Human Capital Management Solution Significance For An Organization

HRM is the management of a workforce of organization. Its liable for the attraction, assessment, training, selection, and rewarding of the employees in organization, while also overseeing business culture and leadership, and ensuring adherence with labor laws and employment. In situations where employees want and are legally authorized to clasp a bargaining agreement, human resource will typically also serve as the organizations main liaison with the representatives of employees.Human capital management (HRM) can therefore be described as an input in staffs, the ability to run a job with the objective of producing economic value. Human aptitudes are required to tool an organizations idea. Consequently human capital management is non ignorable in an organization. The ability to run a job is gained by a person through experience and learning. An organization can organize training program for the employees and in this approach boost on the talents and skills like presentation, time management, telephone manner, and self evaluation towards set objectives, and in this approach have them get updated on new tools and technologies and thus sustain them on top of the game. An organization can also select to hire adequate personnel. The transformation is necessary for an organization to input health, moral values, education, and also grow sales. This HRM is classified as untouchable capital. The human capital management importance creates the individual undergoing the variation develops a personal growth, feeling of respect, and therefore leads to better performance. Human capital management is very important for business whether it is small or large.Use of tests, also helps an organization monitor the deed of its staffs and in this approach its capable to know whether they required to suggested on certain circumstances. An incentive also helps the staffs to give their perfect; this involves offering awards and perks to the perfect performing staff. Boosting their pathos by letting them know that theyre prominent assets in an organization is also prominent. Human capital management can also be described as the organizations workforce. The workforces processes can be described as the transformation of the power of raw-man resource into productive resource. This boosts to improvement in the productions quantity. It also boosts to loyalty of client, as the clients get to get better services.They makes better hiring decisions as theyre best at identifying the job works they want to be accomplished by an employee, and are capable to identify a resource most suit for the vacancy. They also play an important role in helping new staff members accommodate in the organization. They also promote for retirement advantages for staffs who have been working for an organization. They also make certain that the human capital of an organization adds value to the firm. They have capability of impacting the laying down of employees non-performing. They also are responsible for the good relation of company with the surrounding community.HRM officers also known as the HR officers are essential people in the business, as theyre the links between the organization and the employees. These are most important people in a company as are familiar with the strategic aims of a company, and they also know how to obtain them. So if you want your business to succeed, human capital management is something you cant ignore.


GM and Chrysler receive Canadian loans amid US restructuring ultimata

Friday, April 3, 2009

General Motors (GM) and Chrysler will receive bridge loans from the government of Canada and the provincial government of Ontario, however no more will be forthcoming from either Canadian or US governments unless the companies can reinvent themselves.

“This is a regrettable but necessary step to protect the Canadian economy. We are doing this on the assumption that we obviously cannot afford either in the United States or Canada a catastrophic short-term collapse.” said Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada.

“We cannot, we must not, and we will not let our auto industry simply vanish. This industry is, like no other, an emblem of the American spirit; a once and future symbol of America’s success,” said Barack Obama, President of the United States. “These companies – and this industry – must ultimately stand on their own, not as wards of the state.”File:Sinsheim quer.jpg

Fuel efficient Fiat Nuova 500 Image: Cordhose.(Image missing from Commons: image; log)

Chrysler will receive CA$1 billion and may in fact be eligible for as much as CA$4 billion. If Chrysler succeeds in the next 30 days with a restructuring plan it would be eligible for a US$6 billion loan. A part of Chrysler’s restructuring plan must include a partnership with Fiat within 30 days to appease the US administration. Fiat is a supplier of smaller fuel-efficient vehicles, and the merger will help Chrysler to be viable in the North American market. A Chrysler court bankruptcy would inevitably lead to it being sold off.

As a part of Chrysler’s restructuring plans, Tom LaSorda, the president of Chrysler announced that Canadian operations would fold if it does not receive both the US commitment of $2.3 billion of aid and a new Canadian Auto Workers CAW contract to reduce all-in costs by CA$19 per hour. As a result of this announcement Chrysler’s auto sales volume in Canada dropped 23% compared to March of 2008.

GM has until the end of May to restructure its company to receive up to CA$7.5 billion. As part of the companies restructuring, General Motor’s chief executive Rick Wagoner was replaced Sunday with Fritz Henderson, the current chief operating officer. Henderson spoke out on Tuesday that GM has submitted a restructuring plan which would close five plants, and this may be increased to meet the requirements for financial aid. He is in full compliance with Obama’s auto task force to seek bankruptcy if GM cannot negotiate with their unions, bondholders and others.

GM recently brought forward the “GM Total Confidence” program providing consumer purchase protection for customers who lose their job for economic reasons within the first two years from purchase. As a result of Chrysler’s restructuring announcement in Canada, GM’s Canadian vehicle sales volume fell only 17.3% compared to 2008, an increase from the previous month.

GM must reduce some of its legacy costs which include its pensions and union health care costs. A part of GM’s ailments arose from investing in supplying truck and SUVs during an economy of high gas prices when consumers were demanding fuel efficient vehicles.

2009 Chevrolet Traverse SUV

Tony Clement, Canada’s Minister of Industry, is hoping that the CAW will support the restructuring process and re-negotiate their agreement. Whereas a United Auto Workers negotiator has said, “I don’t see how the UAW will do anything until they see what the bondholders will give up.”

The Obama administration is looking toward bankruptcy proceedings for the automakers, “as a mechanism to help them restructure quickly and emerge stronger. [It will] quickly clear away old debts that are weighing them down. What we are asking is difficult. It will require hard choices by companies. It will require unions and workers who have already made painful concessions to make even more. It will require creditors to recognise that they cannot hold out for the prospect of endless government bailouts.” said Obama.

The auto parts suppliers and IT software exporters in India have already been affected by the declining auto sales. GM and Chrysler software contracts provide US$300 to 350 million a year to vendors in India. As well these two major automakers usually award US$1 billion contracts to auto parts suppliers. “We are worried and closely watching the developments in the US to gauge the impact. The decline in auto sales in the US has already hit the order books of Indian suppliers,” said a Delhi auto parts supplier.

“Going forward, the industry will undoubtedly be smaller, but if our efforts are successful it will be viable and it will support good jobs for Canadians,” said Clements.

Betty Sutton, Ohio’s Congresswoman put forward the CARS act which provides a US$3,000 to 5,000 incentive for those who trade in their vehicle for a fuel-efficient car. “It clearly stimulates the economy, and it gets the consumer into the showroom and gets them buying again. But importantly — and this is what I particularly like about it — it really helps the environment quite a bit in two respects.” said William Clay Ford Jr., executive chairman of Ford Motor Co.

Ford Motor Company has not come forward with requests for assistance.

Since December GM and Chrysler have received US$17.4 billion government loans.

How should the automakers re-invent themselves?
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Home Improvements: Important Things To Avoid Poor Indoor Air Quality

Home Improvements: Important things to avoid poor indoor air quality


Mold Testing Services in and around New JerseyHome improvement

is something that gives you a brand new space to cherish. It is a very refreshing feeling when you get to relax or work in a different space. One thing that we should consider while planning and implementing home improvement task is that we not only aim to beautify our house or workplace. Rather, we need to make it healthier and safer as well. The most vital improvement for a healthier environment inside is the

air quality


Breathing quality indoor air

is very significant for good health. In today s world, most of the individuals spend their time inside their home or office or any other building which are rarely ventilated to prevent the air conditioning gas from escaping. And even in such closed environment, many a times we are not cautious enough to prevent

hazardous smoke

and other

air particles

from entering the same environment.


This is the case of almost entire world, but for instance we will consider the United States of America. Most Americans spend a significant amount of time indoors, i.e., either in the home, office or other types of buildings where gas, chemical and other pollutants can cause many health issues like headaches, eye irritation, allergies and fatigue. Some serious pollutants can even cause certain types of cancers and other long-term health complications.

Clean air

can prevent many environmental health hazards such as asthma, which according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, affects 25 million people, including 7 million children in a given year. Asthma accounts for nearly 17 million physician office and hospital visits.

How to avoid Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Insist on sufficient ventilation

Buildings should be much more ventilated. Most ventilation systems are designed to bring in very little outdoor air and instead re-circulate the indoor air that has already been heated or cooled. While this strategy is effective for minimizing energy costs, it can have a negative impact on indoor air quality.

Hazardous Chemicals

When we get home improvement done, we should make sure that hazardous chemicals could be avoided. These chemicals can enter our space through furnishings, building materials and other household and office products that can emit thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particles into the air

Mold and Mildew

Molds and mildew are fungi that grow on walls, ceilings, corners, etc. due to excessive moisture in the air. This is another common source of indoor air pollution as they can lead to indoor mold growth. Mold can also emit VOCs and particulates, compromising indoor air quality and leading to negative health effects. Since it is impossible to eliminate mold spores, the best way to reduce the impact of mold on indoor air quality is to prevent or promptly repair the moisture problems that enable mold growth. To prevent molds, it is better to consult a

professional mold removal or cleanup company New Jersey

. They have experts for these tasks and they also take due precaution while

mold cleanup service

. They not only clean these fungi, but also make sure they do not come back for harming you or your family s health.

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Jokela High School reopens after deadly multiple shooting

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Jokela School, the scene of the shooting

Jokela High School in Tuusula, Finland, scene of the Jokela school shooting, has recommenced classes. Earlier this month, student Pekka-Eric Auvinen, 18, fatally wounded eight people with his handgun before turning the weapon on himself in the country’s worst ever school shooting. He died later in hospital, having never regained consciousness.

All last week repair teams have been working to eradicate all traces of the event, with large numbers of bullet holes in walls and doors being filled in, broken windows and torn blinds being replaced, and total renovation of one corridor which Auvinen had attempted to set fire to.

Students had previously been permitted into the school last week, in order to collect belongings left behind as they rushed to evacuate the school. On Monday, the school’s 450 pupils began to attend temporary facilities set up at nearby Tuusula Primary School as well as the local church.

An interior window shot through by the killer

Tuusula spokeswoman Heidi Hagman told reporters yesterday that at first school days would be considerably shortened, adding “Today the students will spend time getting used to the renovated and repaired school area.

“Students and teachers are getting support from Red Cross crisis workers and psychologists during the first days of school.”

Esa Ukkola, head of education in Tuusula, spoke to reporters about the fact that students had been shown around the renovated school. “We need to show there is nobody lurking in the cupboards any more. We’re trying to have as normal a school day as possible. There are dozens of extra people to ensure we can do everything in small enough groups.”

The shooting has prompted public anger in Finland at the media attention directed to it, with a feeling that it undermines the placid reputation of the country. People have questioned the decision of a survey last month to designate Finland as the world’s “most livable country”. Psycho-social service manager Anna Cantell-Forsbom from nearby Vantaa has spoken out about her view that the shooting was mainly caused by a lack of psychiatric care available to the Finnish youth and therefore did not reflect on Finnish society. The shooting has also prompted a move by the Finnish government to raise the legal age for gun ownership from 15 years to 18 years.

Finland is expected to set up a commission of inquiry this week to investigate the murders. The government will set aside resources for the ministry of social affairs, health and education as well as the local municipality for the investigation. Meanwhile, local authorities have shown a four-year response plan to the government, asking for five million Euro to fund it. Half will go towards therapy and occupational guidance for affected residents, while the other half would go to school guidance counsellors, psychologists, school healthcare personnel and other experts. The ultimate goal of the plan is the complete recovery of those adversely affected by the shooting.

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“Anonymous” plans to protest Church of Scientology on February 10

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Internet-based group “Anonymous” released a new video on YouTube Monday, announcing international protests outside Church of Scientology centers set for February 10. The video “Call to Action” uses the same computer synthesized voice as a previous video titled “Message to Scientology”, which was posted to YouTube last Monday. The “Message to Scientology” video has been viewed over 1,400,000 times, and the “Call to Action” video has already been viewed over 237,000 times.

Anonymous is taking action against the Church of Scientology in response to what it sees as suppression of freedom of speech on the Internet. The group was first motivated after the Church of Scientology issued a copyright infringement claim to YouTube regarding a promotional video of Scientologist Tom Cruise speaking about his beliefs and using Scientology jargon. The Church of Scientology also issued a legal complaint to the website which is also hosting the video, but Gawker has stated it will not take the video down because it is newsworthy.

Anonymous set up a movement called “Project Chanology” to coordinate their efforts, and took down several Church of Scientology websites through denial-of-service attacks. Members of Anonymous have also participated in prank calls to Church of Scientology centers, as well as protests or “raids” outside Scientology buildings, and have posted some of their exploits to YouTube.

Anonymous is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing.

In the “Call to Action” video, Anonymous denies that they are composed solely of “super hackers”, stating “Anonymous is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone must do the right thing, that someone must bring light to the darkness, that someone must open the eyes of a public that has slumbered for far too long.” The video goes on to state “We want you to be aware of the very real dangers of Scientology,” citing what they term “gross human rights violations”.

Specific controversial events in Scientology history are cited in the video, including Operation Freakout and Paulette Cooper, and Operation Snow White. Operation Freakout was the name of a Church of Scientology operation whose goal was to “get P.C. [Paulette Cooper] incarcerated in a mental institution or jail or at least to hit her so hard that she drops her attacks.” Paulette Cooper had written a book critical of Scientology called The Scandal of Scientology. Operation Snow White was the name of a Church of Scientology operation where members of the Church’s secretive Guardian’s Office infiltrated United States government agencies in Washington, D.C. including the I.R.S. The F.B.I.’s investigation into Operation Snow White led them to discover the planning of actions taken against Paulette Cooper.

The video concludes by inviting the viewer to “take up the banner of free speech” and protest with Anonymous world wide. In an email to CNET News, Anonymous stated that cities where unknown activities are planned on February 10 include New York City, Montreal, Houston, London, Melbourne, and Los Angeles.

On Friday, two spokespersons for the Church of Scientology commented on the recent actions of Anonymous. A spokesman told “These types of people have got some wrong information about us,” and Church spokeswoman Yvette Shank told Sun Media that she regarded members of Anonymous as a “pathetic” group of “computer geeks”. On Monday, Radar reported that the Church of Scientology has asked the U.S. Attorney General‘s office in Los Angeles, the F.B.I., and the LAPD to start a criminal investigation of possible criminal activity related to the Internet attacks. A source told Radar that the Church of Scientology is arguing that the Internet attacks are a form of “illegal interference with business.” Radar also reports that the Church of Scientology is emphasizing its status as a religious organization in the United States, in order to assert that the Internet attacks can be classed as hate crimes.

I’m mainly concerned because you shouldn’t be doing things that are illegal, you just shouldn’t.

On Saturday, Mark Bunker of the website posted a video to YouTube criticizing the illegal actions of Anonymous and suggested legal methods for them to retaliate against the Church of Scientology, including peaceful protesting, writing letters to their government representatives, and persuading the United States government to take away the Church of Scientology’s tax exempt status. In the video, Bunker states “I’m mainly concerned because you shouldn’t be doing things that are illegal, you just shouldn’t. It’s not morally right, and it’s not right when Scientology does it, it’s not right when we do it.” Bunker’s video post has been viewed over 156,000 times. On Sunday, Bunker posted a follow-up video to YouTube where he gives advice to Anonymous on how to peacefully picket. He also provides viewers with resources and weblinks to more information on how to hold a peaceful protest. He concludes this video by imitating Obi-Wan Kenobi‘s Jedi mind trick technique and voice from Star Wars, stating “And if I may, as Obi-Wan, tell you: You will do nothing illegal “.

 This story has updates See Wikinews international report: “Anonymous” holds anti-Scientology protests worldwide 

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Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO apologies for financial planning scandal

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ian Narev, the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, this morning “unreservedly” apologised to clients who lost money in a scandal involving the bank’s financial planning services arm.

Last week, a Senate enquiry found financial advisers from the Commonwealth Bank had made high-risk investments of clients’ money without the clients’ permission, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars lost. The Senate enquiry called for a Royal Commission into the bank, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Mr Narev stated the bank’s performance in providing financial advice was “unacceptable”, and the bank was launching a scheme to compensate clients who lost money due to the planners’ actions.

In a statement Mr Narev said, “Poor advice provided by some of our advisers between 2003 and 2012 caused financial loss and distress and I am truly sorry for that. […] There have been changes in management, structure and culture. We have also invested in new systems, implemented new processes, enhanced adviser supervision and improved training.”

An investigation by Fairfax Media instigated the Senate inquiry into the Commonwealth Bank’s financial planning division and ASIC.

Whistleblower Jeff Morris, who reported the misconduct of the bank to ASIC six years ago, said in an article for The Sydney Morning Herald that neither the bank nor ASIC should be in control of the compensation program.

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Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Arthroscopy is a common surgical procedure in which a joint is viewed by means of a small camera. The camera is inserted after the surgeon makes a small incision. The arthroscope allows the orthopedic specialist a clear view inside the knee to help diagnose and treat knee conditions. Technological medical advances have afforded our surgeons high resolution cameras and high definition monitors. These and other advancements have made arthroscopic knee surgery an effective means for repairing damage to the knee and treating common knee problems.

What is involved with knee arthroscopy?

During an arthroscopic knee procedure, your orthopedic surgeon will insert a small camera instrument the size of a pencil into your knee joint. This device is called an arthroscope and it sends the image of the inside of your knee to the TV monitor the doctor watches. On this monitor, he can see the knee structures in great detail. This allows him to feel, remove, and repair damaged tissues and structures.

How do I prepare for this surgery?

Be assured, almost all knee arthroscopies are done on an outpatient basis. If your doctor recommends a knee arthroscopy, you may need to undergo a complete physical examination with your family doctor prior to the surgery. He will check your health status and identify any problems that would interfere with the procedure. Before surgery, you should tell the orthopedic specialist about any medications or supplements you are taking. He may tell you to stop taking these a few days before the procedure. You can expect that your surgeon will order some pre-operative tests before the surgery, too. These may include blood counts, X-Rays, and electrocardiogram (EKG).

What type of anesthesia will the surgeon use?

When you arrive to the outpatient surgery center, a member of the anesthesia team will want to speak with you. Knee arthroscopy can be done under regional or general anesthesia. While local anesthesia alone can be used for knee arthroscopy, it is not recommended because of more discomfort during the procedure and the lack of relaxation of the muscles during the procedure which you do get with regional or general anesthesia. Regional anesthesia will numb you below your waist and general anesthesia puts you to sleep. The anesthesiologist will help you decide which type of anesthesia is best for you.

What can I expect during the procedure?


After you receive your anesthesia, the orthopedic specialist will make a few small incisions in your knee. Then, he will inject a sterile solution into the knee joint to rinse away any cloudy fluid that will obscure his view. First, the surgeon will introduce the arthroscope into the knee and use the TV monitor to guide him. If your doctor sees that surgical repair is necessary, he will insert tiny instruments through other small incisions to do this. These could include scissors, graspers, and motorized shavers. Overall, the procedure generally lasts around 30 minutes to an hour. How long it takes really depends on what the surgeon finds and the treatment that is necessary.

Your surgeon will close your incisions with stitches or Steri-Strips and cover them with a dry, clean bandage. You will be moved to a recovery area for about an hour before being released. You will need to have someone there to drive you home.

Knee arthroscopy is most commonly used for:

  • removal or repair of torn meniscal cartilage

  • removal of loose fragments of bone or cartilage

  • reconstruction of a torn anterior cruciate ligament

  • trimming of torn pieces of articular cartilage

  • removal of inflamed synovial tissue

What can I expect during the recovery period?

You will recover from arthroscopic knee surgery quicker than from traditional open knee surgery. It is very important for you to follow your orthopedic surgeon’s instructions carefully after you go home.

Dressing Care – When you leave the hospital, you will have a dressing covering your knee. Be sure to keep this clean and dry. Your surgeon will tell you when it is alright to bathe or shower and when and how to change the dressing. Don’t remove the stitches or Steri-Strips.

Swelling – Keep your leg elevated as much as possible for the first couple of days after your arthroscopic knee procedure. You can apply ice as recommended by your doctor to relieve pain and swelling.

Bearing Weight – Most patients will not need crutches or a cane after knee arthroscopy. Your orthopedic specialist will tell you when you are to put weight onto the leg and foot.

Driving – Your doctor will tell you when you may drive. This decision will be based on several things, including your level of pain, the nature of your procedure, the knee that is involved, whether you have a stick shift or automatic car, and how well you can control your knee. Generally, patients can drive within a few days after this procedure.

Medications – Your doctor will give you medications to help relieve discomfort following your knee arthroscopic procedure. Sometimes, a medication like aspirin is recommended to lessen your risk of blood clots.

What exercises can I do to strengthen my knee?

Your doctor will recommend an exercise program for you following your arthroscopic knee surgery. This is done to restore motion and strengthen the muscles of your knee and leg. Therapeutic exercises are important for a speedy recovery. Sometimes, the surgeon finds it necessary to set you up for formal physical therapy to improve your final result.

When can I get back to my normal routine?

Typically, you are able to return to your normal physical activities within 4 to 8 weeks. Higher impact activities, such as running and aerobics, may need to be avoided for a longer periods of time. You will need to discuss this with your orthopedic specialist to make sure you don’t further damage your knee joint. The final outcome of your surgery is largely determined by the degree of damage to your knee.

AAOS (2011). Knee arthroscopy. Retrieved from:

Cluett, J./OrthopedicsAbout.Com (2011). Arthroscopic knees surgery. Retrieved from:

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About Author:

J. Michael Watt, MD Orthopedic Surgeon5350 Tallman Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98107 Phone: (206) 784-8833 Fax: (206) 784-0676 Travis Nortell

Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster in Ohio, US permanently closed following serious accident

Friday, September 9, 2022

Top Thrill Dragster seen in 2009.Image: Craig Lloyd.

On Tuesday, September 6, Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio, United States announced that Top Thrill Dragster, the second tallest-roller coaster in the world, has permanently closed. The ride was the first full-circuit strata coaster, a roller coaster exceeding a 400 feet (122 m) height limit, in the world.

Director of communications at Cedar Point, Tony Clark, released a statement that “after 19 seasons in operation … the world’s first strata coaster, Top Thrill Dragster … is being retired.”

The news comes after an accident on August 15, 2021, when an L-shaped bracket fell on the head of a guest in the queue line, causing a serious brain injury and leading to the closure of the attraction for the rest of the 2021 and 2022 seasons. The bracket was later identified as a sensor used to detect where the cars were on the track.

The park was cleared by Ohio officials in February 2022 of any wrong-doing or of having reason to believe that the ride was unsafe before operation. Prior to the August 2021 accident, two guest-related accidents occurred on the attraction.

Although the ride has been retired in its current form, park officials have stated that they are working on “creating a new and reimagined ride experience.” It was not confirmed if it was the accident that led to the permanent closure of the attraction.

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World stocks plunge on fears on US recession

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Stock prices dropped sharply in Europe and Asia Monday, with fears of economic problems in the United States causing some of the biggest single-day losses in recent years.

In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index fell 5.5 percent – its biggest fall since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Losses of between three and seven percent were recorded in India, China, Britain, France, Germany and Canada.

While there are many factors linking national economies, analysts blame recent losses on fears of a recession in the United States.

The United States is the main export market for many overseas businesses. Foreign investors also have bought large stakes in U.S. companies.

When American home loan companies began reporting large numbers of defaulting loans in late 2007, the losses spread to other financial institutions, tightening credit markets and sparking worries about Americans’ high levels of debt.

Last week, President Bush proposed a $145 billion stimulus plan to encourage more consumer spending. But analysts say the measure may not be able to prevent a recession – defined as a broad decline in a nation’s economy over a period of at least six months.

U.S. markets are closed on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a national holiday, but stock futures trading indicates further losses are expected when markets reopen Tuesday.

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Yahoo announces closure of Briefcase

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yahoo!’s headquarters in Sunnyvale, California Image: Coolcaesar.

Yahoo!’sNASDAQYHOO Briefcase service is to be closed after ten years.

The directory-cum-internet portal’s Briefcase, which offers 30mb of online storage of files up to 5mb, is to be shut down on March 30. Data not retrieved before then will be deleted.

Usage of the service has declined in recent years and has been superseded by other companies’ offers. Google has plans for a GDrive service, whilst Microsoft’s Live Mesh is now in beta. Yahoo! Mail now has unlimited storage, as do paid accounts with the Yahoo!-owned photo- and video-sharing site Flickr. A spokesperson for Yahoo! said that “[d]iscontinuing the service will allow us to focus our efforts on more broadly used products”.

Yahoo has been losing market value since Microsoft’s deal to buy the company fell through in May 2008 and the company has reduced staff. Yahoo! still dominates the market for display adverts but this market is shrinking against targeted search adverts, where Google dominates.

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