Understanding Sudden Excessive Hand Sweating And Its Treatment

Why Are My Hands Sweaty All of a Sudden?

Sudden sweaty hands, medically known as Palmar Hyperhidrosis, is a condition that you might have experienced at least once in your life. It’s that unsettling feeling when your palms start to sweat excessively without any apparent reason, leaving you perplexed and in search of an answer to the question, “why are my hands sweaty all of a sudden?”

Hand sweat is a normal body response to various situations, including nervousness, stress, high temperatures, or physical exertion. However, sudden and unexplained hand sweating that seems to happen regardless of the situation may indicate a medical condition requiring attention.

Understanding the cause behind sudden hand sweating leads to proper management and, more importantly, choosing the right treatment.

Causes of Sudden Hand Sweating

The primary cause of sudden sweaty hands is the body’s response to stress or anxiety, where the nervous system triggers the sweat glands. Other common causes include:

  • Hyperhidrosis: This chronic condition causes excessive, uncontrollable sweating that isn’t necessarily related to heat or exercise.
  • Menopause: Fluctuations in hormones during menopause can cause a sudden onset of sweaty hands in women.
  • Medications: Certain drugs, particularly those used for blood pressure, heart disease, or antidepressants, can cause excessive sweating.
  • Medical Conditions: Diseases such as diabetes, thyroid issues, infections, or certain types of cancer can cause excessive sweating.

Identifying the cause of your sweaty hands is essential in determining the most suitable treatment plan.

Treatment Options for Sweaty Hands

Treatment for sudden sweaty hands can range from lifestyle changes to medical treatments, depending on how severe the sweating is and the impact it has on your life.

Lifestyle modifications can include avoiding situations known to worsen sweating, wearing breathable clothing, and staying hydrated. For stress-induced sweats, practicing stress management techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and deep-breathing may prove beneficial.

Medical treatments can include:

  • Antiperspirants: over-the-counter or prescription strength, used on the hands to reduce sweating.
  • Medications: Oral medicines can work by blocking the chemicals that trigger sweat glands.
  • Iontophoresis: a treatment that uses electrical currents to block the sweat glands.
  • Botox Injections: which can temporarily block the nerves that trigger sweating.

In some severe cases, surgical intervention via Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) can be essential, where the doctor will cut or destroy the nerves that trigger excessive sweating. This procedure is considered a last resort when other treatments have failed.

Excessive Sweating on Feet

Excessive sweating isn’t just limited to hands; it can also affect other areas such as the feet, a condition known as Plantar Hyperhidrosis. Similar to sweaty hands, sweaty feet can be addressed through various treatments.

Persistent sweaty feet not just bring discomfort but can also lead to foot odor and fungal infections. Hence, finding the right treatment becomes even more critical. Some commonly used excessive sweating treatment feet options include antiperspirants, Botox, iontophoresis, and surgery.


Sudden hand sweating can be confusing and distressing. It’s important to remember that hand sweat, although uncomfortable, isn’t always a sign of a severe medical condition. However, if your sweating becomes frequent, severe, or starts affecting your daily life, it’s advisable to seek medical attention.

Three Tips For Successful First Dates In Houston

byAlma Abell

You’re going on your first date and just as you did when you were a teenager, you feel the butterflies filling up in your stomach. It’s natural to be nervous when going out on Dates In Houston, but if you just remember not to sweat the small stuff, you’ll be just fine. Keep in mind realize that it’s going to take time to get to know the person, and dates are just one way of doing that. So inhale, exhale, and consider these tips for dating succes.

Learn Safe Dating Practices

At the top of the list is safety. Whether you met the person through a matchmaker, online dating site, or just passing by, they are essentially a stranger. With that being said, you want to make sure that you’re smart while Dates In Houston until you get to know them a bit better. Some safety tips might include finding a local place to meet, driving your own car to the meeting place, and not going anywhere unfamiliar with the person on the first date.

Don’t Try to Over Impress

When going on Dates In Houston, remember to be yourself. Sure it is normal to not want to eat as much as you would by yourself, or to be worried about saying the wrong things, but trying to be someone that you’re not simply to impress your date is not ideal. Being true to who you are allows them to get to know you and determine whether you’re a good fit for their love.

Balance Talking and Listening

It is important to find a good balance between talking and listening. A lot of people who go out on Dates In Houston find that this is a hard balance to find. You don’t want to talk too much about yourself or you seem self absorbed but you don’t want to be so silent that you appear boring or uninterested. It’s good to talk about yourself, your likes, your dislikes, and even a bit about your family, but make sure you’re giving the other person a chance to talk.

Remembering these three dating tips will certainly help to improve your chances of getting a second date. Remember, this is supposed to be an exciting time. Worrying too much could throw out the wrong vibes can cause you to miss out on a great person. Be safe, be yourself, and be open to what lies ahead.

How Hyperhidrosis Is Cured. 3 Tips To Eliminate Excessive Sweating Naturally

How Hyperhidrosis Is Cured. 3 Tips To Eliminate Excessive Sweating NaturallyBy Julian Andres Alzate

The first thing to understand is that hyperhidrosis or sweating is a condition in which a person sweats too much and suddenly. People with hyperhidrosis seem to have overactive sweat glands.

Excessive sweating affects 5% of the population, and only 40% of the people who suffer from it, seek medical attention to find the right treatment. Hyperhidrosis has become an epidemic!

Real case:

“Since I was 11 years old I started to sweat, my life has been hell, nobody would think that a girl like me would suffer from this in school had to wear summer and winter jacket, wear 2 poles, wear deodorant, I have been limited to using colors never have been able to wear a red, green, blue polo, never, I had to buy clothes of certain fabrics no more (LICRA IMPOSIBLEE) avoid parties, in love, hug friends, etc.. the truth I felt self-conscious throughout my high school I could not play basketball or volleyball or running was HORRIBLE.eh tried all the existing deodorants rexona, nivea, lady speed, dove, endorsement, label, NADAA ME WORKED until a few months ago I bought HIDROFUGAL thinking that it would turn out and the truth NADAA, finish the school This problem ruined everything until the promotion party (it was fatal), well I started college and the first days the worst torment you can imagine thinking they would realize was the worst I found a natural method to link

Advice1. Determine what type of sweating is suffered. Primary or secondary hyperhidrosis

There are two types to distinguish: primary or focal hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary or focal hyperhidrosis affects the hands, feet and armpits in particular.

On the other hand, secondary hyperhidrosis affects the body as a whole; It is not as common as the primary. It can be caused by various conditions, such as the symptoms of menopause, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, type 2 diabetes or mellitus, obesity, heart disease, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), lung ailments, tumors, tuberculosis, diseases autoimmune and nervous system abnormality in terms of dimension of the sweat glands.

Secondary hyperhidrosis may also be due to the intake of certain medications or addictive substances.

Tip 2. Determine the different methods or treatments

Antiperspirants Excessive sweating can be controlled with strong antiperspirants, which cover the sweat ducts. Products containing 10% to 20% aluminum chloride hexahydrate are the first treatment for underarm sweating.

Iontophoresis. This procedure uses electricity to temporarily deactivate the sweat glands. It is more effective for the sweating of the hands and feet. The hands or feet are put in water and then a soft electric current is passed through it.

Botox Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) is used for the treatment of intense sweating in the armpits, feet and hands. This condition is called primary axillary hyperhidrosis.

Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (STE). In some severe cases, a minimally invasive surgical procedure called sympathectomy may be recommended if other treatments have not worked.

Por lo general, los tratamientos contra la hiperhidrosis ms conocidos atacan el problema pero no la raz del problema. Qu sucede luego? El problema regresa porque no ha sido erradicado, simplemente se lo control por un tiempo. Y lo peor es que a veces regresa con ms fuerza y violencia que antes. “Basta de Sudor” va ms all de la cura temporaria. Apunta al control permanente de la sudoracin excesiva.

Tip 3. Natural Treatment Hyperhidrosis without surgery:

Basta de Sudor ™ “teaches the method, scientifically proven, with which you can completely reverse Hyperhidrosis, and if you suffer from bromihidrosis, teaches how you can minimize the amount of bad smell persistently persistent, unpleasant and very penetrating.

It does not matter how long you have Hyperhidrosis. No matter your sex or age. And it does not matter your current physical condition.

For more information on the natural method to eliminate excessive sweating click

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