Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi

Update since publication

This article mentions that Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, although this is disputed.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

A Florida man is being charged with 3rd degree felony for logging into a private Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Internet access point without permission. Benjamin Smith III, 41, is set for a pre-trial hearing this month in the first case of its kind in the United States.

This kind of activity occurs frequently, but often goes undetected by the owners of these wireless access points (WAPs). Unauthorized users range from casual Web browsers, to users sending e-mails, to users involved in pornography or even illegal endeavours.

According to Richard Dinon, owner of the WAP Smith allegedly broke into, Smith was using a laptop in an automobile while parked outside Dinon’s residence.

There are many steps an owner of one of these access points can take to secure them from outside users. Dinon reportedly knew how to take these steps, but had not bothered because his “neighbors are older.”

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The Way To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Beg For Your Love Get Inside His Head By Ignoring Him

After a breakup, the advice will come every direction. Some will tell you to get in his face and tell your ex boyfriend you hate him and you never want to see him again. Others may tell you to call him and apologize for your part in the breakup. Then there will be those who will say you should forget him and find someone else. Everyone giving you this advice about getting your ex boyfriend back has good intentions, but you are the one who can’t afford to make a mistake.

The time right after a breakup is a very delicate time. Anything you say or action you take to get your ex back, might drive him farther away. If that is the case the best thing to say, is to say nothing at all. The best action to take is to take no action at all. You don’t realize it now, but every day you spend away from your ex boyfriend will make you stronger. You will get a better grip on your emotions and as you find other interests, your ex will not be as important to you.

However by doing your own thing and ignoring your ex boyfriend, you will be getting inside his head and making him have doubts about the breakup. That is because men and women react differently to a be breakup. Men need time to think and get over anything that might have upset them. As long as you stay in his face, he will be reminded of what upset him and he won’t get over it.


The best way to get your ex boyfriend back is to make him miss you. Make him think he is losing you for good and he will want you back. That is because men hate to lose what they feel belongs to them. Although he broke up with you your ex boyfriend still considers you his girl friend. By ignoring him and not letting him know what you are doing or where you are, you will arouse his curiosity and interest.

Another trait men have is always keeping tract of their ex girlfriend. When you stay away from him and ignore the fact that he is even alive, your ex boyfriend will have no choice but to come looking for you. However you cannot appear too anxious to get back together. Once he comes looking for you, it will be necessary to ignore him even more.

Male psychology will tell you men will go after what is denied them. By ignoring your ex boyfriend you will be more desirable to him. No one appreciates what they can easily have, but if they have to fight for something, once they have it, they never want to let it go. You don’t want to discourage your ex boyfriend, but making it hard to get you back will make him appreciate you more.

As long as he never feels too sure of you, it is easy to keep a man. Once he thinks he has you, he will become bored. To get a man and keep him, you have to make him always be chasing you a little. Give him encouragement, but never allow him to think he owns you and he will always be begging for your love.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/relationship-articles/breakups-separation-articles/way-make-your-ex-boyfriend-beg-your-love-get-inside-his-head-ignoring-him-683110.html

About Author:

If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back. Learn how to push his emotional hot buttons and discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your love and forgiveness at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer

US Food and Drug Administration reports melamine found in contaminated pet food

Friday, March 30, 2007

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced at a press conference today that a chemical used in the manufacture of plastics was found in recalled pet food from Menu Foods.

The FDA found melamine in samples of Menu Foods pet food and in samples of wheat gluten, imported from China, which was used as an ingredient. The FDA analysis, however, does not confirm the presence of the rodenticide aminopterin, which was reported March 23 by the New York State Food Laboratory.

According to Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, melamine is used primarily to make plastic kitchenware, although it has been used as a fertilizer in Asia.

Sundlof also indicated that the presence of melamine in the urine of cats that died from kidney failure was revealed through testing. He stressed that melamine was not determined to be the source of illness or deaths in the affected animals.

Sundlof suggested that melamine would not be found normally in pet food.

At a news conference Friday, Paul Henderson, President and CEO of Menu Foods, indicated that Menu Foods is satisfied that the contamination problem was related to melamine and not aminopterin. “One week ago, some of the dedicated researchers who had been investigating this matter reported the discovery of a single, toxic compound in our pet food,” said Henderson in his opening statement. “That, seemingly, cleared the way for us to address the problem, deal fairly with the pet-owners who had been injured, put our business back together, and move on,” he continued.

“In the intervening week, other top scientists have been unable to validate the findings. That is, they were unable to find the toxin – called aminopterin – in our pet food, or in any of the component ingredients. It was also brought to our attention that some veterinary experts held the view that aminopterin was inconsistent with what was being observed in dogs and cats,” Henderson said.

Menu Foods has determined that melamine in wheat gluten from a new US supplier was the likely source of contamination, and that they are confident that the issue has been resolved. “Melamine has been found in the wheat gluten from a new supplier in the United States, who sourced this wheat gluten in China,” said Henderson. “This is the same ingredient that Menu Foods made reference to in its recall press release of March 16. Melamine has not been found in the wheat gluten that we obtain from our other suppliers.”

Henderson refused to name the supplier of the wheat gluten, leaving that up to the FDA. “We have had correspondence with the FDA and we know that they are diligently following-up on the supply of the suspect wheat gluten. It is not our place to name the supplier as we do not want to interfere in any way with the important investigation they are conducting.”

Menu Foods is maintaining the warning on the previously recalled product. “The recalled product is unfit for consumption by pets. It contains melamine. The pet food that we have manufactured after March 6 is safe and healthy,” stated Henderson.

Menu Foods is the manufacturer of several brands of cat and dog food subject to a March 16, 2007 recall.

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Microsoft to track legal marijuana with new partner Kind Financial

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Microsoft announced on Thursday they are partnering with KIND Financial to help governments track the production and distribution of legal marijuana. Kind Financial, a California-based start-up company, began selling its Agrisoft Seed to Sale software three years ago. Microsoft is admitting Kind’s software on the Government portion of its Azure cloud service.

Although Kind Financial CEO David Dinenberg stressed to The Guardian they “absolutely do not touch the plant”, his company does business with growers and distributors of marijuana, as well as the governments that regulate it. State law in twenty-five US states — but not US federal law — has legalized marijuana, whether medicinally or for recreational use. Kimberly Nelson, Microsoft executive director of state and local government solutions, said they expect significant demand for technology to help states make sure cannabis distribution within their state is done according to their laws.

Kind also provides kiosks similar to automated tellers (ATMs) to facilitate marijuana transactions in dispensaries. The distribution of marijuana is often done only with cash or through machines like the ones Kind offers since many banks in the United States shy away from the marijuana industry entirely. Microsoft is not interacting with this part of Kind’s operations, however.

Microsoft and Kind will apply for contracts with state governments for their software. Currently, they have applied to Puerto Rico, a US territory, where medical marijuana has recently been made legal. BioTrackTHC, a company similar to Kind Financial, already has contracts with Washington, New Mexico, and Illinois.

Dinenberg said his company’s partnership with Microsoft is a major step in advancing the legitimacy of cannabis-related businesses.

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At least fourteen dead in Pakistan after drone strikes

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

At least fourteen people in Pakistan’s North Waziristan region have been killed in drone strikes earlier today by suspected US unmanned aircraft.

The attacks happened in the Dattakhel village, located near the Afghanistan border; as many as eighteen missiles were fired at targets, according to security authorities. A local intelligence official said that “Three missiles hit a vehicle and three militants sitting in it were killed.”

A nearby compound used by rebels was also attacked; around a dozen missiles were fired by drones. The dead in that attack are alleged to have been fighters. A reporter for Al Jazeera says the strikes lasted from twenty to 25 minutes.

“The militants have cordoned off the area. So far they’ve retrieved 11 bodies from the debris. The death toll may rise because the militants are still searching for bodies,” an unnamed security official commented.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=At_least_fourteen_dead_in_Pakistan_after_drone_strikes&oldid=4519827”

Startling New Information About Grants For Minority Women

By Herbert Williams

Grants available for minorities are targeted for small businesses so that the people belonging to the minority group may avail themselves the sum of money to start and expand their business. There are billions of dollars available from the government and major corporations for Small Business Grants . When it comes to finding minority business grants, you do not need an expensive consultant. Whether grants are provided by the Federal or State governments most grants for business come in the form of subsidized business loans or small business loans guarantees.

There are various Grants For Minority Women that are present in all assistance programs. If your business plan points towards community development, AIDS assistance, Scholarships, Job training, Health care etc, you can easily qualify for these minority business grants. Be aware of the opportunities that exist for Minority Women.

If a Grants For A Minority Woman is what you need, you’ve come to the right place for information. Do you have the time and resources to search for Grants and apply? Even though rumor has it that grant money is being given away for free every year by the government and other organizations, the truth is that most of these grants come with a variety of requirements and restrictions.

I hope this article related to Grants For Minority Women doesn’t contain misspellings of the main issues. Such misspellings include kinority grants, minoritu grants, minoriity grants, minority grantss or even minority gran6s.

Applying for federal grants is easier now than any ever before thanks to all the resources available to help you. There are numerous guidelines you should follow if applying for federal grants. In fact, if the particular guidelines are not followed you will likely not have your grant application approved. Each agency has their own set of rules that apply for federal grants and it is important you find out, in advance, what the particular requirements are.

Basic Steps You Must Take To Create Your Application to get a Grant For A Minority Woman:


* Determine your funding needs. How much money you will need for materials, training of new employees, advertising, rent etc.

* When you know what you want, write down a list and short description of your goals. Make certain that your language is clear and concise and you have explained the purpose behind you goals.

* What are your goals? Decide exactly what you’re looking for. Are you simply looking for funds to make a purchase of materials, or are you looking for some other outcome as well? Who will gain or benefit from you reaching your goals and what, exactly, will that gain or benefit be?

* Gain support of family and friends. Talk to the people you’ve targeted as those you think will help you attain your goals. Present the project to them in a concise way. Be clear about what you need from them. Once you know you have their support you are ready to look for a funding source.

* Determine your funding needs. How much money you will need for materials, training of new employees, advertising, rent etc.

You’ll probably be surprised to know we found that lots of people that were searching for Grants For Minority Women also searched online for educational grant applications, business grant application, and even application for pell grant.

Many organizations — starting with the Small Business Administration (SBA) and branching out to groups both governmental and not — exist to help level the playing field, and by taking advantage of these grant opportunities.The SBA isn’t the only part of the federal government keeping an eye out for equalizing opportunities. The Federal government and some State commerce agencies also provide government grants for business financing in the form of loans and expertise for companies looking to expand overseas.

The main resources that should be of interest are the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Minority Business Enterprise Program (MBE).

Be sure and check the web for sites that will help you through the process and give you valuable information as well as the tools to become successful. Here are a few things you can find:

* Free Consultations with Grant Specialists who will help you fill out a complete profile of where you are now, and assist you in developing a plan that will help you achieve your financial goals.

* Grant guides that provide you with all the Tips, Tricks, and Trade Secrets for hunting down and obtaining Government Grants.

* Free Actual Government Applications

* Free Grant Writing Software to help make the impossible, possible.

About the Author: If you would like to have 7 Days Free Access to the Webs Most Comprehensive Private and Government Grants Database?

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Police track kidney doctor to Brampton, Canada

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The hunt for alleged kidney harvester, Dr. Amit Kumar, has led investigators to Brampton, a city in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) of Ontario, Canada.

Indian investigators allege that Kumar is the kingpin of a ring that removed kidneys of poor laborers in India for transplantation to the highest bidding patients, usually foreigners. After a request by Indian police via an Interpol “red notice”, Canadian police located a house in Brampton owned by Kumar, who has been dubbed “Dr. Horror” by the Indian press.

The house is occupied by a woman, presumed to be his wife, and two young children. Kumar purchased the 5,600 sq ft (~510 ) home on February 2, 2007 for C$610,000. Reportedly, additional upgrades were performed at the home, including an in-ground pool, at a cost of C$100,000. The family drives an expensive SUV. The children, two boys aged 4 and 5, are said to be enrolled at private schools.

Dr. Kumar, a nephrologist, born Santosh Rameshwar Raut, was known to his neighbors. He told them that he was a cardiovascular surgeon in India, but that he wanted to buy a hotel in Canada and, after one last trip to India to tie up loose ends, permanently relocate to Canada.

“We are completely shocked,” a neighbor told the Toronto Star. “We used to joke at parties that he must be loaded to get such a beautiful wife, but nothing prepared us for this.” Another neighbor told the paper, “It’s very unusual for someone to come here from India and buy a big house like this and a Lexus. Doctors in India just don’t make that kind of money.”

Meanwhile, investigators are no closer to Amit Kumar, than they were a few days ago. It is widely believed that he is trying to flee India for Canada via Nepal, a country for which he is alleged to have a passport.

Police in Mumbai, however, believe he is still in India. “He is very much in India,” commissioner Rakesh Maria said on Tuesday. “We suspect he will never leave.”

“He will stay in India — it won’t be easy to conduct his illegal activities anywhere else,” he said. “In a country like Canada, it would almost be impossible to find [kidney] donors in large numbers.”

They think they can buy the kidney for peanuts. That’s why the likes of [Amit Kumar] can prosper.

However, after a request by the Haryana state government, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will soon take lead in the investigation.

“We haven’t yet received a final word to start investigations,” CBI Director Vijay Shankar said. “We will begin working on the case as per legal process.” Thus far, police in Gurgoan, Moradabad, Mumbai and Rajasthan have been investigating the case separately.

The case has called attention to medical tourism, the practice of traveling abroad for health care at more affordable rates. Kumar is alleged to have charged US$50,000 for a kidney transplant. The donors are said to have been paid the equivalent of US$1,200. Even so, the donors, according to widespread reports and testimonials, may not have realized what they were getting into when they went with a stranger for a well-paying job.

The Toronto Star interviewed a medical tourism travel agent, who operates openly. Aruna Thurairajan, who runs Overseas Medical Services in Calgary, Alberta, says that she frequently gets calls from patients in need of a kidney. Thurairajan refuses to give referrals for transplants because it “gives medical tourism a bad rap.”

“Money is a big factor for people to decide where to go. Often they want to bargain how much to pay the vendor [organ donor]. Some of them can be quite selfish and mean. They think they can buy the kidney for peanuts. That’s why the likes of [Amit Kumar] can prosper. So the patient should also be blamed along with him, because the patient bargains down the price,” said Thurairajan.

But the victims of this illegal trade are not exclusively the poor day laborers but sometimes the clients themselves, according to a report by Hindustan Times. The investigation cited a driver for a close associate of Amit Kumar and claims that at least three foreigners died on Dr. Kumar’s operating table. He was able to name three Turkish nationals who all died in India between 2003 and 2005, officially from cardiac arrest. The driver, Harpal, says that the bodies were brought to a hospital in Ballabgarh, Faridabad, where the local authorities colluded with the doctors to list the cause of death as heart failure.

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US army gives medical assistance to Iraq school

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

BAGHDAD —According to Defend America, US Department of Defense News website, USsoldiers members of the 256th Brigade Combat Team, the 199th Forward Support Battalion (FSB), with several units from Camp Liberty (18th Military Police Brigade, 16th MP Brigade, 617th MP Brigade, 307th Psychological Operations Battalion, and the Iraqi Highway Patrol) provided medical assistance to Iraq children at an elementary school in Bagdah.

US Major Alan Kabakoff, with the 16th MP Brigade, says humanitarianmissions are very important in winning the war on terror, although you can’t seethe importance sometimes: “It’s like fire prevention, everyone knowsthat it works, it’s just hard to prove, unless something bad happens. Thesepeople want the same things that we do, they want safe schools,safe homes, and safe areas to raise their kids.”

Staff Sgt. Jason Escoyne, Co. C, 199th FSB, who examined the children saidthat there was nothing seriously wrong with them.

This effort is part of the US reconstruction of Iraq. Till now according to USAID, U.S. Agency for International Development, in Iraq 2,405 schools were rehabilitated including the supply of chairs, cabinets, desks, chalkboards and kits for secondary and primary schools, about 8.7 million science and math textbooks have been distributed, 33,000 secondary school teachers have been trainned, high protein biscuits have been distributed to more than 450,000 children and 200,000 nursing and pregnant women, trainning have been provided to 700 physicians and 2,500 primary health care providers, over 3 million children under five have been vaccinated and more than 1.3 million children under five suspected of malnutrition have been examined.

Retrieved from “https://en.wikinews.org/w/index.php?title=US_army_gives_medical_assistance_to_Iraq_school&oldid=942862”

Ghanaian presidential elections go to run-off

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

 This story has updates See Ghanaians elect new President 

Ghana’s electoral commission announced on Wednesday that a run-off election must be held for the Ghanaian presidency. The commission said that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo won 49.13% of the vote, slightly more than the other main candidate, John Atta Mills of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), who obtained 47.92%. However, neither candidate reached the 50% mark needed to declare an outright winner.

Six other candidates were also present on the ballot, stealing enough votes to prevent either candidate from winning half of the vote. The third-party candidate receiving the most votes was businessman Paa Kwesi Nduom representing the Convention People’s Party (CPP), who took 1.3% of the vote.

Out of some 8.6 million votes cast, more than 200,000, or 2.4% of the full total, were rejected, which also may have helped prevent either candidate from reaching 50%. Overall voter turnout in the election was 69.52%.

The presidential candidates are vying to replace the incumbent president John Kufuor, who will be stepping down in January of next year after serving a maximum of two terms.

The electoral commission did not announce results of the simultaneous parliamentary elections, but preliminary results suggest that the NDC obtained no less than 115 seats, out of a total of 230 in the parliament. It is probable that the NPP will lose the large parliamentary majority it had enjoyed.

The run-off election is scheduled for the 28th of December.

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What Sciatica Is

Dancers are vulnerable to sciatica because of the amount of concentration on turning out their legs. This often leads to piriformis syndrome. Dancers also move in a large range of movement at the spine, which end in undue stress on the spinal discs when alignment or body mechanics is poor. This could lead to herniated discs. Poor body mechanics, arthritis, and scoliosis can be factors in spinal stenosis which ends up in sciatic pain.Widespread Causes of Sciatica1) Piriformis syndrome2) Herniated disc3) Spinal stenosisPiriformis SyndromePiriformis syndrome is a situation where the piriformis muscle, the biggest of the 6 deep lateral rotators, irritates the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve typically passes underneath the piriformis muscle, however in about 15% of the population the nerve goes through the piriformis muscle increasing it’s potential for compression. When dancers overwork their turnout, their piriformis muscular tissues could also be excessively contracted and might press on the sciatic nerve. It is a functional syndrome. It isn’t simple to diagnosis by means of a MRI or CT scan.Signs include pain within the low back and buttocks, ache that can radiate down the back of the leg and troublesome, and uncomfortable sitting.Remedies include physical remedy which focuses on stretching and strengthening the rotator muscles at the hip, and ultrasound to the infected side to release and soften the piriformis muscle. Anti-Inflammatory treatment, (such as ibuprofen), is also administered to decrease irritation of the nerve. For more acute cases, a cortisone injection could also be suggested. Deep massage may assist to release the tension within the turnout muscle tissues as well as surrounding pelvis and hip muscles. After a lengthy period of unsuccessful conservative treatment, surgical release is the final resort.Herniated discSpinal discs are tender cushions of cartilage with a gel-like middle between the boney vertebrae of the spine. It is where the movement and flexibility of the spine is created. Discs often lose elasticity with age and develop into extra susceptible to injury. A herniated disc bulges out between the vertebrae where it compresses the spinal nerves. This causes ache in the lower back, usually traveling down the leg. A herniated disc is confirmed via a CT imaging scan or a MRI. It’s also commonly known as a slipped disc or bulging disc.You might be suffering from herniated disc if you have leg pains usually over the surface of the thigh and lower leg and foot. Typically shooting down the leg, felt like an electric shock. Different signs include persistent ache regardless of whether or not you might be standing or sitting, tingling or numbness down the leg and muscle weakness. The worst is that if bowel or bladder problems occur. This time see a physician as quickly as possible with these symptoms.Anti-Inflammatory medicine (such as ibuprofen) is given to decrease inflammation. Doctors could choose to do a steroid injection. Bodily remedy can be used to redevelop muscle steadiness and proper spinal alignment. If less invasive measures don’t help, surgical procedure is a last resort.Spinal stenosisStenosis means a narrowing of an opening. Sciatic ache can happen from lumbar (lower back) spinal stenosis, whereas numbness and problems in the arms can happen from cervical (neck) spinal stenosis. The area where the nerves come out from the spinal column can inflame and narrow. This creates strain and ache on the nerve. Older ones are most commonly affected on this type of nerve because of chronic poor body mechanics such as a swayback or tucking under, being obese, having arthritis and/or scoliosis.Signs include ache in the buttocks, thigh, and calf, weakness of one leg and pain that always will increase with motion and strolling, and decreases when sitting or lying down.Diagnostic checks such as x-rays and CT scans or MRI can be used to substantiate the diagnosis. Anti-inflammatory treatment along with physical therapy is prescribed for gentle cases. Surgery may be necessary to remove the stress from the nerve, if much less invasive measures are unsuccessful.Ideas for PreventionIn case you have sciatic signs and are a dance trainer, dont be so depressed. It’s a curable disorder. However, you need to adapt your educating style temporarily. Since teachers have unhealthy habits of showing a movement without being fully warmed up, it is necessary to pull back on demonstrating.Below are some steps that may assist:Stand simply in a turned out first place, Are your gluteal muscular tissues rock hard? It could be a sign of overworking the turnout and hip joint muscles. Periodically, sit on a chair with one leg crossed over the opposite thigh in an open position and lean forward. You will feel the stretch deep within the gluteal of the bent leg.Are you standing in a swayback? Then stretch out the hip flexors within the runners lunge. Usually the hamstrings, gluteal and turnout muscular tissues become overly contracted as they counter the pull of the hip flexors.Notice whats taking place on your feet. Pronation means your weight is not centered and your toes are rolling in – which then creates more muscular pressure within the turnout muscles.Give your turnout muscles a break! Stand with your feet turned in towards each other. Bend your knees then lean into one hip before switching to the opposite hip. It could look unusual, however is a fast reminder that the turnout muscles must be both strong and flexible.Be sure your weight is appropriate for your height and activity level. Extra weight can put strain on the lower back and discs.Are your hamstrings weak or tight? Pay attention to the muscle balance across the hip joint and address any apparent weak point and/or tightness.Relax for a few minutes on your back over a large physioball. This helps to decompress the spine.Get up straight without tension. When sitting and standing, don’t slump as it keeps the spine aligned and the discs and spinal cord happy!How you can Release RigidityTo release stubborn muscular stress, you may work with a pinkie ball. Begin by placing a small 2-2/15 inch rubber ball between the back of your pelvis and the wall. The farther your feet are from the wall the more weight you place on the ball and the deeper the pressure. To start out, roll on the ball from sacrum (base of the backbone). Then roll around the sides of the pelvis and right down to the sits bone. The piriformis and other turnout muscle tissues are in the midst of the buttocks and that area could also be tender. Work slowly and easily and comfortably to loosen the muscles. When you notice any nerve indicators, such as ache radiating down the leg, move away from that spot, or cease all together. 5 minutes before or after class can make a big distinction in reducing extra muscular rigidity!

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