Opponents: New Zealand government sneaks bill into House to avoid public backlash

Thursday, December 7, 2006

The New Zealand Government has tabled the Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill, despite unprecedented political opposition.

In 2003 the Hon Annette King signed a Treaty with Australia agreeing to hand control of the natural health products sector over to an Australian regulatory body, however she needs to pass enabling legislation in New Zealand. “This will be a world-class joint scheme designed to regulate the safety, quality, effectiveness and promotion of therapeutic products in both New Zealand and Australia. That includes the regulation of complementary and alternative medicines, over-the-counter and prescription medicines, medical devices, blood and blood products and tissues and cellular therapies,” Ms King said.

Twice the Bill has been thrown out by select committees, but the Government is determined to ram it through Parliament, according to the New Zealand Health Trust.

“Late tonight the Bill was finally tabled, with no announcement from the Minister,” said Amy Adams, spokesperson for the Trust, “Clearly the Minister is keen to sneak it into Parliament under cover of the silly season, in the hope that she can keep it under the public’s radar.”

“I welcome the support of a majority of the House who want to see the Bill go to Select Committee where New Zealanders can have their say,” Ms King said.

The NZ Health Trust conducted research earlier this year which showed 62% of New Zealanders used natural health products. “This Bill represents a massive and irreparable change to the way we make rules for New Zealand dietary supplements,” Mrs Adams said.

“Under the proposed regime, well over a million New Zealand consumers would find the choice of products adversely affected, and experience cost increases. So you can see why the Government is trying to sneak this into the House without any fuss – they don’t want the public to know.”

All the political parties except Labour have pledged their opposition the proposal, despite some intense lobbying by Australian and New Zealand officials.

“It is a very serious thing to hand sovereignty over your country over to another nation,” Mrs Adams said. “And all the other political parties see the sense in making sure the sector is regulated from New Zealand – not as a minor state of Australia.”

Ms King said: “The Bill… ensures that New Zealand will have an equal say in the setting up and running of the new Authority and joint scheme.” The new authority will be like a crown-owned entity and will have to provide an anuual report and a statement of intent to parliament each year.

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Clearing the air: Positions of Canadian parties vis-à-vis the environment

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Canadian Federal Elections 2008

Stories from the 2008 Canadian Federal Elections
  • 13 October 2008: CanadaVOTES: Libertarian John Kittridge in St. Paul’s
  • 13 October 2008: Canadian scientists protest Harper’s attacks on science
  • 10 October 2008: CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate Paul Arbour in Carleton—Mississippi Mills
  • 10 October 2008: CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate Jo-Anne Boulding in Parry Sound—Muskoka
  • 10 October 2008: CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate David Sparrow in Don Valley West
National Parties

In the lead-up to the 2008 Canadian federal elections much speculation was made about environmental issues and initiative, with various parties maneuvering to claim some portion of the green mantle. But it was the Liberal party which first brought a full-blown policy to the public.

In the months since the Green Shift initiative was brought forth, the political pundits and activists have both talked about this year as the first election where the environment would be a major issue on the minds of voters, and possibly a decisive one for the electorate.

It’s indeed true the environment ranks very high in minds of voters across the country, particularly among young voters. One national survey of Canadians between 18 and 25 finds the environment is the top issue. A poll of all voters found it to be the third most important single issue over all, behind the economy and health care, but the poll suggested that no one issue has really caught the attention of the electorate with many issues gaining similar attention.

The parties themselves seem indecisive, trying to claim a focus on environmental issues but rarely making specific proposals or promises, with the notable exception of the Liberals whose platform has been targeted by opponents and commentators as “wildly experimental” and “doesn’t go deep enough” by turns.

Examining the platforms of the New Democratic Party regarding air pollution and global warming as available on their website, one is struck by a lack of substance. Reference is made to C-377, the Climate Change Accountability Act, which the NDP calls “Layton’s Kyoto-Plus Bill”, which was passed in 2006. The party believes Canada can achieve its Kyoto requirements by 2012, though no mention is made of how a Layton government would do so.

In June of 2008 the Liberals tabled a plan, the Green Shift, which they claim would reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions 20% under 1990 emissions – well below the 6% required by Canadian law when Canada ratified the Kyoto Accord – by 2020, which is rather after the 2008-2012 phase-in period required by that same law. The method of performing this reduction would be to shift the Canadian tax system, reducing income and revenue taxes by replacing them with taxes on greenhouse gas emissions. The plan generated considerable discussion and opposition, and the party has back-pedaled in some portions and added on in others, as well as announcing a couple of separate initiatives to soften the effects for farmers, homeowners, and fishermen among others.

A more diverse approach than solely a “Carbon Tax” is proposed in the Green Party’s platform, which presents an almost holistic approach of adherence to the Kyoto obligations, “Cap and trade” of carbon emissions, industry development with both green technology R&D and regulation as well as consumer subsidies, and their own version of a carbon tax. Alone of the parties they specifically mention the role of international diplomacy/trade as a part of their approach.

Such an approach appears to be anathema to the Conservatives, whose mantra since their election has been that Kyoto cannot be complied with without forcing an economic recession on the country, and used the Throne Speech of 2007 to reiterate that position. They have opposed cap-and-trade schemes in the past, but their platform for this election states their plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions includes emissions caps for “four air pollutants commonly associated with smog and acid rain,” as well as “tough emission reduction targets”.

In contrast to the laundry-list of unconnected initiatives on the Conservative’s website, the clean platform pamphlet created by the Bloc Québécois makes a simple and apparently heartfelt statement on the environment:

La lutte aux changements climatiques est devenue un enjeu fondamental pour l’humanité et le Québec est déterminé à apporter sa contribution, à sa façon. À Ottawa, c’est le Bloc Québécois qui mène la lutte en faveur de l’application du protocole de Kyoto dans le respect des choix du Québec.
Tackling climate change has become a fundamental issue for all of humanity and Québec is determined to make its contribution, in its own way. In Ottawa, the Bloc Québécois, respecting Québec’s choices, is leading the fight to enforce the Kyoto Protocol.

Just how they plan to enforce the Kyoto obligations is not stated, though they do discuss a carbon market, and tax incentives for home heating upgrade and transportation.

There seems to be a wide if somewhat shallow interest in the electorate as to just what each party is offering on the environmental file. But with sketchy platforms regarding environmental issues, it’s no wonder some of the parties have turned to the subject of economics in recent days.

What is your feelings on how the Canadian parties are addressing the issue of global warming?
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How To Register A Trademark A Likely Trade Name For World Wrestling Entertainment

By John B Mayall

Wrestling and in particular that which is meant for entertainment has gradually gained its way to be one of the most popular sports for entertainment. A lot of people consider this form of entertainment to be one of their most favorite. There are lots of celebrities involved in this form of sport. In fact, wrestling is a worldwide entertainment.

The truth about this form of entertainment is that most of the actions are predetermined. This does not however reduce the number of spectators glued to this form of entertainment. More and more people are watching this sport on a daily basis and all over the world. The best way to believe in all these is to take some time out of your schedule and watch this highly entertaining sport.

World Wrestling Entertainment is a form of sport that has generated great characters and these characters have gained their places as celebrities in this sport. These have also generated lots of trade names and these are what spectators use in making out one actor and his traits from that of another. What is usually peculiar about these actors is that what they portray in the form of violent behavior towards others is usually faked. But all these are necessary in order to thrill the spectators. One of the most celebrated actors in this entertainment turns out to be John Cena. He has incredible talents to thrill the public. He is multitalented. Apart from being a strong wrestler, he is also an artist and equally a very good singer. Do you know that he is the present World Wrestling Entertainment title holder?


Where Did John Cena’S Career Begin?

It all started when he undertook wrestling lessons and he first came into light at the Ultimate Pro Wrestling. He was very successful at this stage and thought about joining the World Wrestling Entertainment, in which he signed a contract. It did not end here. His first television appearance was recorded on June 27th 2002 in which he wrestled against Kurt Angle. When he started his wrestling career, he was thought to be unequal against almost all his opponents. But he proved his detractors wrong and came out to be victorious over all his opponents. He also faced so many obstacles from his opponents. A good example is the fight which pitted him against Brock Lesnar, who was then the title holder. In this fight, his career almost came to a halt as a result of injuries sustained. Although this was one of his most difficult matches, this is where he picked up his trade name, F-U. This title was in response to F-5, title for Brock Lesnar. Later on he also took up the slogan “you can’t see me” to be his trademark.

As far back as 2004, he has become so famous that he is known by every TV viewer. He also takes part in the Royal Rumble that comes every January. John Cena has preserved his position in this sport and was the 6th but was defeated by Big Show, another of wrestling celebrity. This defeat made him reconsider success as part and parcel of his career and he bounced back to defeat Big Show to become number one in the world of wrestling.

All wrestlers are looking forward to fight their way through and develop their own trade names that their fans will use to differentiate them from other wrestlers. Perhaps, they will one day be like john Cena who has adopted more than one trade name. World Wrestling Entertainment offers one of the most entertaining sports that can be watched wherever you find yourself. But it will be best for you if you take along your loved ones or friends and enjoy what the game has in store for you.

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Cyprus and Malta adopt the euro

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Today at midnight, the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Malta, both small island states in the Mediterranean and former British colonies, adopted the euro as their official currency; less than four years after their accession to the European Union. Because Cyprus and Malta are in different time zones, Cyprus adopted the euro one hour before Malta did the same. In both countries the euro was welcomed with outdoor celebrations, including a fireworks display in Malta’s capital Valletta. According to the BBC Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris has said the euro “will benefit consumers and businesses alike because of the eurozone’s low inflation, low interest rates and large market.”

The BBC reports that Cypriot and Maltese leaders “made symbolic withdrawals of euros from cash machines just minutes into the New Year.” TIME reports that Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had to wait a little while before getting his hands on the new currency because “an automated teller machine did not work when Gonzi tried to withdraw euros, and he was obliged to use a different ATM.”

The Cypriot pound (CYP) and the Maltese lira (MTL) will remain in use during a dual circulation period that will last until the end of this month, at which point they will cease to be legal tender. However, it will still be possible to exchange them for Euro free of charge after the end of this period. Commercial banks in Cyprus will exchange Cypriot pounds for Euro until 30 June, but only for amounts up to CYP 1000 per customer and per transaction in banknotes and up to CYP 5O in coins. The Central Bank of Cyprus will exchange coins until the end of 2009 and banknotes until the end of 2017. Maltese commercial banks will exchange Maltese lira for Euro until the end of March, with a limit for non-customers of MTL 250, whereas the Central Bank of Malta will exchange coins until 1 February 2010 and banknotes until 1 February 2018.

We’re sorry to say goodbye to our pound but happy to welcome the euro.

The single currency has replaced the Cypriot pound and the Maltese lira at a rate of one euro to 0.585274 Cypriot pound and 0.4293 to the Maltese lira, or 1.71 euro per Cypriot pound and 2.33 per Maltese lira. This conversion rate had been fixed on 10 July 2007 by Ecofin, the council comprising the finance ministers of the EU Member States.

Today with the adoption of the Euro, Cyprus and Malta have become even more integrated in the heart of the European Union, less than four years after they joined the EU.

Cyprus and Malta are the 14th and the 15th country to join the Eurozone, which already includes Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Slovenia. All EU Member States are required to join the Eurozone once certain conditions are fulfilled, except Denmark and the United Kingdom which have negotiated a so-called opt-out that allows them not to adopt the single currency.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the de facto independent Turkish-controlled area in the north of Cyprus, will not join the Eurozone. Northern Cyprus is not part of the European Union and is recognised only by Turkey. As a result, the Turkish lira will remain the official currency in the north of the island; however, TIME reports that “many Turkish Cypriot merchants will also accept euros along with Turkish lira.” Cypriot Euro coins are inscribed in both Greek and Turkish.

The euro will also be legal tender in the Sovereign Base Areas, British military bases in Cyprus.

The national sides of the Cypriot Euro coins feature three separate designs for the three series of coins. The 1, 2 and 5-cent coins feature the mouflon, or wild sheep, the 10, 20 and 50-cent coins feature the Kyrenia ship, the wreck of a 4th century BC Greek merchant ship discovered in 1967 and salvaged closed to Kyrenia, and the €1 and €2 coins feature the Idol of Pomos, a prehistoric sculpture from the village of Pomos, three national symbols of Cyprus. The designs were jointly created by Tatiana Soteropoulos and Erik Maell.

The Maltese euro coins’ national sides will also feature national motifs. The 1, 2 and 5-cent coins will feature the altar of the Mnajdra temple grouping, a complex of three Neolithic temples on the southern coast of Malta and one of the oldest free-standing temple groupings in the world, the 10, 20 and 50-cent coins will feature the Coat of Arms of Malta, and the €1 and €2 coins will bear the Maltese cross, a symbol associated with an order of Christian warriors known as the Knights Hospitaller or Knights of Malta, which was based on Malta for more than 250 years after they had been given the islands by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. The designs of Maltese engraver Noel Galea Bason were selected after two rounds of public consultations in which people were invited to vote via SMS.

Both Cyprus and Malta have taken a number of steps to address fears of undue price rises. 7,130 Cypriot companies have subscribed to a Fair Pricing Code launched by the authorities and the Cypriot government urged companies to round their prices down. In Malta, the FAIR initiative, a fair pricing scheme, was put in place in January 2007. This scheme, which provides for administrative fines for those failing to respect their commitment, now involves 80% of all retail outlets. Malta, according to the BBC, has also signed 12 price stabilisation agreements with importers, which will last until March 2008.

In both countries, the authorities will monitor retailers to ensure they do not exploit the changeover for unfair gain by rounding up their prices, contributing to inflation.

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Wikinews interviews 2020 Melbourne Lord Mayor Candidate Wayne Tseng

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

2020 Melbourne Lord Mayor candidate Wayne Tseng answered some questions about his campaign for the upcoming election from Wikinews. The Lord Mayor election in the Australian city is scheduled to take place this week.

Tseng runs a firm called eTranslate, which helps software developers to make the software available to the users. In the candidate’s questionnaire, Tseng said eTranslate had led to him working with all three tiers of the government. He previously belonged to the Australian Liberal Party, but has left since then, to run for mayorship as an independent candidate.

Tseng is of Chinese descent, having moved to Australia with his parents from Vietnam. Graduated in Brisbane, Tseng received his PhD in Melbourne and has been living in the city, he told Wikinews. Tseng also formed Chinese Precinct Chamber of Commerce, an organisation responsible for many “community bond building initiatives”, the Lord Mayor candidate told Wikinews.

Tseng discussed his plans for leading Melbourne, recovering from COVID-19, and “Democracy 2.0” to ensure concerns of minorities in the city were also heard. Tseng also focused on the importance of the multi-culture aspect and talked about making Melbourne the capital of the aboriginals. Tseng also explained why he thinks Melbourne is poised to be a world city by 2030.

Tseng’s deputy Lord Mayor candidate Gricol Yang is a Commercial Banker and works for ANZ Banking Group.

Currently, Sally Capp is the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, the Victorian capital. Capp was elected as an interim Lord Mayor in mid-2018 after the former Lord Mayor Robert Doyle resigned from his position after sexual assault allegations. Doyle served as the Lord Mayor of Melbourne for almost a decade since 2008.

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Top Things To Know When Searching For Girl’s Gymnastic Leotards


When searching for girl’s gymnastic leotards, it can be hard to know where to start. With that in mind, read on below for a few of the top things you should know before you head out to find gymnastic leotards for your budding little champion.

Comfort MattersYou know your little girl, and you know that she is not going to wear any type of girl’s gymnastic leotards that’s too scratchy for her skin. That is why it’s important to find itch-free, super gentle fabric that will be soft on her skin so she can concentrate on what’s important—learning her routines.

Kid-Friendly, Cute DesignsShe may be a gymnast, but before that she is a little girl that loves dressing up in cute clothes with creative designs. Make sure that the designs are cute and kid-friendly or your little gymnast may not want to wear them and class could become a chore for you both.

Go for the AffordableYes, gymnastics can be an expensive sport, but that doesn’t mean you should have to pay an arm and a leg for your little one’s leotards. Do your research, compare prices, and find the best fit at the least expensive price. It is important to remember that you want an affordable price, but you don’t want to sacrifice quality in order to get it. Choose only the best, but be careful of the price and quality you are getting at the same time.

These are just a few of the things you should know about searching for girl’s gymnastics leotards. Comfortable, kid-friendly, and affordable. With these tips in mind, it’s not going to take a lot to put a smile on your daughter’s face. For more information, contact Garland Activewear today. We offer beautiful custom leotards that your daughter will love at a price you will too!

Lump In Throat Treatment Information And Cure Alternatives}

Lump in Throat Treatment – Information and Cure Alternatives



Lump in throat cure is a physical sensation which is actually psychological in nature. Therefore most doctors recommend that the treatment should lay stress on removing the primary psychological factors before medication is administered.

Before discussing the lump in throat cure it is essential to understand the basis of this medical condition.

#Impulsive situations that lead to uncontrollable stress and anxiety give way to the physical sensation of a lump in throat. The constriction of glottis due to the development of muscle tension as a result of mental shock, stress and anxiety leads to such a feeling.

#The glottis muscle may also tighten up to prevent stomach acid from reaching the mouth or larynx, due to stomach conditions like acid reflux.

#Facing frightful or stressful situations may trigger the process of acid reflux and hence causes lump in throat.

#Physical lump in throat problems can be caused by mucosal lesion or ulcer formations. Medicines are the only method of treatment for such conditions.

#Formation of masses or lumps such as granulomas, cysts, cancer, etc, can also cause this sensation.

The following are certain common symptoms of the lump in throat sensation:

* Feels like a ball is stuck in the throat.

* The symptoms are similar to the feeling of getting suffocated at a funeral or sad situation.

* Feels like you are being strangled.

* The throat may feel swollen.

* The lump comes and goes depending on particular situations.

* Symptoms are usually worse during a specific part of the day.

* The symptoms occur and aggravate in stress situations.

* Easy to swallow food while it becomes difficult to swallow Saliva.

* The sensation goes away when you are relaxed or unstressed.

Lump in Throat Cure

Lump in throat cure can be accomplished in two stages:

Counseling and Therapy

* As discussed earlier lump in throat cure involves a psychological aspect, which means this disorder should be treated by curing any underlying condition that maybe causing it. Lump in throat feeling is not a serious health problem but a temporary disorder.

* Various relaxation techniques are taught to the patient so that he is able to keep his stress and anxiety under control thereby controlling the occurrence of the lump in throat sensation.

* Therapy is provided if the condition is causing breathing troubles.

* If the lump sensation is causing pain while swallowing or preventing you from swallowing, then you should seek the doctors advice.

* Other effects include unexplainably reduced appetite and weight loss.

* Constant sensation of the lump may attract the necessity of a therapy.

Drugs and Healing

If the lump in throat sensation is getting worse each day, then you should waste no time and see the doctor immediately.

Strengthening of the lump in throat sensation suggests the commencement of treatment by a doctor without delay.

It is time to see a doctor and begin the course of treatment when the lump in throat sensation worsens day after day.

* Medication is the answer for suppressing severe psychological condition and also for the presence of a physical lump.

* Antidepressants are a class of medicines recommended by physicians to correct the psychological disorder which are chosen according to the patients condition. The mode of action of these is through the raised level of serotonin in the brain that checks the stress level.

* Lump in throat treatments are also done by administering Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) which help to improve the serotonin imbalance found in depressed and stressed people.

* Other drugs are also used based on the symptoms and their severity.


More than medications doctors emphasize in treating the disorder at the psychological level as a strategy for lump in throat cure. The primary psychological factors can be removed by counseling and therapy.

Don’t ignore the little sense of lump in throat, seek help for

panic disorder treatment

as early as possible, it will be very difficult in

coping with panic attacks


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Lump in Throat Treatment – Information and Cure Alternatives}

Athletes prepare for 2012 Summer Paralympics at the Paralympic Fitness Centre

Monday, August 27, 2012

London, England — As Paralympians ready for the Games which are set to open later this week, they have access to a world class fitness center inside the Paralympic Village which is designed to maximise their pre-Game preparations.

According to volunteers staffing the center, instead of being a single large room, as in Beijing, the building has numerous rooms. It, along with the adjacent Village Services Centre, is designed to be converted into a school after the games conclude. Rooms have been structured as a gym, an auditorium, and science laboratories.

Gym equipment is supplied by Technogym, an Italian firm that has supplied gym equipment for the Olympics since 2000. Equipment has been provided not just for for the Fitness Centre, but for gyms at all the Olympic venues. The newest equipment is oriented toward maximum flexibility, allowing athletes to exercise the particular muscles that they most require for their sport.

In addition to the equipment, the Fitness Centre also provides instructors trained in the use of the equipment, the likes of which athletes from many countries have never seen before. There are also a number of instructors available to provide motivational training.

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Major magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes central Italy

Monday, April 6, 2009

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) a major moment magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck Central Italy at 3:32 a.m. local time with a 4.8 aftershock about an hour after. Earlier reports from the USGS had said the quake was a 6.7. Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics registered the quake at a Richter magnitude of 5.8.

The epicenter was registered 95 kilometres (60 miles) Northeast of Italy’s capital of Rome. It registered a depth of 10 kilometres (6.2 miles). At least nine aftershocks, with the highest being a magnitude 4.8, have shaken the area since the initial earthquake.

At least 150 people have been killed in the region and officials say the death toll is likely to rise. According to the RAI (Italian public broadcasting service) and press agencies, at least 1,500 people have been injured. No less than six people, four children, and an elderly woman, are reported to have been killed in a building collapse in L’Aquila, where most of the shaking was felt and at least six students are trapped beneath the rubble of a partially collapsed college dormitory. The USGS says nearly 70,000 people live in L’Aquila, with hundreds of thousands more people residing in the surrounding areas.

Several buildings are reported to be collapsed or damaged in the city, including a church and school. The BBC reports the area as “hard hit.” BNOnews reports that there are thousands of buildings damaged or collapsed in the region. Reports say as many as 50,000 houses and buildings have been destroyed, leaving thousands of people homeless. The mayor of L’Aquila, Massimo Cialente, declared that Onna fraction, a small conglomerate of houses near the capital of Abruzzo, was completely destroyed.

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has declared a state of emergency for the region, and is returning to Italy to coordinate the relief operations. The Minister of the Interior, Roberto Maroni, is also travelling to L’Aquila to offer collaboration from the government.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman contacted Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini to offer the assistance of Israel’s natural disaster SAR teams.

This is the deadliest quake in Italy since November 23, 1980, when nearly 3,000 people were killed in a magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck Southern Italy in the Irpinia region. At least 10,000 were injured with over 300,000 being left homeless.

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Australian Budget for 2006-2007 released

Tuesday, May 9, 2006The Australian Budget (Appropriation Bill No. 1) for 2006-2007 was released by the Australian Liberal PartyAustralian National Party coalition government treasurer, Peter Costello (Higgins, Liberal).

Costello noted the resilience of the economy against natural disasters and terrorism, and through “disciplined and prudent management” the Government was able to “repay Labor’s debt” of quoted 96 billion dollars of net debt and the Government was now “debt-free”.

Costello noted that the Government budget was in “surplus for the ninth time” with a forecast surplus of 10.8 billion.

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