North Korea launches missile in ‘military drill’

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

According to the Japanese Defense Ministry, North Korea has fired a short-range missile today into the Sea of Japan. Officials believed it to be part of a regular exercise.

“North Korea fired a short-range missile in what appeared to be part of a military drill,” a Japanese Defense Ministry official was quoted as saying by Yonhap News Agency.

A South Korean defense spokesman said such tests are routine.

“We don’t deny that North Korea fired a missile,” South Korean Army Colonel Ha Doo-chul, told Yonhap. “If it did, we regard it as a routine exercise.”

The test comes at the time when North Korea is inviting inspectors in to discuss its nuclear programs.

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Qatari diplomat detained on Las Vegas bound flight

Friday, April 9, 2010

A man tried to ignite his shoes during a flight from Washington, DC to Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday. Air Marshals subdued the Qatari diplomat on board the airplane before it landed safely at Denver International Airport in Colorado. The airplane was United Airlines Flight 663, a Boeing 757 with 157 passengers and 6 crew members on board.

A search concluded that there were no explosives on the plane. NBC News reports that there was smoke coming from a restroom which led to an air marshal subduing the suspect.

The diplomat was reportedly smoking a cigarette in the plane’s lavatory. He also reportedly stated, jokingly, that he wanted to light his shoe on fire. It is unlikely that he will face charges due to his diplomatic immunity.

After the incident was reported by the pilot, military jets scrambled and escorted the airplane safely to Denver. The TSA and law enforcement agencies took the suspect into custody and are currently investigating the incident.

This incident occurs just as many countries are trying to lift their airplane restrictions caused by a Nigerian man who tried to detonate explosives in his underwear.

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Comparing Home Security Systems

By Roger Thompson

Before spending you money on a surveillance unit, compare home security systems to make sure you are getting the best possible coverage for your money. Even with monitoring companies offering a system free of charge in exchange for a monitoring contract, the system they install may not be sufficient to protect your home, your property and your family. In addition to considering the coverage area, when you compare home security systems judge the quality of the components being used. Check into the companies that make and supply them to determine if they are a legitimate company and have been around for a while. Also check the reliability the components by contacting the police and fire departments to determine if the company has a history of false alarms. Even when a system is offered for free, you should expect quality materials and a quality installation.

If you are installing a system on your own, compare home security systems components to make sure they will provide the type of record you will need in the event something happens. Remember that security systems are meant to be deterrents to crime and as means of identifying an intruder. They should not be considered as a guarantee that once the system is installed you can sleep with the doors and windows unlocked or open.


When many companies design a complete package security system the use the items most often purchased, presuming everyone will want the same components. Every house is not built the same and there really is no one-size-fits-all system so when you compare home security systems ask the company if substituting one component for another is possible and if there will be any additional cost to do so.

There are some systems available for sale at some of the major hardware and retail stores that offer a bare minimum of cameras and monitor. When you compare home security systems included in these packages, you may find one that suits your needs at a considerably lower price. However, most of these systems are for small buildings and may not offer significant coverage for doors, windows and other entrances. It may be possible to combine different systems to achieve the coverage that you need for your house or property and when you compare home security systems make sure you look at all the available options to put together a system that works for you.

For federal, security and defense jobs visit

About the Author: Roger Thompson writes for Leading

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American guru Joseph M. Juran dies at age 103

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dr. Joseph M. Juran, an American industrial engineer and philanthropist, has died from a stroke on February 28 at the age of 103.

He was born on December 24, 1904 in Br?ila, Romania. In 1924, with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota (he would later earn a law degree), Juran joined Western Electric at the Hawthorne Works. His first job was in the inspection branch.

Juran was promoted to a managerial position in 1928, and the following year became a division chief. He would publish his first quality related article in Mechanical Engineering in 1935. In 1937 he moved to Western Electric/AT&T’s headquarters in New York City.

After World War II, Japan was experiencing a crisis in mass manufactured product quality. Japanese goods were thought to be inexpensive, however, easily broken and in general poor quality. The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) recognized these issues and invited Juran to Japan in 1954.

Juran is survived by his wife Sadie Shapiro, 3 sons and 1 daughter.

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Stock Exchange And Stock Trading Factors Or How To Get Success In Stock Trading

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Keep in mind: no matter how to start trading business; Read This method, bi? you ar?, you sell to a single person at a t?me. For how l?ng ?ave they stayed in b?siness? Who are their cust?mers? How well do y?u und?rstand that person? If you are selling to people, get a picture of yo?r normal cu?tomer: age, gender, race, education level, how do i start a personal shopper business to start a slingshot business marital status, income, interests, purchasing pra?tice?.You? skills will follow your skills. When yo? ?un a successful company, pract?ce makes perfect is the mind frame you require to be in. This will sho? to be any company indi?idual’s strength and the foundation of their s?ccess. In time ?ou wi?l discover skills that or?ginated from your ta?ents. Take your skills and put t?em to use. Skills originate f?om lots of practice from your talents.

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Essential Information About Decorative Electrical Supply In Nyc

byAlma Abell

With the advancement in technology, you can now enjoy a luxurious shower with just a press of the button. The use of electric showers has increased in the current times because of their efficiency and splendid styles. An electric shower has many inbuilt features that allow hot water to flow smoothly. You can easily control the water temperature as well as the amount of water flowing from the shower.

Decorative pull switches and designer switches have also become quite common in many modern households. These beautiful and unique switches can help to complement the decor of any room. They are supplied in a variety of colors and designs. Other decorative electrical supplies include sockets and screw-less switches, which appear quite sophisticated. The sockets are designed to cover screws, and thus prove to be a kind of embellishment to the rooms.

Today, modern homes require trendy and stylish electrical appliances that complement their interior decor. There is a wide range of electrical supplies that are stylish and affordable in the market today. Therefore, you can easily find the best Electrical Supply NYC, which will provide safety as well as style. Most decorative electrical appliances are supplied in a variety of designs and colors to match the interiors of any room. For example, lights, cables and fan switches are available in different colors such as brass color, black nickel, and satin chrome so that they can match the interiors decor of any home.

When you purchase your decorative Electrical Supply NYC from S & V General Supply Co. Inc., it is important you hire a license electrician to install it for you. A qualified electrician has adequate knowledge of the different types of electrical supplies. They will that your newly purchased electrical supply is installed properly and in a way, it adds the decor of the room. It is important you consider factors such as experience, education, licenses, insurance and the location of the electrician before you hire their services.

There are other decorative electrical supplies such as heating systems, ceiling fans, electric boxes, extension cords, security systems and power controllers available in the market today. However, you should make sure that all your electrical devices are installed by a qualified electrician to avoid the dangers associated with faulty installations.

Canada’s Don Valley West (Ward 25) city council candidates speak

Friday, November 3, 2006

On November 13, Torontonians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Don Valley West (Ward 25). Three candidates responded to Wikinews’ requests for an interview. This ward’s candidates include John Blair, Robertson Boyle, Tony Dickins, Cliff Jenkins (incumbent), and Peter Kapsalis.

For more information on the election, read Toronto municipal election, 2006.

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Belgian bus company knows solution for car parking problems

Monday, May 21, 2007

Do you have a hard time finding a parking space? Take the bus or tram if you go to the city. That’s the message Belgian bus company De Lijn (The Line) is sending to promote public transport as a solution for car parking problems. As a part of their media campaign, they have jokingly suggested that people use the top of the busses as parking space.

Another idea they are using in their media campaign: maybe you could park your car on the bottom of a canal? The bus company is using an invented diving company called Cardive, which has divers that offer to dump your car in the canal. The divers walk around in cities and hand out free bus tickets and maps of the bus network.

To reach car drivers who are not using public transport, the media campaign has several radio commercials that present other solutions to the car parking problem. You could use “asphalt-spray” to camouflage your car, making it invisible for policemen (although you then need to remember where you’ve parked). Or you could use the “flat tire kit”, which comes with a fake flat tire and an inflatable dummy, so it looks like you’re replacing your flat tire. The final idea the bus company has is to use a View-Master to fool parking guards into believing that your car has been stationed correctly.

A survey among 4000 customers of De Lijn shows that two out of three car owners who use public transport, do so to avoid parking space troubles, and in cities this percentage rises to 90%. The survey further shows that 39% use the bus to go shopping.

During the month of May, the auto-bus and the divers tour several cities in Flanders (Leuven, Hasselt, Ghent, Bruges and Antwerp).

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Weight Loss Exercise Tips For Endomorph Body Type

By Daniel Clay

Body types are characteristically classified in different categories of which the endomorphic type is quite common. This type of body is characterized by its smoothness and round features; accumulated body fat especially in the lower parts of the body namely thighs, buttocks, hips and lower abdomen. People with endomorphic traits have a slow rate of metabolism and an inherent tendency to accumulate fat in and around the body. Owing to the slow metabolic rate of endomorphs, they lose weight slowly and find it difficult to stay lean once some extra weight is shed. They have to keep exercising , so that calories are burnt all the time and the scope of fat deposition is minimized.

For endomorphs, mere diet restriction would not produce the desired result. If weight loss is to be achieved, it is imperative that the body fat is burnt off directly from the fat cells through aerobic exercises. These exercises are not capable of burning fat as efficiently as the other vigorous exercises, so an endomorph body type is advised to work out on a regular basis.

To burn fat directly, aerobic exercise is the choice. During exercise, the heart rate increases. You have to set a target heart rate in consultation with your trainer and physician. Of the aerobic exercises, brisk walking, swimming and rowing are the standard ones. The effort that an individual can put into the exercise regimen varies from person to person. Some have more stamina than others.


Another type of exercise regimen comprises of doing push-ups, squat thrusts, and chin-ups. These exercises burn carbohydrates first. Since these exercises are done in a short time span, they do not help much in burning fat unless performed over a long duration. These exercises however, tone up the body and make the muscles firm. These exercises often termed as anaerobic exercises burn more calories in a given time than aerobic exercises. The difficulty with these exercises is that they may prove too strenuous to be sustained for long.

Weight training appears to be the best choice for achieving the twin objective of burning calories stored in carbohydrates and fat. If you can exercise with weights that are enough to burn mostly carbohydrates and tone up the muscles, then you will be benefitted in the long run. Furthermore, the process serves to increase the metabolism so that more fat can be burnt while at rest. The result is weight loss and a firmer body. You must employ a trainer to take lessons in weight training. It is only then that you can be assured of positive results.

Exercise may begin with squats, leg curls, bench press, pull down, and shoulder press, later on biceps and triceps exercises. There should be around twelve repetitions for each exercise and one has to exercise at least three days per week.

In conclusion it has to be mentioned that individuals with endomorphic body traits have to work very hard to shed weight. Their exercise regimen though not very vigorous has to be regular to achieve the weight loss goal.

About the Author: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Personal Training. If you would like to book a session with

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Australian PM announces public affairs channel

Monday, December 8, 2008

Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd launched the Australian Subscription Public Affairs Network today. The channel, a production of Sky News and subscription television providers Foxtel and Austar is modeled on the United States’ C-SPAN channel. Broadcasts will commence January 20, 2009.

The initiative is solely funded by industry with no contribution from the government.

The network will be available on subscription television, the Internet and digital free-to-air television and will show sittings of Federal parliament as well as the United States Congress, New Zealand parliament, British House of Commons and state parliaments in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Live speeches at the National Press Club will also be covered.

A-SPAN has also entered into a deal to show Australian politics on the US C-SPAN network.

Prime Minister Rudd said that A-SPAN will give a “fly-on-the-wall” perspective of politics, in the same vein as C-SPAN in the US. He said A-SPAN is “a good thing for our democracy” and that “it’s a superb initiative”.

Mr Rudd conceded that the channel will be popular among fans of politics.

“Political junkies will of course love it, they’ll now have one more way to drive their family and friends absolutely mad,” Mr Rudd said.

Mr Rudd said he looked forward to introducing Australian English from the parliament of Australia to an international audience.

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