito, it is able to find people because of carbon dioxide from the human. So the mosquito has CO2 receptors. When we can (extract) DNA (from the mosquito) we can put this DNA into the frog eggs to detect CO2.”

Genes of several insects (the silk moth, diamondback moth and fruit fly), injected into African clawed frog Xenopus laevis eggs, allowed them to produce relatively inexpensive and useful sensors. The choice of the species was caused by their widely studied and well-understood protein expression mechanism.

The modified cells responded to three kinds of pheromones and one odourant, which have similar chemical properties. When a molecule of an odorous substance adhered to the receptor on the membrane protein, ion channels opened for a certain period of time, and a current was generated. Its magnitude was clearly different for all four tested substances, allowing to distinguish between them accurately.

The colleagues embedded the sensor into a mannequin, so that it could shake its head when a gas was detected. It was easier to observe. Pheromones and molecules with quite similar molecule structure produced clearly distinguishable reaction, with higher accuracy than other biological or human-made sensors. As the research group said, the detection sensitivity of the odor sensor is several tens of parts per billion (ppb), and it is as high as the sensitivity of an existing odor sensor that uses an oxide semiconductor. The distinctive feature of the new sensor is its capability to selectively detect some odorous substances, rather than its sensitivity. Very few false positives were possible due to the biological mechanism involved.

At normal temperature, the sensor lifetime is about 12 hours, which can be extended by putting it into a refrigerator before first use.

Shoji Takeuchi says has a great hope for research use in future, since the frog eggs are very practical for genetic engineering, and can be conveniently used to develop smell sensors for a wide range of gases. He said, “The X. laevis oocyte has high versatility for the development of chemical sensors for various odorants. We believe that a shared ability to smell might open a new relationship between man and robot. .. The research will have wide implications… If the sensor is embedded in a nursing robot, it will be able to identify certain mouth odors or body odors. Also, it can be used for detecting CO2, air pollution, water pollution and food. It’s very important for the environment.”

Summit On Faith Based Schools More Powerful Than Money

By Stuart Nachbar

During his final State of the Union Address, President Bush announced two proposals for faith-based schools; one, a grants program for low-income students similar to Pell Grants for college students, and the other a national Presidential summit on faith-based education.

The summit is more important than the grants program.

The proposed appropriate for grants is $300 million, too miserly to fill the likely demand for such grants, and it is unlikely to win the approval of a Democratic Congress.

However, presidents rarely use the power of their office to conduct summits on domestic policy; presidential summits are more typically used in discuss foreign relations and trade.


Growing up Jewish, attending public schools, I am less familiar with the merits of parochial school education over public education. However, I know that parochial schools are not subject to No Child Left Behind and do not have dealings with teacher’s unions. They can also pass on students who have special educational needs. I would also perceive the marketplace dynamic for parochial education to be similar to private colleges; the best endowed and the most-focused schools are the most selective while the rest struggle to provide scholarships or recruit students who can pay tuition.

But would parochial school leaders want to submit their schools to government regulations, as colleges must do, if a federal grant program were put in place? For instance, all colleges that receive Federal assistance must welcome military recruiters on campus. How would a pacifist religious order reconcile their financial need with their values in that situation? Then there is the issue of tuition. Members of Congress in both parties have proposed legislation to force colleges and universities to become accountable for tuition increases. I can understand why; the House and Senate cannot be expected to increase financial aid at the same rate as colleges raise tuition. But would Congress ask parochial schools to be equally accountable if they enroll students who receive federal assistance?

Then there is No Child Left Behind with its reporting policies and “qualified teacher” requirements. Today, parochial schools cannot offer salary and benefits packages competitive with public schools. They would be in a less competitive position if they were mandated to seek qualified teachers.

I realize that some readers will find these arguments silly, but it seems hypocritical to me that a presidential administration that has demanded greater accountability from public schools would ask Congress to fund grants to help students attend parochial schools then not subject the parochial schools to the same accountability. It would be akin to saying that parochial school education is superior to public education without asking the parochial schools to prove it.

Leading parochial school educators and graduates have every right to say their education is superior they have delivered and received benefits from parochial schools – but a


cannot take that position public, as Bush has done by a proposing a summit.

About the Author: Stuart Nachbar has been involved with education politics, policy and technology as a student, urban planner, government affairs manager, software executive, and now as author of The Sex Ed Chronicles. Visit his blog,

Educated Quest




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British Airways Flight 38 investigation focuses on fuel system

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Investigators examining the wreck of British Airways Flight 38, a Boeing 777 that crash landed short of the runway at London’s Heathrow Airport in the first hull loss of a 777, are examining the aircraft’s fuel system as a possible factor in the crash. No-one was killed as the scheduled flight from Beijing, China lost power during final approach on January 17.

136 passengers and 16 crew were on board when power was lost to the two Rolls-Royce engines about two miles from the runway, at a height of 600 feet. Autopilot and autothrottle were engaged at the time, the latter having just commanded an increase of thrust to the engines when power was lost. Co-pilot John Coward, in control at the time, was subsequently praised for being able to glide the disabled plane to within 1,000 feet of the runway, clearing a number of houses along the way.

Subsequent investigation has revealed that not only did the engines not fail simultaneously, but neither failed completely, contradicting initial belief. A preliminary report by the United Kingdom’s Aircraft Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) stated that after the autothrottle commanded more thrust “The engines both initially responded but after about 3 seconds the thrust of the right engine reduced. Some eight seconds later the thrust reduced on the left engine to a similar level… Both engines continued to produce thrust at an engine speed above flight idle, but less than the commanded thrust.” This situation prevailed until impact.

On Wednesday the AAIB stated that they were examining “All possible scenarios that could explain the thrust reduction and continued lack of response of the engines.” However, it also went on to specifically mention attention to the jet’s fuel system, saying “This work includes a detailed analysis and examination of the complete fuel-flow path from the aircraft tanks to the engine-fuel nozzles.” The AAIB also ruled out the plane having completely run out of fuel, stating that there was “adequate fuel” in the tanks when the plane crashed. In addition to the fuel required to get to the target destination or emergency alternative airport – whichever is further – aircraft typically carry between thirty and forty-five minutes worth of extra fuel as a safety margin.

Possible scenarios being examined include fuel contamination, coming either from fuel taken on at Beijing or leakage from an unknown source. In particular, a heavy contaminant at the bottom of the tanks would explain a lack of earlier problems on the flight, as the fuel levels would only have become low in the final stages of the trip. Another possibility is that a central part of the fuel system developed a leak, reducing the amount of fuel available to the engines.

It is known that, according to the AAIB, “the autothrottle and engine-control commands were performing as expected prior to, and after, the reduction in thrust,” suggesting that all software in the aircraft was functioning correctly and rendering a software failure unlikely, although this possibility also remains under investigation.

How To Design Birthstone Necklaces For Mom

How to Design Birthstone Necklaces for Mom


Cora Lee

Birthstone necklaces for mom are a timeless and classic type of jewelry that many moms proudly wear day in and day out. Wearing them is a way for moms to keep their family close to them at all times even if they are not physically near them. In addition, the brightly colored gemstones can add a little bit of fun and a pop of color to any outfit. If you are interested in designing your own birthstone necklaces for mom below is a guide to help you get started.

1. Before you design your birthstone necklaces for mom you will need to figure out your children s birthstones. The first official birthstone guide was released in 1912 by the American National Association of Jewelers. Since then it has been updated, and modern birthstone charts sometimes feature slightly different birthstones for each month. Whether you choose the older chart iteration or the newer one, you should jot down the birthstone that is associated with each child s birth month so that you don t forget it.


2. Some moms choose to include birthstones for the whole family when they are building their birthstone necklaces for mom. This means that they include mom and dad s birthstone along with the children s gems. If you decide to include your partners and your own birthstone you should write this information down too.

3. Work with a jeweler, either online or at a local jeweler s store, to find a design that you would like for your birthstone necklaces for mom. There are many different styles each at different price points. Choosing a design can be intimidating at first, but as long as you pay attention to current styles and trust your intuition you should be fine. If you ve set a budget only search for necklaces that fall specifically within the dollar range you re willing to spend.

4. In addition to birthstones you will need to decide whether you want your necklace to be made from white gold, yellow gold, or platinum. Your decision will probably be based largely on personal preference, but it can also be dependent on price.

Once you ve decided on the birthstones, style, and metal for your ring the next step is to order it. After your ring arrives slip it on right away and wear it with pride. Be prepared to receive many compliments and a few questions on how other people can design their own birthstone necklaces for mom.


offers the largest selection of handcrafted birthstone jewelry available. From birthstone necklaces and birthstone pendants to

mother’s birthstone jewelry

, they have a large selection to choose from.

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How to Design Birthstone Necklaces for Mom

Neymar signs contract extension with Barça till 2021

Monday, October 24, 2016

On Friday, Catalonian football club FC Barcelona announced Brazilian forward Neymar signed a five-year contract extension, which runs through June 2021.

Barcelona announced Neymar would be signing a contract extension in July, but Neymar was not physically present at their offices to sign at the time.

Neymar joined the Blaugrana in summer 2013 from Santos FC and since then has featured in 151 games for the Catalonian club. Neymar has won nine trophies with Barça — two La Liga titles, two Copa del Reys and Supercopa de España, and one each of UEFA Champions League, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA Club World Cup scoring over 90 goals.

Per the contract extension, Neymar’s buyout clause is €200 million at the end of the current season which would rise to €250million by the third season.

After signing the contract extension, Neymar said, “I feel at home […] I am very happy with colleagues on the field” ((ca)) Catalonia language: Em sento a casa […] Em sento molt feliç a dins del camp amb els companys .

Canadian military exercise NANOOK 2008 travels through uncharted waters

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Operation NANOOK 2008 was held from August 11 to August 25 by the Canadian Forces for the purpose of conducting mock emergency rescue operations for potential maritime disasters in the northeastern Canadian Arctic waters.

Two Canadian navy ships and two airforce planes, a CC-138 Twin Otter and a CP-140 Aurora, took part in the exercises in the Canada’s Arctic. The HMCS Toronto and the Canadian Coast Guard ship Pierre Radisson travelled along the Hudson Strait. The Operation extended to Davis Strait, and Frobisher Bay during the annual NANOOK Operation. There have been 18 such humanitarian operations since 2002. As more Arctic ice melts, the ships sail through uncharted waters. Emergency response times were tested for such potential disasters as oil spills, or rescue operations such as responding to cruise ship emergencies.

General Walter Natynczyk, Canada’s chief of Defence staff, the Honourable Peter MacKay, Defence Minister as well as Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, and Steven Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Charleswood–St. James–Assiniboia and Parliamentary Secretary for Health, flew to Iqaluit, Nunavut to officially launch the exercise on August 19, 2008 and observe the process.

In addition to the military exercises, Veterans Affairs Canada held a commemorative event onboard the HMCS Toronto to honour the 55th Anniversary of the Cease Fire in Korea, the 65th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, and the start of the Last 100 days of the First World War. The inaugural ceremonies were held during Community Day activities in the capital city of Iqaluit, followed by the public panel discussion held on Saturday. The community day ceremonies were organized by participants in Operation NANOOK 2008. The public ceremonies received neither Nunavut politicians nor Inuit leaders.

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