11-year-old California girl charged for throwing stone in defense

Monday, July 18, 2005

An 11-year-old girl faces serious assault charges in California after casting a stone at a group of boys who were throwing water balloons at her. In April, Maribel Cuevas was apprehended by Fresno, California police and spent five days in a detention center after throwing the object at the group of boys who bombarded her with water balloons as she walked down the sidewalk. A 9-year-old boy was hit with the stone, and suffered a wound to his head requiring medical assistance.

Since then, Cuevas has spent one month under house arrest pending court. Cuevas’ lawyer, Richard Beshwate, told the BBC that “They [Fresno police] are treating her like a violent parole offender. It’s not a felony, it’s an 11-year-old acting like an 11-year-old.”

Fresno Police Sergeant Anthony Martinez told reporters: “We responded. We determined a felony assault had taken place and the officers took the actions that were necessary.” Cuevas is due back in court next month on felony assault charges.

The girl was placed in juvenile hall during her five-day detention, with only one 30-minute visit from her parents. She was then placed under a 30 day house arrest and required to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet. The house arrest allowed the girl to attend school.

Maribel, who knows very little English, said that the boy initiated the conflict — the boy also admitted as much.

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Know About Body Tite Liposuction Procedure

Know about BodyTite Liposuction Procedure


Aaron Rollison

People who plan to undergo BodyTite liposuction should have an awareness of the various facts pertaining to the procedure. This would definitely help to make an informed decision. This procedure is a high-tech one and outstanding body contouring is enabled. To burn the targeted fat cells precisely, the plastic surgeon would employ radiofrequency energy. Apart from contouring the body, the procedure also brings about a smoother skin tone.

Get Effective Results with BodyTite Liposuction

In this procedure, patented RFAL technology is utilized for removing excess fat and tightening the skin through a process that is minimally invasive. With this procedure, aesthetic results and a uniform treatment are ensured. Radiofrequency energy delivered through this innovative device coagulates the vascular, fibrous and the adipose tissue. The entire soft tissue matrix is heated. The procedure allows for artistic body contouring, so those who undergo BodyTite body contouring get to enjoy excellent aesthetic results.

How the Procedure Benefits You

Minimum discomfort, quick completion, safety and efficiency are some of the highlights of this procedure. There are many other benefits as well that are listed below:

With this radiofrequency assisted liposuction, excess fat is melted away and removed safely. The pain and discomfort associated with the procedure are negligible.


There is easy removal of unwanted fat from any body part such as the upper arms, chin, neck, face, love handles, abdominal area, inner thighs, buttocks, hips and knees.

As opposed to traditional liposuction, no lumpy irregularities result from this process.

The plastic surgeon would use local anesthesia and thus, the complications and risks associated with general anesthesia are significantly reduced.

The surrounding tissues are kept intact because the soft tissues are precisely targeted.

There is accurate and constant monitoring of the energy transmission and temperature.

Thus, there are no risks of overtreatment or hot spots.

Bleeding, swelling and trauma are minimal. There is negligible scarring.

After a period of 6 months, constant improvement is seen in the results.

No overnight stay in the hospital stay is required.

After the procedure, your plastic surgeon would give detailed instructions regarding the care you should take.

To enjoy safe and comfortable BodyTite liposuction, and to obtain the best aesthetic results, choose only an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center offering the services of experienced plastic surgeons. The details of the surgeons, the services offered as well as the testimonials of previous patients should be taken into consideration when making the selection.

BodyTite Liposuction: BodyTite is a sophisticated device using patented radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology for effective body contouring and significant skin contraction.

Article Source:


Wikinews interviews Mark Bunker, producer of anti-Scientology website ‘XenuTV’

Monday, February 18, 2008

Television producer and owner of the anti-Scientology website www.xenutv.com (XenuTV), Mark Bunker, also known as Wise Beard Man, chatted online with Wikinews for nearly three hours. More than 120 people followed the interview live (many from Project Chanology), which makes this exclusive Wikinews interview our most attended IRC interview to date.

Bunker started XenuTV in 1999 and began to make videos that he provided for the Lisa McPherson Trust. Bunker has been a critic of the Church of Scientology since 1997.

In 2006, he won a Regional Emmy Award after he and KUSI-TV news reporter Lena Lewis produced a documentary news video on the issues with the United States – Mexico border with San Diego, California.

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Wikinews’ overview of the year 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

What would you tell your grandchildren about 2007 if they asked you about it in, let’s say, 20 year’s time? If the answer to a quiz question was 2007, what would the question be? The year that you first signed on to Facebook? The year Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse fell apart? The year author Kurt Vonnegut or mime Marcel Marceau died, both at 84?

Let’s take a look at some of the international stories of 2007. Links to the original Wikinews articles are in bold.

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Category:July 14, 2010

? July 13, 2010
July 15, 2010 ?
July 14

Pages in category “July 14, 2010”

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Nitric Oxide Review

Nitric Oxide supplement is the best option for you in case you are interested in pumping your lean muscle volume.

In these ultra modern days, there are many individuals who are over conscious about their resistance, muscles, endurance and entire health. Many persons are experiencing the tough period in order to boost their muscle volume. These individuals are not aware about that they have a great option in order to get their desired goals of attaining six pack abs and well toned chiseled body. The Nitric Oxide supplement is the great way available in the international bazaar these days by which any person can simply execute your dreams. These body building supplements can safely prevent all the harsh pollutants and chemicals to enter into the body.

Nitric Oxide aka NO is a compound in the gas form which is naturally secreted into the body system and it’s generally used by a system in order to connect with the other body tissues. To make this vital gas, body enzymes break in the amino acid Arginine. Nitric Oxide is a molecule which comprises of an atom of the oxygen and an atom of the nitrogen. NO secretion occurs into your body when the amino acid transforms into L-citruline with the help of a group of an enzyme known as Nitric Oxide Synthase.


This is an air pollutant which can be generally made by power plants, automobile engines, and cigarette smoke. NO is extremely helpful in shielding the liver from the harsh chemical damages.

Nitric Oxide can travel without any destruction from one tissue to another in your system directing and ordering a widely functions. NO works as an essential hormone, a messenger of intracellular and a neurotransmitter. But, the main work of NO is muscle building. It enhances the blood supply by increasing the flow of vital nutrients to your muscles.

Everyone needs nitric oxide to perform chief physiological processes inside the body. From the perspective of a bodybuilder, nitric oxide supplementations are useful to increase the growth by increasing the blood flow in some areas of a body.

Lack of energy or deficiency includes very physical weakness and fatigue. Mostly NO supplements involve with the amino acids like glutarate, alpha, Arginine, and keto.

You will easily get lots of Best Nitric Oxide supplements in this health market. Because of the mounting demand of muscle building products, most of the companies are combined the nitric oxide in their body building supplements. Wondering? Well yes, it’s not any voodoo or magic; it’s just a scientific reality.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/nitric-oxide-review-437222.html

About Author:

Best Nitric Oxide SupplementAuthor: Neo Jackson

UK house prices have fallen 10.5% this year, says Nationwide Building Society

Thursday, August 28, 2008

After dropping 1.9% in July, house prices in the United Kingdom are now falling at the fastest rate since 1990, according to Nationwide Building Society.

The average price of a home has dropped by £20,000 down to £164,654, losing 10.5% of its value in 2008. Property values fell by 1.9% in the past month, and 1.5% in July. In another study, it was revealed that house prices have been steadily falling since October last year.

Nationwide’s chief economist, Fionnuala Earley said that activities in the housing market had recently been “very subdued”, although there are signs of increased interests in home sales, possibly due to the appeal of lower house prices.

The Bank of England stated there has been an increase in the number of people taking out a fixed rate mortgage as opposed to a variable rate loan. Further research by Nationwide has concluded that mortgage approvals also fell by 65% last month.

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UK company “seriously considering” GPS tracking devices in school uniforms

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The leading supplier of school uniforms in the United Kingdom, Lancashire-based manufacturer Trutex, has announced it is “seriously considering” including GPS tracking devices in future ranges of its uniform products after conducting an online survey of both parents and children.

“As a direct result of the survey, we are now seriously considering incorporating a [tracking] device into future ranges” said Trutex marketing director Clare Rix.

The survey questioned 809 parents and 444 children aged nine to 16. It showed that 44% of parents were worried about the safety of pre-teen children, and 59% wanted tracking devices installed in school apparel. 39% of children aged nine to 12 were prepared to wear clothing with tracking devices in them, while teenagers were notably less enthusiastic and more wary of what Trutex has admitted they see as a “big brother” concept.

However, Trutex has claimed the tracking devices would bring about worthwhile benefits, including being a valuable resource for parents who wanted to keep a close eye on where their children were at all times.

“As well as being a safety net for parents, there could be real benefits for schools who could keep a closer track on the whereabouts of their pupils, potentially reducing truancy levels” says Rix.

Each year, Trutex supplies 1 million blouses, 1.1 million shirts, 250,000 pairs of trousers, 20,000 blazers, 60,000 skirts and 110,000 pieces of knitwear to the UK.

It is not the first company to manufacture school uniforms with a central focus on child safety; last week Essex firm BladeRunner revealed it was selling stab-proof school blazers to parents concerned about violence against their children. The blazers were outfitted with Kevlar, a synthetic fibre used in body armour. It has already received orders internationally, including Australia.

If the Trutex tracking devices go ahead, it is unclear where in the uniform they will be located.

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Home Loan Refinance : A Primer}

Home Loan Refinance : A Primer


Alan Lim

Why refinance?


Most homeowners choose a home loan refinance when they are in need of significant amounts of extra cash for a variety of reasons. For example, you may have a youngster who is nearing college age and you want to provide cash to reduce the amount of college loans that will be due upon graduation. You may need cash for pressing medical bills, or you may choose a home loan when you want to do major renovation to your home. Another common reason for refinancing and pulling equity from your home is to consolidate credit card debt and thus lower interest rates. When is the best time to refinance?Choosing a home loan refinance can make good sense at several times in your financial life. For example, you may have acquired your existing mortgage at a time when interest rates were high, due to the nation’s economy, or you may have had a higher interest rate because of personal credit issues. Refinancing should not be done frivolously, but when you are in genuine need of the cash, or when the savings in interest fees will more than offset the cost of the refinance. Because the refinance option taken too frequently can be a sign of a homeowner in financial trouble, you should avoid the refinance option except for times when it makes good financial sense to do so.What is the bottom line?The bottom line will result in a savings over all to you, or an increase to you. At times, the homeowner will do a home loan refinance and save thousands of dollars in interest fees since the interest rate has dropped. Another time when the interest fees will be lower over the term of the loan is if you are repaying a larger payment in order to reduce the term of the loan. If you are spreading the mortgage out over a longer period of time in order to reduce the payment amounts, you may end up with significantly more interest costs, plus the costs of the loan itself. What can you use the money for?A home loan refinance with cash out can be used for almost any purpose you wish. Depending on the way you structure your loan, you may have lump sum cash available; you may decide to have a line of credit tied to your home equity value, or you may use the funds to pay off existing debts and bills in order to free up disposable income each pay period in the future. The choice will depend upon the individual needs in your situation and how your tax picture is structured. Things to watch out forBe cautious in structuring a home loan refinance. You will want to verify that you are obtaining your loan through a legitimate broker or direct lender. Make sure that you don’t end up with a different type of loan than you thought you were getting. For example, if you want a fixed rate loan, take care that you aren’t sold a variable rate loan or one where you have a negative equity building.

Determine the characteristics and terms of a home refinancing choice is important. Choose a resource site that will help you to understand and compare various loan options. The best site on the internet can be located here at

Home Loan


Home Loan Refinance


Article Source:

Home Loan Refinance : A Primer}

Popular soap opera ‘The Young and the Restless’ celebrates 35 years on the air

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The popular American soap opera The Young and the Restless, currently the reigning Emmy Award-winner for best daytime drama, celebrated 35 years on the air Wednesday.

The 35th anniversary also comes after the series, known colloquially as Y&R, marked its 1,000th straight week as the highest-rated soap opera in a daytime slot. In addition to keeping the #1 spot every week since December 1988, Y&R has also been the top-rated soap in the African-American demographic since 1991.

A trend-setter since the beginning, Y&R relied on character-driven storytelling, accentuated with understated sexuality from its cast, which at that time was mostly young, in order to bring in teenage and twentysomething viewers who were ignored by soap producers and networks up to that time. These traits immediately set Y&R apart from other soap operas, and other soaps have since mimicked Y&R’s formulaic approach to offering something for everyone, especially younger viewers.

Since premiering on March 26, 1973, Y&R has become a worldwide cultural institution in its own right, racking up an impressive 100 Emmy Awards between the writers, producers, cast and crew since 1974. The show has aired in over 100 countries, including Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, and Turkey, and reaches a worldwide audience of ten million daily. So far-reaching was Y&R’s appeal that Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci chose the serial’s theme song as accompanying music to her floor exercises at the 1976 Summer Olympics. In Australia, where Y&R has aired since 1974, the show was canceled by the original network that aired it in 2007, prompting a widespread fan backlash in that country. It was quickly moved to a pay channel.

Over the past 35 years, countless characters, marriages, divorces, births, deaths, and every joy and trauma in between have visited the residents of Genoa City, where Y&R is set. To commemorate the milestone, Mike Halterman from Wikinews interviewed three actresses who have played long-running characters on Y&R, and asked them to share their memories. All three responded to questions about what being on Y&R means to them, what their favorite storylines were, what they perhaps would have wanted to do all over again, and what they’d love to tell their fans directly.

Below are portions of all three interviews.

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