The Latest Trends In Auto Insurance}

Submitted by: Chickie Maxwell

Car insurance companies are constantly changing their rates and insurance plans in order to offer the best options available. Keeping up with these new plans and trends can be exhausting and is nearly impossible; however, some of these new trends can be quite rewarding and can save you money on car insurance. Here is a look at some of the leading insurance plans that are fairly new but quite unknown to the general public.

There is a fairly new insurance plan in which few people know about but is quite interesting. Imagine having the ability to pay for car insurance based on how many miles you drive per year. This could be beneficial for people who drive few miles compared to other people. For those who drive lots of miles, this is not something to get excited about. For those who do drive few miles, this may be something that you want to get more information on. The pay-as-you-drive insurance trend is popular because it does not check normal things that affect your insurance score such as driving history. The pay-as-you-drive plan is also only for newer cars that are equipped with OnStar. Insurance companies keep track of the mileage that your vehicle has and your driving habits. By monitoring your driving habits using telematics technology such as OnStar tracking, insurance companies determine whether you can pay less for your insurance.


This pay-as-you-drive insurance plan is very detailed and depending on the insurance companies, different aspects of your driving habits are measured and monitored. For example, the Progressive and Allstate insurance companies take detailed driving patterns to determine how much you have to pay. They examine you braking and acceleration patterns to see if you are more likely to get into fender benders. Those who have a tendency of accelerating a lot faster or constantly braking at high speeds will more than likely pay higher insurance rates. They also look at the time of the day that you are more likely to drive. Those who drive late at night or early in the morning are expected to pay a little more for their insurance because driving at these hours means that you are more likely to be tired or fatigued. Even though there is less traffic at these hours, insurance companies consider the fact that falling asleep at the wheel is more dangerous than heavy traffic.

Teenagers with new driver’s licenses can benefit from this insurance plan if they know that they will be careful. Teenagers tend to pay higher prices with their insurance plans because they are more likely to have accidents. By joining in on the pay-as-you-drive plans, teenagers can prove that they are not part of the teenagers who drive with bad habits. By driving safely and not driving too late at night, teenagers can benefit from great prices. On the other hand, teenagers who drive with bad habits could end up paying very high prices. The pay-as-you-drive plan is dependent on your own driving habits and how safe you drive as an individual.

This new insurance trend seems great for those who drive well but it is not all it’s made out to be even for good drivers. Some people do not agree to use this plan because of the reduced privacy. Insurance companies begin following your every move and can figure out exactly what time you are driving during the day and how dangerously you drive. Some people argue that insurance companies may use this information against them by eventually raising prices for bad drivers without notice. Although this plan seems very good for careful drivers, it reduces your amount of privacy and can be annoying for people who enjoy going for drives late at night. It is a good insurance trend for some drivers but for those who want more freedom with their vehicle, this may not be the best insurance plan available. For further information regarding auto insurance and auto insurance plans, please visit Shop At Home.

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Slim And Sassy Weight Loss Scam Or Sensation?}

Submitted by: Charlotte Reid

Scam or Sensation? Slim and Sassy Weightloss approach is causing quite a stir.

In the summer of 2010 Slim and Sassy was unleashed to the masses. And they gobbled it up. doTERRA Global had an immediate best seller on their hands. This little oil blend shot to the top of the sales charts. With the thousands of customers and clients raving about the fat burning abilities of Slim and Sassy, we were hard pressed to find the scam.

After this oil’s release, the stories flooded the office: people were drinking more water, eating less, eating healthier, not craving sweets, feeling happier, and losing unwanted pounds.

Although Slim and Sassy wasn’t designed to be a weightloss product, people commonly point to how many pounds they’ve lost while using the oil.

Slim and Sassy oil blend only contains Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.

The oils in Slim and Sassy are Peppermint, Grapefruit, Ginger, Lemon, and Cinnamon. This 15 ml bottle provides a naturally refreshing oil that can be used many ways.

For the best results, use Slim and Sassy 3-5 times per day, at 3-5 drops each.

You can drop the oil under your tongue (my favorite), in your water, or swallow it in a capsule. Even inhaling a few drops on your palms helps to curb appetites.

Just using the oil once a day can still give you great benefits. Dropping 8 drops in a glass of water will boost your metabolism, increase hydration, and help you fight afternoon cravings.


There are testimonials from both men and women alike–all claiming weight loss, moods lifted, and appetites suppressed thanks to this little oil.

“Obesity has become the most common metabolic disorder in the world.” Dr. David Hill, Chief Medical Officer doTERRA International, exclaimed on doTERRA’s Slim and Sassy Fat Burning Revolution webinar. Diet and a sedentary lifestyle are to blame.

Obviously we can live with the fat, or use Slim and Sassy to slide those pounds away.

Dr. Hill utilized much research and effort in order to formulate this perfect metabolic blend. Each oil in Slim and Sassy is there in the right amount, and for the right reason.

Cinnamon: improves liver function, anti-oxidant, cholesterol balance, reduces diabetic risk, metabolizes sugars, prevents new fat cell production.

Ginger: releases fat, provokes significant weight loss.

Peppermint: appetite suppressant, increases sense of fullness and satisfaction after eating.

Lemon and Grapefruit: help to reduce appetite, help to release fat from cells, and encourage less fat cells created.

Another benefit of Slim & Sassy is a reduction of toxicity throughout the entire body. Other side effects are decreased inflammation, improved digestion, better glucose utilization, cholesterol decreased, and energy boosted.

“[This] is easy to do. Effective to do. People are going to have a good experience with this oil,” Dr. Hill states.

The weight loss plateau is an annoying place to be. One Slim and Sassy story shows how a stay at home mom jumped over that hurdle and released the final few pounds she wanted to get rid of.

With steadier blood sugar levels throughout the day, Jan M. also enjoys the absence of sugar cravings.

“It’s the only thing that has kept me at my same weight, instead of always gaining,” Barbara, a 70+ year-old-grandmother uses Slim and Sassy diligently.

Dropping 2 dress sizes in less than 2 months has Jan V. excited about her Slim and Sassy use.

Changing only 1 thing–using Slim and Sassy, Neal, a dad and farmer, was able to lose almost 20 lbs–in 3 months.

Master consultant for doTERRa, Justin Harrison, lost 7 lbs. over the last couple of weeks, when he started using the oil.

Even doTERRA’s corporate partners love the metabolic blend. Greg Cook celebrates a loss of 10 lbs in 2 weeks thanks to Slim and Sassy.

“This stuff is awesome,” Don exclaimed as he also makes better food choices thanks to the oil blend.

Megan states, “I’ve never felt better. The sizes come off better than with anything else. The taste is great. I thank my zumba teacher and doTERRA for this oil.”

“Slim and Sassy is more than weight loss. It’s about a good, stable metabolism,” Dr. Hill exhorts.

When my afternoon sugar craving strikes, I kick back with doTERRA’s Essential Oil Blend Slim and Sassy. My bottles are never far from reach–on the counter or in my purse, for a fast dose of fresh breath, new vigor, and an energy boost.

Slim and Sassy weightloss scam or sensation? Obviously a sensation. This fat burning revolution is bringing a natural, safe alternative to the weight loss industry.

About the Author: Slim and Sassy Weight loss Scam or Sensation–is a sensation for teacher-mom Charlotte Reid who shares other oil stories at

. Her online marketing team shares her success with this Automated Attraction Marketing System.


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Apple launches new, faster iPhone

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Apple Computer today announced its latest iteration of their popular iPhone, the iPhone 3G S. The new hardware, revealed at the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference drew attention from the media and iPhone owners alike.

Features new to the iPhone include an upgraded camera, which also allows users to record video and sound, as well as “voice control”, which will allow users to control most features of the iPhone with their voice. The new phone will also come pre-loaded with the new iPhone 3.0 software, which will be available on June 17, two days before the phone launches.

In addition to the new iPhone hardware, Apple also demonstrated some of the features of its new desktop operating system, Snow Leopard, and highlighted the new Safari 4.0 web browser.

The iPhone 3G S will be available in a 16 GB and 32 GB models, retailing for US$199 and $299 respectively.

Blender Foundation launches open movie, open game projects

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Blender Foundation, which maintains the open source 3D tool Blender, has announced two new projects, codenamed Peach and Apricot. Project Peach will be a new open source movie, following in the footsteps of last year’s Elephants Dream project (which was initially codenamed Orange). Apricot, on the other hand, will use Blender in conjunction with open source 3D framework Crystal Space to create an open game, thereby showcasing both technologies.

The Blender Foundation published the plans on its website on Sunday. In order to support these and future projects, it will also set up a permanent studio called the “Blender Institute”, where software developers and artists can work together in a single location.

The Peach movie project will be headed by Sacha “Sago” Goedegebure from the Netherlands and Lyubomir Kovachev from Bulgaria. Goedegebure is well known in the Blender community for the “Man in Man” animation, which won the 2006 Suzanne Award for Character Animation. Where the theme of Elephants Dream was dark and industrial, Peach will be “funny and furry”, according to the project announcement. The project is to be completed within 6 months, beginning October 1.

Blender’s open game project is still at an earlier planning stage, and details will be announced at the Crystal Space Conference in July. According to the published plans, the project will also be completed within 6-8 months, and it will have a budget of more than 50,000 Euros.

Record amount of fires during New Zealand Guy Fawkes

Monday, November 6, 2006

There were a record amount of fire calls during Guy Fawkes night, the festivities had emergency services stretched to the limit, a spokesman for the NZ Fire service said that it was “like driving through a war zone.” Despite this, no major structure fires were reported.

Preliminary numbers show that the amount of minor fires reported amounted to 1,729 between the period of October 27 and November 5. For the same period last year, 2005, there were only 1,632. Last year’s numbers were also record setting at the time. Over the Guy Fawkes weekend, November 4 – November 5, there were 784 reports of fires. The actual numbers will be released soon, as the false alarms and multiple reports are separated out. A safety campaign by the NZ Fire brigade advising the public to call 111 on the suspicion of any fire is expected to have increased the number of calls per incident. Discussions on the NZ volunteer firefighter’s mailing list suggest that the majority of bad behaviour occurred in urban areas.

The New Zealand police had to report to 423 reports of disorder in the top half on the North Island alone and in just seven hours. There was a fight which involved 40 people, in Whitianga; police were called to break up that fight and were also called to stop youths from getting fireworks from a shop. Also, in Tauranga, police were called to a fight party of 200 youths at 1.00 a.m. In Mount Albert, Auckland, police were forced to retreat and wait for reinforcements during an incident.

In Wellington, New Zealand, the police had to make 39 arrests, including assaults, disorderly behaviors and liquor ban breaches. The police said it was as bad as New Year’s Eve. “It was as busy as New Year’s Eve. It was one of the busiest nights we have had this year,” Sergeant Maggie Windle said, “Alcohol was a big factor in a lot of the arrests and a lot of the offending. We were dealing with the bulk of this mass disorder.”

Remarkably, the St John’s Ambulance Service reported only one serious firework related injury; a stabbing following an incident involving fireworks.

Mike Hall, chief executive/national commander of the New Zealand Fire Service, said: “The unfortunate result vindicates his call for a retail ban on fireworks, made last month. Despite warnings and a safety campaign, and even with parts of the country being much wetter than they were last year, firefighters were still called out more times than ever. That means that firefighters cannot respond as quickly as they would like to genuine emergencies, and thousands of volunteers across the country are needlessly called away from work and family commitments.”

The Government had previously warned the public that a ban on the public sale of fireworks would be enacted if behaviour was deemed unacceptable over the Guy Fawkes season.

Opinon polls indicate that the public is divided 50:50 over permitting the sale of fireworks, or wanting to see fireworks restricted to public displays or licensed operators. Mr. Hall said “the public are also sick of the danger to themselves, property and pets posed by misuse of fireworks, not to mention the late-night noise and mess associated with people letting off fireworks indiscriminately. The lack of a major fireworks-related fire or fatality at the weekend was pure luck.”

Allegedly Dunedin students were burning furniture in the streets.

Marian Hobbs, Member of Parliament, said that she has put in a bill to stop fireworks to be used by the public: “I’m not saying ban fireworks. I’m not a killjoy. But it does give us powers to stop what is dangerous, time-consuming and expensive. We have to make a start and put our foot down on this.”

Solve All Your Dental Problems With Dentistry Riverside Treatments

Solve All Your Dental Problems with Dentistry Riverside Treatments


Luis Hennry

Now-a-days because of certain food habits and addictions to nicotine, dental problems occur more frequently than ever. Are you one of them?

Well, worry no more! Because, the solution you longed for is now not far away from your reach. Dentistry Riverside is here to solve all your toothy errors with its experts, advanced treatment technologies and other medical services, representing the cr me of the profession.

Medical professionals who offer dental treatment in Orange County are pretty cautious of the fact that patient satisfaction is the first and foremost issue in healthcare services and therefore, the try their best to ensure the same with their services.


Are you still afraid of undergoing any kind of surgeries? Do you think that they are painful? You don t need to be worried about that part at all! Dentistry Riverside employs the best team of dentist Orange Country has, who take utmost care to ensure that you feel next to nothing while undergoing implants or

teeth whitening Riverside


There is a wide range of affordable services you can easily find in the dentistry Riverside. You just needed to select the right one according to your teeth s condition, after they have been properly diagnosed by a good dentist.

Given below is a list of treatments which will definitely be beneficial for you:

  • The dentists at Orange County provide effective treatments for root canal and widened spaces within teeth.
  • Dental implants are successfully done with long lasting effects and without much pain.
  • Dentures are also treated at these medical centers. Both complete as well as partial services are available in this case. Treatments such as dental crowns and dental bridges are also available.
  • Veneer treatments also form an important part of the entire program of dental problem treatments because they improve the overall appearance of your teeth. The dentistry Riverside also provides good veneer treatments.
  • Teeth sometimes tend to get paler in looks and need to be maintained properly, and this can become really difficult sometimes. Laser whitening treatments are particularly helpful in these cases. Aiding to this cause is the teeth whitening Riverside services, which are extremely efficient and fruitful
  • Partial loss of tooth is a very common problem now-a-days and keeping this in mind these dental units provide you with the best dentist Orange County can offer for tooth colored fillings.
  • These services offer treatment to a wide range of patients, of different ages. You can also opt for invisalign treatments that serve a variety of purposes.
  • Other services like TMJ treatments, i.e. treatments for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders are also available

The presence of all these options makes it extremely convenient for the patients residing in Orange County or in the neighborhood. Moreover, the economic nature of the treatments also makes them easily affordable for the average patients. Dentistry Riverside is thus the ideal solution for anyone suffering from problems and defects in their teeth.

The placements and appearance of teeth is an equal contributor in making you look and feel good. So, don t ignore the problems. Rather, get them treated for getting back that confident smile, as soon as possible!

Luis Henry is a professional cosmetic

dentist Orange County

who has been offering good treatments through corrective procedures to get aesthetic enhancement. Dentist in Orange County not only takes good care of the teeth whitening Riverside but also other

dentistry Riverside


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Cyclists Jason English and Liz Smith win 24 Solo in Australia

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

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Mount Stromlo, Canberra — This Easter weekend, elite mountain bike riders competed in the Australian 24-hour solo championships at Canberra’s Stromlo Forest Park. Jason English from Port MacQuarie rode 33 laps and won the men’s race. Liz Smith from Wollongong rode 25 laps and won the women’s race.

Races are won by riding the most laps. If two riders complete the same number of laps in 24-hours, the winner is the one who has ridden them in the shortest time.

Riders wear lights on their helmets and bicycles during night laps. Due to the time of year, there is roughly twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness each day.

The event is a curtain raiser for the WEMBO World Solo 24 hour Mountain Bike Championships, which will be held at Stromlo Forest Park on 12 and 13 October 2013. The race was for solo riders only.

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The weekend before, the teams of riders took to the track at the Mont 24 hour race at Canberra’s Kowen forest. With over 3,000 riders participating, it is now Australia’s largest cycling race.

The team version of the race was favoured by the weekend warriors, but also attracted more than a few elite athletes. Laps were ridden in relay fashion: each rider handed over the baton (which looked like a credit card) to another member of the team after riding one or more laps.

The track was in excellent condition, running through the trees. Without steep climbs or overly difficult technical sections, it permitted fast lap times.

No injuries were reported.


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Looking Just Like A Celebrity Wearing Designer Shades

Looking Just like a Celebrity Wearing Designer Shades



We are envious people. We watch TV exhibits and favor a look or style of the very influential actors and stars. When you look within the mirror, sometimes you think you seem like Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp or Jamie Foxx – in case your a guy, for the actual ladies perhaps Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie or even Kelly Preston. This list and similarities could continue. Each celebrity whether upon screen or off existing a since of design, glamour or attitude. Off screen is where you often see the celebs heading out wearing clothes ranging from both ends from the fashion spectrum – the grunge just walk out bed look or the likely to meet the President appear. No matter what they\’re wearing, they will continually be sporting a designer set of sunglasses.

Fashion designers aren\’t just those who style clothes. There are fashion designers for exactly what you wear. Some brand name creative designers venture into multiple regions of fashion like Coach and Gucci which to express the least have purses and purse brands in addition to sunglasses. The rich and also the famous ie those within the entertainment industry are the cornerstone towards the designers success. Like I discussed earlier. We tend to favor the appearance and style of Hollywood\’s greatest, brightest and beautiful actors and actresses plus they are the best form of advertisement for that designers products.

Finding the right set of sunglasses to be practical and to cater towards the fashion statement you want to make all depends which celebrity you think you seem like or who your buddies or associates think a person resemble.


You will probably succeed in looking just like a celebrity if you activity the Oversized Sunglasses. This kind of sunglasses as been out for some time dating back to the actual 1960\’s with President Kennedy\’s spouse Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. During this period some nick-named the Oversized glasses since the Onassis Sunglasses. I must say that each time I see a high profile that is wearing extra-large sunglasses, I think to myself – when they don\’t want people to understand who they are after that why are they within the entertainment business? To me this is type of ironic but guess what happens? They look beautiful!

Not every designer sunglasses are produced equal. Depending on the designer and also the brand name. You could find your self paying hundreds or 1000s of dollars for a pair of sunglasses right down to paying less than one hundred. If you are searching for designer sunglasses that are dark and it has good UV protection. Then just purchase what you can pay for. However, if you want to prove a point through letting people know that you\’re of a higher course, then perhaps you ought to be looking at sunglasses brands for example Louis Vuitton or Cartier. These brands have some sunglasses near to the $1000 range. I think the majority of us are comfortable with the actual status of upper middle class and therefore designer glasses from Trainer, Gucci, Ray-Ban, Oakley and Tom Ford will be the perfect purchase.

All in most, clothes is not the only means to create a fashion statement. Find the celebrity that\’s most similar to a person, see what sunglasses they wear then look for a pair that best suits your financial standing.

Make a hot fashion statement come may 1st with Ray Ban sunglasses. Now obtainable online at best prices, your and improved look is only a click away. The place to shop for cheap Ray Ban sunglasses may be the online store. Right here, you will find a great number of sunglasses for every family member.

It\’s Your decision Now!

Check out more reviews in the Cheap Ray Ban sunglasses and pick out your personal Ray Ban sunglasses today!

The Author of this article is an expert on the latest trends pertaining to sunglasses. He has written many informative articles on various sunglasses brands & products such as

Knockoff Ray Bans


Replica Ray Bans


Fake Ray Bans


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Arafat memorial ceremony in Gaza cancelled following attacks on Fatah leaders

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fatah yesterday announced it was cancelling the memorial it was planning to hold tomorrow in Gaza City for its late leader Yasser Arafat, following a wave of explosions targeting Fatah leaders’ homes in the Gaza Strip. Sources in the Fatah movement blamed Hamas, the ruling movement in Gaza, for the attacks. Hamas has denied involvement and condemned the attacks.

The memorial was to take place on Tuesday at Al-Katiba square, to commemorate ten years since the founder and leader of the Fatah movement, Yasser Arafat, died. However according to Zakaria al-Agha, senior Gaza Strip Fatah leader, Gaza security services ordered the stage workers for the event “to stop working and leave”.

Agha said, “After the series of explosions and assaults against Fatah leaders, we have been notified by Hamas’ political and security officials that security services won’t be able to take charge of security arrangements during the Arafat anniversary ceremony”.

Some Fatah officials blamed the wave of explosions on Hamas. A Fatah spokesperson added they had been expecting the unity government “to cater to the interests of our nation”. Hamas denied any connection to the events, and its spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri condemned the attacks on his Facebook page.

Hamas Ministry of Interior spokesperson Iyad Al-Buzm said the memorial had been cancelled due to the tense atmosphere between the two movements following the attacks during the last few days, and due to technical reasons, including the delay in salary payments to security personnel by the unity government. Furthermore, he said the prime minister of the unity government, Rami Hamdallah, hadn’t contacted security in the Gaza Strip.

In June 2014, after an agreement between Hamas and Fatah, a reconciliation government was established. This reconciliation was to have enabled the first memorial ceremony for Arafat in Gaza since Hamas took over the strip in 2007. For the past few months, however, recriminations between the two sides have marred the arrangement. About two months ago, Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accused Hamas of establishing a “shadow government” in the Gaza Strip. Hamas workers accuse Fatah-dominated leadership of not paying their salaries.

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