Pcp Pump History

Submitted by: Ron Brilz

The PCP pump has a substantial history. It was invented and engineered in the late 1920’s by the Frenchman Rene Moineau.

Moineau set out to design a rotary compressor and in the process developed a new rotary mechanism to be employed for the utilization of variations in the pressure of a fluid, which he called “capsulism”. His purpose was to make it doable to use this capsulism in pumps, compressors, or motors.

In the early 1930’s, the Progressive Cavity Pump s concept patent was licensed to three companies: PCM-Pompes of France, Mono Pumps Ltd. Of England, and Robbins & Myers, Inc. Of the United States. Over the years, other small pump companies have produced spin-offs of the Moineau principle.

The Moineau concept has been put to work in many industries in a broad variety of applications since its licensing. It has been used as a pump in just about every industry: chemical, coal, food, metal working, mining, paper, petroleum, textile, tobacco, and water and waste water treatment. In the petroleum industry, the PCP pump has been utilized as a surface transfer pump for over 50 years.


In the mid- 1950’s, the progressive cavity pump principle was applied to hydraulic motor applications by reversing the function of the progressing cavity pump. The device was then being moved by fluid instead of pumping fluid. With the pump elements being driven by drilling mud or other fluids, it established itself as the primary mover for drill motors. The Moineau principle is presently being extensively employed in the petroleum drilling industry.

Then in the early 1980 s, the progressive cavity pump was put to work as an artificial lift method in the petroleum industry. Robbins & Meyers, Inc. Of the United States has to be credited with being the first to apply the Moineau concept to artificial lift in the petroleum industry. They turned into the first PCP pump producer to market the pump as an option to ordinary lift methods and to establish a new market for the PCP pump. Since the mid-1980’s, other manufacturers have come into this marketplace, enlarging the acceptance of the product by the oil and gas industry.

The pump is applied to artificial lift by attaching the pump parts to the tubing and rod string. The stator is run on the end of the tubing, and the rotor is attached to the bottom of the rod string and landed in the stator. The rods and rotor are rotated through a wellhead drive assembly that is designed to carry the weight of the rod and the fluid column.

Currently, the PCP pump is being broadly employed for lifting fluids from depths of 6,000 ft. And deeper in oil and gas wells. Progressive cavity pumps offers to the petroleum industry a great number of benefits over traditional lift equipment, of which the most important is lowering the cost per barrel lifted.

A progressive cavity pump also can function as a motor when fluid is pumped through the interior. Applications include well drilling.

Progressive cavity pumps are also frequently referred to by the specific producer or product names. It is not uncommon to have people refer to them as Moineau pump, Mono pump, Twister pump etc. The Twister PCP pump is a modern pump produced by Canam Pipe & supply.

About the Author: This information is kindly provided from the author s seminars. Visit the

progressive cavity pumps

site to learn more about Canam s own PCP system (the Twister), or the main

oilfield equipment




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Choosing The Right Tool For The Right Job}

Submitted by: Red Writer

More often than not, if a tool fails its not the result of a poor quality tool but because it was not being used for the purpose it was designed and intended for.

You would not try to split a 10 inch diameter log with a hatchet instead of an ax. By the same token you would not want to try to drill a 3/4 inch hole in cement with a standard 1/4 drill. You hear people all the time bad mouthing a particular tool because it did not work well when the real problem was the user. They did not choose the right tool for the job at hand. Most tools, if not all, were made for a specific range of jobs to perform. When you try to use it beyond the range it was made and designed for, you start having problems. Then it is human nature to blame the tool or the


manufacturer when the fault really lies with the person using it.

There is always exceptions in tool usage as well as in all other walks of life. For example, I have a 1/4 inch standard electric drill that I have owned for twenty plus years. I have used it for everything from drilling a one inch hole in cement and metal to driving a # twelve four inch screw into hard wood and it still works fine. It was and still is an exceptional tool. With the beating I gave it, it should have failed long ago but it is one of the exceptions we come across in life. There is no answer for it.

All manufacturers of tools will have specifications on their tools such as amperage, RPM, size, weight, capacity and etc., etc. They are there for a purpose, to help us choose the tool we need. In a lot of cases price is the determining factor when we buy and not what the item was designed for. When we don’t read the specs to determine if the tool is the proper one and buy because it is cheaper, we are setting it up to fail. Then we blame the manufacturer for such a bad tool.

Sometimes a little overkill is not a bad thing. When it comes to using tools, even though the weaker one will do the job, a stronger one is better for it will not put stress on the tool. How long a tool will last is dependent upon how much stress it is put under on a daily basis. Sometimes bigger is better. The bigger, stronger and more powerful the tool that is used will sometime make the job easier and not put as much stress on the tool, therefore making it

last longer. You could probably pull a loaded fourteen foot trailer with a 1/2 ton pick-up truck without any problem but a tandem wheel 1-1/2 ton truck would be better. The same scenario holds true with construction tools. So the next time you plan a project, take into consideration the proper tool to use and everything will work out better in the end.

About the Author: Ted is very passionate about construction tools. He helps run a website




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Funkcija Vazdunog Kompresora I Filtera U Klima Ure’aju}

Funkcija vazdunog kompresora i filtera u klima ure’aju


Norma Llanas

Klima ure’aj je sastavljen od 3 najvanije komponente:

1. Kompresor za zrak2. Kondenzator3. Ispariva

U daljem tekstu se govori o vazdunim kompresorima i poloaju filtera za klimatizaciju. Kompresor se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru klima ure’aja. U kompresoru, tenost stie kao hladan benzin i ostavlja kao gorivo pod pritiskom. Potrebno je “u vazduhu pri atmosferskom naponu i isporuuje ga na bolji stres”.


Teni molekuli su toliko intenzivno upakovani da e poveati snagu i temperaturu. Da bi ova vitalnost pobjegla, spoljni dijelovi klima ure’aja imaju eline ploe, ekstra kao to se vidi u automobilima. Filteri oiste vazduh i pomau da se odri efikasnost ure’aja. uvajui vazduh istim samo mainom isti ist vazduh koji se nalazi u sobi.

Da bi se poboljala trajnost, filtri klima ure’aja treba oistiti svake 2 nedelje i zameniti ih unutar svakih 6 meseci. Ignoriui ovo podrazumijeva sniavanje mogunosti hla’enja klima ure’aja i poveanih rauna za elektrinu energiju jer e onda prouzrokovati vie elektrine energije. Kada se AC ne koristi, pokrijte ga tako to ete ponuditi ispravnu izolaciju. Ovo e osigurati da maina ostane zatiena ak i tokom vjebanja koja odgovara kinim i zimskim godinjim dobima.

Na tritu su dostupne razliite vrste filtera za klimatizaciju koji podseaju na filcove staklenih vlakana, filtri za otklanjanje stakla, elektronski filteri i filteri za uklanjanje mirisa. Ako vazduni kompresor nudi probleme, onda ga trebate proveriti i promijeniti dijelove. Pronalaenje alternativnih komponenti je problem koji je problem, jer sve firme nemaju istu zbirku komponenti.

U zavisnosti od pregleda vazdunih kompresora, svako kvalifikovano miljenje i pregled korisnika, biraju korporacije koje promoviu alternativne elemente kompresora. Pogledajte trenutne modele kompresora vazduha i napravite svoj izbor. Ako su finansije problem, onda procijenite trokove nekoliko firmi i izaberite najbolje u skladu s vrstinom i kvalitetom.

Autor Box sadri 4400 lanaka on-linePinky Savika pie lanke ve vie od 5 godina. Ne samo da se ovaj autor specijalizovao za teme blagostanja, plana hrane, fitnesa i gubitka teine, moete pogledati i najnovije lanke o recenzijama Air Compressor-a koji vam pruaju informacije o miljenjima vazdunog kompresora i filterima za klimatizaciju koji prui vam detalje o filterima za klimatizaciju.

tampaj lanak Izvjee Dodajte novo Napomena Izvrite kompresor i filtere u klima ure’ajuPrijavite se ili kreirajte nalog kako biste postavili komentar. * * Sigurnosni kod: Promena slike Povezane pretrage: Upravljajte vazdunim kompresorom i filterima u klima ure’ajuklima ure’aji klima kompresori prenosni klima ure’aji prenosni klima ure’aji cene goriva delovi kompresora vazdune karte gastritis klima ure’aji filteri gasa kilometraa povezani lanci Izvo’enje vazdunog kompresora i filtera u klima ure’ajuKlima ure’aj za seenjeIzdava: varalakshmi Jedinica za seenje klima ure’aja je ona koja ima dva glavna elementa odvojena jedna od druge, pri emu se jedna nalazi unutar konstrukcije, a druga je spoljanja. Centralni klima ure’aj je skoro sve vreme klimatizovano. Postoje i klima ure’aji zvani mini split klima ure’aji. Zksg Filter Air Compressor – Filteri – Filtriranje i razdvajanje TrgovinaIzdava: gaga Cementbruenje strategija proizvodnje vie od ambijentalnog vazduha koji sadri visoke koncentracije praine. Vazduni kompresor koristi filter za prainu preko jedinstvenog dizajna za sekundarni praini ekrana. Poto je prostor za sakupljanje mulja mali, Netease ica za utika moe samo filtrirati vei filter od mulja moe biti vrlo lo. Fantastina praina u vazduni kompresor usisnim cevima, deo blata koji je ostao u tijelu koji podie habanje cilindra, komad usisnog ventila, sedite Industrijski Koristi koritenje kompresora vazduhaIzdava: Michael Richards Neke maine u upotrebi odmah imaju prilino malo prednosti i olakavaju toliko posla ljudi. Kompresori vazduha su jedna od maina koja pomae u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Zbog naslova sugeriu da je upotreba maine… Dobro je poznavati alternativna pravila za kompresor klima ure’ajaIzdava: Gen Wright To nije tajna veini onih kojima je standard klima ure’aja odre’en efikasnou svog kompresora. Na isti nain, veliina vremena kojom e klima ure’aj konano zavisi od kvaliteta AC kompresora i naina na koji se odravaju. Prenosni vazduni kompresorAutor: Varalakshmi Autor je vezan za IPFonline. http://www.ipfonline.com je Indijski broj 1 industrijskog pronalazaa proizvoda. Portal je pravi skladite znanja o industrijskim proizvodima / uslugama. Odravanje klima ure’ajaPisac: Agnes Odravanje klima ure’aja ne moe jednostavno zadrati klimatske ure’aje u prelepom nedostatku. U skladu sa istraivanjem, pogodno servisiranje klima ure’aja moe produiti ivot sa klima ure’ajem, ouvati elektrinu struju i uspeno spreiti bolesti koje proistiu iz vaeg klima ure’aja. Klima uredjaj ComboAutor: Nicole Roberts Kombinacija grejaa klima ure’aja je sjajna mogunost da dobijete najbolje od sviju svijeta i postaju vrlo razgovorni. Dok ljudi provode dodatno vrijeme u svojim kuama, ele da osiguraju da su u svakom trenutku udobni. Iako je klimatizacija odlina u letnjim mesecima tokom zime, grejalica je mnogo produktivnija. Imajui grejanje klima ure’aja, korisnici u kui e doivjeti potpunu satisfakciju. Klima ure’aji Blue StarWriter: readandbuy Blue Star je Indija najvea centralna kompanija za klimatizaciju koja ispunjava potrebe za klimatizacijom ogromnog broja kompanija i industrijskih potencijala. Blue Star se prvenstveno koncentrira na… Visokotlani klima ure’ajPisac: Anna Thomson Sada smo mnogo toga posvetili globalnom zagrevanju postavljanjem klima ure’aja u stanu. Me’utim, nije neuobiajeno videti, poveavajui trokove snage, to obezbe’uje agoniju. Neki od nas ak i ovaj monetarni instrument za dehumidifikaciju kue. U prosjeku vlasnik kue mora potroiti od 1.000 do 1.200 dolara na raune za elektrinu energiju potrebnih za grijanje kue u zimskom periodu i hladiti kuu u ljetnoj sezoni. Najbolji klima ure’ajPisac: Apple Wooden Airkondicioner je najdragoceniji faktor u ljetima Ovaj lanak je praten 14/04/2010 You may also likeTaylor Swift sija u svom kratkom rukavcu Gucci na ljubiastom tepihu na nagradama Grammy 2014

My name is Norma Llanas but everybody calls me Norma. I’m from Netherlands.

I’m studying at the college (1st year) and I play the Viola for 4 years. Usually I choose music from the famous films :). klime i rashlada Pogorica Crna Gora (advice here) have two sister. I love Exhibition Drill, watching movies and American football.

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Working With Mdf Skirting Boards: Nailing, Screwing, Glueing}

Working with MDF Skirting Boards: Nailing, Screwing, Glueing



MDF skirting boards can be attached to your walls through nailing, glueing, and screwing. Know what to do best in any method that you choose.

The MDF skirting boards are extremely popular these days, because of the materials they used called medium-density fibreboards. They are still made of wood; however, they have been processed and engineered to make them appear and feel finer, smoother, and more flexible. That is why when you are working with MDF skirting boards, you have plenty of choices. You can have them nailed, screwed, or glued.

Glueing MDF Skirting Boards


There are a variety of glues that you can utilise in MDF skirting boards. These include hot melt, UF or unrea formaldehyde, and epoxy. Of all, the hot melts are considered to be tops, whilst epoxy is used sparingly because it is more expensive. There is also constant research these days in determining the best possible type of glue to use with MDF, and hopefully, there will be improved ones to be released in the market soon.

One of the most common problems with glue is its strength. If there is moisture build-up, it becomes weaker, thereby, making the skirting boards easily loose. When you are using glue, therefore, you have to make sure that the moisture content of the MDF skirting board is only from 4 to 8 percent.

Nailing MDF Skirting Boards

Staples or nails are normally utilised in conjunction with the glue. They can fasten joints. It is a common situation during nailing of MDF that the plane that is parallel to its surface may start to split. To help curb the problem, you can use a staple or wire gauge nail that is fine, especially one that has 14 or below grade.

The technique in proper stapling or nailing is not on the nail or staple itself or even on the equipment used. Its how you apply pressure to it. When you can direct the right amount of pressure, then you can allow the nails or staples to penetrate more effectively into the MDF skirting boards and can hold them together for a very long time. Nails should also be driven forming a right angle to the skirting board if you dont want them to bend.

Screwing MDF Skirting Boards

If you want the skirting board to be screwed, you need to use pilot holes, which are required when you are going to drill the edge of the surface. Their root diameter should be from 85 to 90 percent of your chosen screw and shall be placed into a hole with a depth equal or slightly higher than the driven length of the screw.

In screwing, theres always the possibility that you can split the surface of the MDF skirting boards. To avoid that, though, you have to select the right size of the screw that youre going to use as well as prevent from over-tightening them into the hole. On the other hand, you can increase the holding strength of the screws more by choosing one that has longer depth than diameter. Thats why the longer the screw, the better they are to your MDF skirting boards.

Add a little bit of style in your home with

MDF skirting boardsMDF skirting boards

for more information.

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Working with MDF Skirting Boards: Nailing, Screwing, Glueing}

How To Make Mica Lamp Shades}

Submitted by: Jenna Ferguson

Mica lamp shades date back to the 1930s, makings its appearance along with the earliest electric lamps. These beautiful mica lamp shades produce a warm soft light; bringing a sense of soft beauty and style into the bedroom, living room. Mica is group of silicate minerals and the word mica is derived from the Latin word micare which means to glitter. Mica produces a marble look and mica lamp shades are easy to make and you can do it yourself as well.

Before you start on your mica lamp shades project, you should check if you have a tape measure, a metal lampshade (with strong frame) and shears. Now purchase the amount of mica sheets you require to make the mica lamp shades. It comes in four colors, dark amber, standard amber, stained amber and white. If you have a lamp shade that you may already have at home and decide which area you would be adding the mica too, or if you plan to do a full mica lamp shade, then measure the entire shade. Once the amount is decided purchase your mica sheets.

Cut the mica sheets into the desired measurement. Slip it into the metal lampshade or fit into desired areas. Hold mica sheets in place with glue or tape or if you have tabs at the back of the fold, fold them in to hold the sheet in place. Mica lamp shades can be designed by using circular or square or even rectangular shaped rims.


If you dont have a metal frame to make your mica lamp shades, dont worry there is another option, though it may require a little more work! Take 4 or 6 coat hangers. Bend one of those hangers into the shape of a circle. Use a mug or a round container to get the desired shape. Do the same with another hanger and make it larger so that it can be the lower rim. Take 3 or 4 hanger pieces cut to the same measurement and connect both rims with them leaving equal spaces between them. Now comes the slightly harder part.

Take 3 hanger pieces which have been put to the same measurement. Taking a separate hanger bend it to the shape of a small circular, large enough to rest on the bulb rim. You can attach these by using thick wire and then attach it to the lower rim. Then place it on the blub rim. Make sure it is properly balanced. Now take the mica sheets and drill small holes in the corners each sheets (4 holes). Taking 3 inch sections of craft wire attach the mica to the rims, both up and down. Check if it is firmly placed. And now you have your very own home made mica lamp shade. You can use stencils and paint on your lampshade to add a little bit of color if you desire.

Making of mica lamp shades is an interesting project. Would you like to start your project today?

About the Author: Jenna Ferguson is an interior designer and furniture enthusiast, has written over a 150 tips and reviews for home owners e.g. trendy

iron chandelier

for lighting, how to improve home decor and make stylish flooring with

carpet remnants


shug rug




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